Saturday, August 31, 2019
Introduction to Business Management
In order for an organization to be successful they must hire and retain talented and productive employees to keep the business going strong. In order to ensure that the organization is hiring the correct employee the business must come up with an organized plan, or a pre-hilling assessment plan to properly screen all potential candidates for the Job. According to an online article from A&R Associates, Interviews alone cannot properly screen a potential hire, the Interview Is only about twenty five percent accurate in placing the proper individual (A&R Associates, 2013).If an organization was in the process of hiring for the open position of the President of a major retail store chain they would want to ensure they had a thorough pre-hire assessment plan prior to accepting applications or conducting any interviews. Obviously this position is at the top of the chain and very important to the organization's success. Therefore, it is very important that the company does its homework up f ront and increases the chances of hiring the right person the first time.The first step to ensuring the organization Is ready to hire the position of President Is to employ a Job modeling methodology which will be utilized to Identify personal competencies that are required to perform the specific Job that Is being hired (Fisher, 2011). Ensuring this Is accomplished from the start will allow the company to run a comparison between different job candidates, which in turn will ensure the correct applicant is ultimately selected for the position.This process also helps an organization reduce unnecessary turn over. After the Job description is written and approved the next step would be to research the potential candidates Job history by talking to previous supervisors as ell as the upper management of their previous Job or jobs. This will allow the manager to assess the candidates skills based on previous job experience and may also give some Information on the candidates personality a nd aptitude for the Job.Since this Job Is at the top level it is Important that the pre-hiring assessment also Include various tests for measuring key competencies, such as: achievement tests, which will help measure how well the candidate has been trained; Integrity tests, which measures the candidates attitudes towards dishonesty: and last but not least he biographical inventory, which will help the employer determine the type of person the candidate is by looking into their prior history (Fisher, 2011). Different levels of positions require different levels of screening in order to get the right candidate into the position.For a position as high up as President it is important for the company to screen the candidate for how strategic, rule conscious, motivating, and emotionally intelligent they are by administering cognitive, personality, and ability tests (Fisher, 2011). Once the organization has developed the necessary pre-hire assessment plan It Is extremely Important that the staff members administering the interviews, tests, and analyzing the results are educated regarding this process and that they understand they must keep this Information confidential (Fisher, 2011).The employer should also give feedback to candidates that are not hired to ensure candidates think there is a discriminatory reason they did not get hired it will also help them in the future hiring process (Fisher, 2011). Overall it is necessary for an organization to employ a pre-hiring assessment plan to keep the playing field fair; however, it is equally important to ensure this process is assessed by employing assessment experts to ensure all is implemented fairly and that it adheres to EEOC and DAD policy (Fisher, 2011).
Friday, August 30, 2019
Trade Unions and the Industrial Revolution
Trade Unions had struggled to achieve the freedom to exist in the early stages of the industrial revolution. Provide a critical account of their early developments, noting some of the major changes in their formation and character. A trade union can be described as an organization of workers who have banded together to achieve common goals in key areas and working conditions. They were established around the early eighteenth century and membership was low and most were from within crafting industries but as the success of trade unions became apparent, workers in other industries began to see the benefits of unions to allow them to go from strength to strength and establish themselves in a wider variety of sectors. However, up until the late eighteenth century trade unions were mainly illegal, â€Å"unions were forbidden by special statutes, and they could be proceeded against at common law, for ‘conspiracy in restraint of trade’. †(Derry and Jarman, XXXX, p. 41). Since then, memberships levels, mergers, formations, dissolutions and breakaways, have all had an impact resulting in changes in union formation and character, these can be seen largely through the parliamentary acts that have been passed in relation to it. By examining the various historic triumphs of workers over their employers such as the Match-girls and the London Docker s, it is possible to establish the changes in formation and character and how trade unions managed to pull through the industrial revolution to become such an influential part of society today. One of the first noteable changes was an increase in membership levels because as the employment sector grew with the industrial revolution, workers began to see the opportunities available to them, to improve the quality of their working life by joining trade unions and thus made the effort to form specialized organisations that would protect their interest against exploitive employers. However, in 1799 and 1800 William Pitt, the Prime Minister, passed Combination Laws which made it illegal for workers to join together to pressure their employers for shorter hours and more pay or prevent employers from choosing whom they wish to employ selectively. This made it increasingly difficult for trade unions to even form and as a result they were effectively made illegal. One could say that towards the end of the eighteenth century, tat the journeymen's societies had developed into trade unions. The Combinations Acts were used infrequently and combinations continued to spread across a variety of occupations and the Acts were repealed in 1824, however, this was followed by an outbreak of strikes and as a result the 1825 Combination Act was passed which again imposed limitations on the right to strike. As a result of this, trade unions were forced to use debate and other more cerebal methods to achieve their goals rather than immediately resorting to violent strikes. Another noteable change in formation amongst trade unions became apparent in 1834 when there was an attempt to establish a Grand National Consolidated Trades' Union bringing together all the unions but it never attracted general support. From 1830 onwards, attempts were made to set up national general unions to try and widen the movement and increase awareness and involvement, most notably Robert Owen's Grand National Consolidated Trades Union (GNCTU) in 1834, which gained 250,000 members. Unfortunately it collapsed due to internal strife and lack of funds. Around the same time there was the case of the Tolpuddle Martyrs from one of the GNCTU’s sub divisions, the Friendly Society of Agricultural Labourers who were sentenced to seven years transportation but a campaign launched for their release had their sentence remitted in 1836. This was the first of its kind and now people were beginning to see a real change and workers interests were being represented more in society and now a large majority of employees belonged to trade unions. More permanent trade unions were established from the 1850s, based on â€Å"new aims and a better organization for the new Unions of better-paid workers. †(Derry and Jarman, XXXX, p. 146). In 1851 the Amalgamated Society of Engineers was formed after sever local and sectional engineering unions merged together (Blackboard, 2008). This society formed a new organisation of trade unionism which was followed by Carpenters and Joiners and other trade unions. These unions were â€Å"respected by employers because they hand money in the bank and prudence as their first principle†. They had a cautious industrial policy and used strikes as a last resort. (Derry and Jarman, XXXX, p. 146). The new Liberal government headed by William Gladstone saw The Trade Union Congress campaigning for the Minority Report, the campaign was successful and the 1871 Trade Union Act was based largely on the Minority Report. This act secured the legal status of trade unions. As a result of this legislation no trade union could be regarded as criminal because â€Å"in restraint of trade†; trade union funds were protected. Although trade unions were pleased with this act, they were less happy with the Criminal Law Amendment Act passed the same day that made picketing illegal. Trade unions also went through many amalgamations and legal changes, for example, until 1850, unions had been involved primarily in local affairs (with the exception of the miners) but from the middle of the century, the growth of railways meant that communications were easier and amalgamations began to take place. The engineering industry was in the lead and the Amalgamated Society of Engineers (ASE) was established in 1850. It modelled itself on the friendly society, providing unemployment, sickness and disablement benefits and a funeral allowance. Certain other merging unions – for example in woodworking and tailoring – followed the ASE's model but others kept their friendly society and trade sections separate. And many local societies remained; even the national unions still gave much autonomy to branches and districts and there was a constant danger of breakaways. The model was still predominantly about the protection of craft status, with the aim of limiting entry and even when technological change took place, of preserving jobs for their members and although women were entering the labour market in increasing numbers, there was hostility to women penetrating new areas of work and unions were exclusively male. Alongside the growth of national unions came the development of trades councils from around 1858 in major towns and cities. Bringing together unions locally, their aim was to co-ordinate support in disputes and to help create a climate of opinion more favourable to the unions. In 1868, the Manchester and Salford Trades Council called what is usually taken as the first meeting of what was to become the Trades Union Congress (TUC), an annual meeting to encourage collaboration between unions and put pressure on the government. By the 1870s, the TUC had a full-time general secretary and by 1895 representation at the TUC was restricted to unions, and trades councils were excluded altogether to avoid dual representation. The TUC's Parliamentary Committee took a growing role in representing the union view to government. Industrial disputes continued, unsurprising at a time of rapid change when new working practices and technologies were being introduced. The major strikes were almost always about how work should be carried out and who could be employed on particular tasks; entry and preservation of craft status (which implied having served an apprenticeship) remained predominant aims. Most strikes began as unofficial affairs, later ratified by a sometimes reluctant national leadership; this feature was still evident a century later. But most union leaders had an interest in stability; apart from other considerations, strikes were a threat to their funds, and unions have never been well-funded. From the late eighteen hundreds, trade unions began to grow steadily, by the beginning of the 1880s, the number of trade unionists has been estimated at around three-quarters of a million, most in skilled trades although the majority of the workforce was unskilled. In the 1880s, led by seamen, dockers and gas workers who held notably successful strikes, serious organisation of the unskilled and semi-skilled began. Women too formed separate trade unions. The predominant ideology behind the craft unions had been Non-Conformism and self-help. During the period of the growth of new unions, socialism began to play a part and many young activists were inspired by it. But the climate tended towards the anarchic: these so-called ‘new unions' competed with each other, often with intense inter-union rivalry. This was not confined to the new unions: new processes were blurring traditional patterns of working, and in engineering and shipbuilding there were demarcation disputes between the craft unions, refusals to support semi-skilled workmates in disputes, and even industrial action against them. There were growing demands for closed shops, in which only union members could be permitted to be employed, and blacklisting of employers not recognising unions increased. The result was a spate of legal actions in the 1890s, culminating in the Taff Vale Judgment of 1901 which held that trade unions could be held liable for wrongful acts committed by their officials. A further judgment, Quinn v Leathem, ruled that a strike could be regarded as a conspiracy to injure, and once again unions could be held liable for the damages. These judgments had the further effect of making the leadership of unions realise that a voice in Parliament was needed to protect their funds, and by 1904 over half the unions affiliated to the TUC were also affiliated to the Labour Representation Committee, the forerunner of the Labour Party. Legal developments aside, from the 1880s and up to the First World War, unions were increasingly recognised as having a legitimate place in society. Governments generally wanted social stability, which meant seeking to reinforce moderate union leaders against more militant elements. Many employers had concluded that seeking to exclude unions would be counter-productive, and employers' associations like the Engineering Employers' Federation developed to deal with unions and to provide assistance to their members in national and local bargaining. (Some employers, like those on the railways, did resist however and it is probably no coincidence that both the Taff Vale and Osborne Judgments involved railway companies. ) The terms â€Å"industrial relations†and â€Å"collective bargaining†entered the language, although it is difficult to say precisely when. Amalgamations of unions continued and membership grew rapidly: there were 4. 1 million trade unionists in 1914, as against 1. 5 million in 1894. By the 1860s the main industrial towns and cities of Britain were establishing many small Trade Councils. In 1886 trade unionists in Sheffield were accused of using arson and murder to intimidate non-unionists and this spurred the 34 leaders of these Councils to meet together in Manchester to consider forming a single large organisation that would provide a united voice in the defence of all Trade Unions and hence the Trade Union Congress (TUC) came to be. It was agreed an annual meeting would be held to discuss issues of importance to the labour movement. The legal status of trade unions in the United Kingdom was established by a Royal Commission in 1867, which agreed that the establishment of the organizations was to the advantage of both employers and employees. Unions were legalized in 1871. In 1871 Trade Unions were no longer considered to be unlawful and full legal protection was given to union funds and the year when the Criminal Law Amendment Act was passed which prohibited picketing and placed restrictions on the right to strike. Anybody who sought representation or felt they were subjected to poor working conditions, now knew where to go and who to go to. The Bryant & May dispute was the first strike by unorganized workers to gain national publicity with 1400 women at Bryant and May going on strike, gaining support from many significant people in society. It was also successful as it helped inspire the formation of unions all over the country. However it is important not to over exaggerate the success of trade unions as by 1888 only 5% of the labour force were members of trade unions. Another turning point in history for trade unionism was the London Dockers Strike, where workers wanted better pay and shorter working hours and even gained financial support from trade unions in Australia which led them to a victory over their employers. Over the next few years a large number of unskilled workers joined trade unions. Between 1892 and 1899 membership of trade unions increased from 1,500,000 to over 2,000,000 as explained by McArthy (XXXX) Throughout the century, trade unionism went through many significant changes that widened its membership and allowed the movement to flourish. It is because of these changes and development within individual movements that more and more of society’s needs were being represented via trade unions. It was difficult though for unions to be largely representative at any one given point though due to big political movements that were also going on at the time and also because there still wasn’t quite the feeling of collectiveness amongst workers and unions weren’t largely representative of the majority of society until workers began to realise that grouping together against tyrannical employers could lead to change. For the most part, people have belonged to trade unions because they offer protection – in the early days to provide help in the absence of a welfare state, and then to counteract the greater economic strength of employers, to provide legal and other support to members who believe they suffer injustices, and to campaign for reform. They are products of their times, and like other institutions reflect the political and social atmosphere of their day, as well as their own histories. No doubt this will continue to be so in the future.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Tell Tale Heart
Allen Poe, one central idea is obsession. Poe uses both structural choices and point of view to show this central idea. Pope's structural choices shows us how much obsession about getting rid of the eye the narrator has. In paragraph three it says†undid the lantern cautiously o h so cautiously cautiously†. This repetition shows us that the narrator is putting a I to of effort and time into his obsession. In paragraph eleven it says â€Å"The old man's hour has come!They exclamation shows us how excited the narrator gets when he HTH inks he is going to get rid Of his obsession. Finally in paragraph fifteen†Search search w bade them†. The way Poe says this shows us that the narrator was truly obese seed with getting rid of the eye, because the narrator thinks he has gotten away from hi obsession safely. All of Pope's structural choices shows how much the narrator is obsessed. The point of view also shows the narrator's obsession.In paragraph two the orator says , â€Å"l loved the old man,†adding, â€Å"He had never wronged me. †Alls o in paragraph two, he reveals that he was obsessed with the old man's eye â€Å"the eye off vulture a pale blue eye, with a film over it. †Without any real motivation, then, other than his obsession, he decides to take the old man's life. Lastly in paragraph t hearten it says â€Å"A tub had caught it all ha! Ha! â€Å". This text shows us that to the narrator, hi s obsession is just a game. Poe used structural and point of view to show us the narrator's obsession.
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Assignment4 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Assignment4 - Assignment Example Saxophones are a common instrument in the contemporary society. Thus, the instrument can be found in musical classes or other Jazz sessions. The shiny nature of the instrument portrays it as an artistic masterpiece that arouses varied feelings on musical players. The instrument was originally intended for military and classical musical purposes. Owing to the versatility of the instrument, musicians in other genres around the globe are now playing the saxophone. Consequently, musicians in the avant-garde, classical, jazz, and pop and rock are playing the saxophone. The instrument can sound wild and poignant or smooth and stifling (Stewart et al., 5). The instrument can seamlessly blend into any joint, be it jazz big bands or orchestras. Moreover, the saxophone blends into the ensemble rock band solos or jazz quartets. Musicians in the contemporary world are trying to stretch the instruments into accommodating virtually every genre of music. Thus, the saxophone is steadily finding novel purpose in many genres of music. The design features of the saxophone depict an exceptional work of art. The design features appear attractive from the outward look to the inner features that create sound. The saxophone is a wind instrument of the nature of a conical bore. The instrument has a varying that increases from one end to the other (Hippe, 40). Thus, the instrument begins with a single diameter in one end that expands proportionately to the lowermost end of the instrument. By contrast, cylindrical instruments such as the clarinet, maintain uniform diameters in the whole length of the instrument. The varied design features of the saxophone have inner functionalities besides the outward looks. Conical bore instruments characteristically produce mellower and warmer qualities of tone compared to cylindrical instruments. Although saxophones are typically constructed using brass, plastic, gold and silver can also be utilized in the construction (Hippe,
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Introduction to management science coursework Research Paper
Introduction to management science coursework - Research Paper Example better analysis, we have separated the data into Small debtors (250 customers owing in total $86,370) and Big debtors (30 customer owing in total $43,630). This division resulted in significant increase in correlation coefficient for both groups in comparison to the general population. Correlation coefficient values (0.780 and 0.655) indicate strong positive relationship between amount of debt and number of days. That means that customers who receive bigger amount of credit tend to pay later compared to the group's average. An average big debtor pays back later than the average small debtor (19.2 vs. 14.1 days on average). It is recommended: To implement stricter credit policy and receivables collection for high amounts of credit for each group separately (e.g. more than $500 for small debtors and more than $1,500 for big debtors); To concentrate on big debtors as, on average, they pay later and own significant amounts (less than 11% of customers owe 33.6% of the total amount of receivables). 3. 'All-For-Kids': i. Storage costs: one pack gets allocated the cost of renting 1.5/15 = 0.1 feet (10) Let S be average stock throughout the year. Then annual holding stock cost is: 0.15*2.50*365*S + 10*S = 146.9*S Storage cost constitutes 10S/146.9S = 6.8% out of total holding stock cost. ii. The quantity ordered should equal to 2S. With the optimal order schedule the cost of order-handling and shipment would offset the cost of holding one more additional day of stock: 0.15*2.50*S + (10/365)*S = 30 Solving we find S = 75. The optimal order should be 2S = 150 packs and made every three working days. iii. It has been assumed that when the new order is delivered the actual quantity on stock is zero. It is not very realistic with regard to real businesses because of demand...However, the two distinct groups in the set can be seen and, for purpose of better analysis, we have separated the data into Small debtors (250 customers owing in total $86,370) and Big debtors (30 customer owing in total $43,630). This division resulted in significant increase in correlation coefficient for both groups in comparison to the general population. Correlation coefficient values (0.780 and 0.655) indicate strong positive relationship between amount of debt and number of days. That means that customers who receive bigger amount of credit tend to pay later compared to the group's average. An average big debtor pays back later than the average small debtor (19.2 vs. 14.1 days on average). iii. It has been assumed that when the new order is delivered the actual quantity on stock is zero. It is not very realistic with regard to real businesses because of demand fluctuations and safety stock that is usually kept. Conducting the similar analysis for lower limit of every range, we see that in all cases additional costs are higher than additional savings and the store's manager should keep the order level at 150 packs.
Company Research - Australain Stock Exchange Paper
Company - Australain Stock Exchange - Research Paper Example In April and May, the share price has a general decline trend with slight increases. For the month of June, the share price is initially stable, declines and then starts rising. In July, it declines, becomes stable and then starts rising. Between August and November, the share price steadily declines, and rises, stabilizes, then declines and finally stabilizes in November. In December, there is a steady decline in share price with little stability towards the end of the month and starts rising in January 2012, then stabilizes till almost the end of February when it starts declining, stabilizes a bit, then undergoes a steady decline in March 2012.Therefore, the general trend in the share price for the last twelve months has been volatile. The ASX General Index has mainly been unstable. There is a general decline in the share index with slight increases between March and May 2011.From May, the share index rises with slight declines. It stabilizes a bit at the beginning of June, and then undergoes a steady decline. In July, it rises and declines steadily. In August, there is a steady decline till the minimum share index, then it rises and undergoes an unsteady decline and rise till March 2012. Therefore, the share index has been volatile for the last twelve months. The AYI share index has generally performed better compared to the ASX General Index. As the ASX General Index declines, the AYI share index also declines, especially between the months of March and May, and as the ASX General Index rises, the AYI share index also rises, at times even higher than the General Index, especially between May and August ( The company’s last announcement to the public was made on 1st March 2012 and it was titled `The Competent Person’s Statement.†The announcement was significant because it is a requirement by the ASX as part of the listing rules.
Monday, August 26, 2019
Details of the European Crisis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Details of the European Crisis - Essay Example The critical issues that shaped the crisis include; competitive weakness, weak and actual growth and large debt-to-GDP ratios. Other important issues are liquidation of banks and sovereigns, considerable liability stocks both in private, government and non-private sectors (Arestis & Sawyer, 2012). The crisis was complicated making it difficult for European nations to refinance or repay the debts of their governments without the intervention of a third party such as IMF or ECB. In addition, the banks within the Euro zone were undercapitalized and, as a result, were influenced by debt problems and liquidity. Due to the crisis, the rate of economic growth was slow in the entire region. Similarly, the economic growth was unequally distributed across the member states (Lynn, 2011). The governments of the nations that were ruthlessly affected coordinated with "the troika". The troika is a committee formed by three international organizations namely, the European Central Bank, the European Commission, and the International Monetary Fund. Virtually, in 1992 the EU signed the Maastricht Treaty. The agreement regulated their debt levels and the limit deficit spending. Nonetheless, at the onset of the year 2000, some of the member states defied the criteria of the treaty. These countries instead decided to analyze government revenues to minimize their deficit or debts. Therefore, evading the desired practice and not being able to follow the international standards (Arestis & Sawyer, 2012). This gave the sovereigns a chance to mask their deficit and debt levels by embracing a combination of approaches such as off-balance-sheet transactions, inconsistent accounting and the use of complex credit derivatives, as well as currency structures. The low-interest rates resulted to excessive government spending and borrowing primarily in member states like Greece during the decade lead. Since
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Scott Joplin Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
Scott Joplin - Essay Example The exact details of Scott Joplin's birth are uncertain, but he was born probably in Linden Texas, between June 1, 1867 and mid-January 1868. He had five siblings, among which he was the second child. His parents were Florence Givins and Giles Joplin. When he was still a very young child his family moved to Texarkana, where his mother cleaned homes for a living. Because of his mother's work he was able to delve into music, and eventually his mother bought him a piano. His talent was noticed by a German music teacher, Julius Weiss, who decided to teach him for free. His experience with Weiss probably spurred him on his musical career. He went to George R. Smith College in Sedalia, where he studied composition. Around 1891 Joplin was in a minstrel troupe, and by 1895 he was in New York, selling some songs. In 1894 he moved to Sedalia, where he worked as a pianist in various places, including gentlemen's clubs.
Saturday, August 24, 2019
War and Terrorism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
War and Terrorism - Essay Example These are some of the factors that the US could have put into consideration before making the decision to get into war with these two countries. The decision to get into war in Afghanistan and Iraq was a reactionary move rather than one that was based on a plan. As a result, United States committed many mistakes which gave the enemies an upper hand in the fight. This explains the reason why there were very many casualties among the US soldiers, an aspect that was not anticipated when the decision was being made. After the September 11 attack, the US was under intense pressure to apprehend the people behind the attack (Boss, 2010). However, the planners never took into consideration the experience of the local fighters in the hostile terrain. Instead, they based their decision on the military power. Furthermore, the US used force rather than intelligence. This made it hard for the US to win the war in both countries. According to Just War Theory, taking human life is wrong and states have a duty to defend their citizens and justice. However, going to war against Iraq and Afghanistan was not the right thing because it led to a war of religions (Boss, 2010). It led to massive killing of innocent people especially women and children, an aspect that increased hatred between people emanating from different religious backgrounds. Initially, people used to exist freely without taking into consideration the religion affiliation of others. However, since the insurgence, the Muslims have taken it upon themselves to protect their religion. Although the war against the two countries was not meant to divide Christians and Muslims, the terrorist groups have been able to win the hearts of some of their fellow Muslim brothers and sisters. As a result, they have been able to use the religion issue to attract more followers and fighters to these groups. Therefore, poor planning by the US escalated the war, an asp ect that explains why the
Friday, August 23, 2019
The Effects of Prison Economy Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
The Effects of Prison Economy - Research Paper Example Siegel (2009) has clearly and simply proffered the basic mechanics of the existence of a courtroom workgroup by averring that the prosecution and defense unite to work out a criminal case in a collaborative and cooperative juncture to arrive at an agreement amenable to both parties (20). The benefits that the courtroom workgroup would generate on all parties involved are deemed to outweigh the costs of going through the entire judicial proceedings of a trial. If people are to be made more aware of the essential ingredients, approach and pronounced benefits of courtroom workgroup, sentencing decisions and agreed settlement of criminal cases would be facilitated at the most appropriate time frame. The effect of courtroom workgroup on the outcome of criminal cases would be evaluated and assessed in terms of factors that influence the decision. In this regard, the current research aims to proffer issues relative of courtroom workgroups by expounding and exploring its definition, the basi c components of the workgroup, the essential ingredients to make it work. One would delve into the roles and functions of the components of the workgroup to determine the impact on sentencing decisions. Finally, the impact of courtroom workgroup would be closely analyzed from different perspectives as seen in diverse points of views. Do criminal justice outcomes arrived at by courtroom workgroups serve the best interests of all parties involved? Definition and Goals Courtroom Workgroups To clearly provide a greater understanding of courtroom workgroups, the exact definition of the terms would be presented. The research conducted by Haynes, Ruback and Cusick (2008) cited the studies made by Eisenstein and his colleagues (Eisenstein et al., 1988; Eisenstein & Jacob, 1977; Nardulli, Eisenstein, & Flemming, 1988), who averred that â€Å"courtroom workgroups consist of individuals who share a common workplace, who interact in the performance of their jobs, and whose collective purpose i s to dispose of case†(Haynes,, 2008, 5). Vuolo (2007) expounded on the composition of the courtroom workgroup as â€Å" prosecutors, defense attorneys, judges, and occasionally police (who) work together with the mutual interest of getting the job done as efficiently as possible†(10). The author, likewise, emphasized that although there is a degree of cooperation, some level of restraint and control in the level of behavior of the participants. As Siegel (2009) indicated, the people who comprise the courtroom work group have established a degree of familiarity despite assumption of disparate roles and considered to have acquired competencies and expertise in their respective functions that their objective is to streamline the system to eliminate unnecessary delays and to circumvent costs related to trials. The study of Eisenstein and his colleagues, cited by Haynes, (2008) have prompted the focus on the perception of courtroom workgroups, in terms of offen ders and cases, as significantly affecting the outcome of sentencing. Therefore, to answer the research question as the goal of the current study, a closer examination of the composition, function, and factors that influence courtroom work groups’ decision would provide the key to the response. The factors that need to be considered in courtroom work groups are the degree and extent of familiarity among the members, as well as â€Å"the context in which the court is located, and the county legal culture (i.e.,
Thursday, August 22, 2019
A Tentative Study of Trademark Translation Essay Example for Free
A Tentative Study of Trademark Translation Essay Abstract: Trademark is a special kind of language signs. It is the concentration of commodities’ distinct characteristics, the core of commodities’ culture, and the powerful weapon for an enterprise to participate in international competitions. With the development of globalization and the increase in international trade, the products of importing and exporting strengthen day by day; the translation of trademarks is gaining more and more attention. Nowadays, more and more people have realized that a good translation of a trademark in promoting sales is crucial to the development of international markets and profits making. According to some instances of trademark translation, this thesis summarizes some main characteristics of trademark, and discusses the principles and some general methods of trademark translation. Key words: Trademark; characteristics; translation principles; translation methods : , , , , , , , , , , : ; ; ; Introduction According to R. Heis, an American economist: â€Å"A brand name, i. e. trademark is a name, form, sign, design or a combination of them that tells who makes it or who sells it, distinguishing that product from those made or sold by others. †(Guo Guilong Zhang Hongbo, 2008: 100) A trademark is just like a product’s name, which is the representative of the image of a company and the symbol of quality. In promoting sales, the trademark plays a very important role in arousing consumer’s desire to shop, bringing the huge economic benefits and even in determining the survival of a company. With China’s joining to the WTO, China strengthens cooperation with other countries, including increasingly frequent economic and trade exchanges. How to introduce our products to foreign countries, bring foreign products into the domestic markets and conduct a successful sales business has become quite important. Therefore, a successful translation of trademark becomes urgent and necessary for the enterprises. While trademark translation is not only a simple conversion from one code to another, but a clear intention of the cross-language commercial, a special cross-cultural communication activity. Thus, it is vital for us to pay more attention to the principles and methods of trademark translation. Chapter1 The Characteristics of Trademark Though there are various definitions of trademark, they share something in common. In general, a trademark should be simple and easy to remember, and should be distinctive and favorably associative. 1. 1 Simple and Easy to Remember It is a basic requirement for a trademark to be simple and easy to spell. Choosing short and simple words for composing trademarks will help consumers comprehend them more easily, because simple and short words are easy to keep in memory. Nowadays, with the fast development of economy, more and more trademarks flood into the market, how could consumers memorize all of them? Therefore, if a trademark is short and easy to spell and memorize, it can occupy the market easily. In fact, most well-known trademarks are in short form, such as Nike, Sony, Apple and so on. 1. 2 Distinctive from Similar Products We all know that the purpose of using trademarks is to distinguish one product from others. Therefore, to be distinctive is another important characteristic of a trademark. Trademarks, in a sense, are equal to signs and reputations. Distinctiveness can help customers not to be easily confused with other trademarks in the market either by sound or appearance. Distinctive and typical words may be used to distinguish the relevant product from others. â€Å"Kodak†(camera) created by the manager, is distinctive and easy for the potential consumers to memorize. The Chinese famous trademark â€Å"Lenovo†( ),can easily be differentiated from other computers, because â€Å"Lenovo†, a coined word, can be associated with the word â€Å"legend†which is particular and attractive. Lenovo is more innovative than legend. Adventurous consumers will prefer that trademark distinguishes the relevant product from other computers with consummate ease. 1. 3 Arousing Favorable Association Most trademarks can arouse favorable association, which is an indispensable feature of trademark. Owing to the requirement of marketing, a trademark is not only a sign, but also an advertisement. It should arouse the favorable association and show the good quality to consumers. Some trademarks have inherent meaning and some have historic or cultural connotations, both of which can arouse favorable associations. â€Å"LUX†(soap) is a product of Unilever Company. â€Å"LUX†, a Latin word, means â€Å"sunshine†. So the consumer can associate it with â€Å"bright sunshine and healthy skin†. This trademark even let people imagine the romantic feeling on the summer beach. Whats more, consumers can associate â€Å"LUX†with â€Å"lucks†and â€Å"luxury†from its appearance and pronunciation. Thus, Unilever Company publicizes the good quality of its products by the favorable association of the trademark. From the above example, we can see that the inherent meaning of trademarks plays an important part in advertising and can arouse people’s desirable association and let them accept the products. Chapter 2 The Principles of Trademark Translation Trademark translation is an art as well as a science. It is a comprehensive process which is related to linguistics, translation theory, intercultural communication, aesthetics, and consumer psychology. Generally speaking, trademark translation is a complex task of compromising between the meanings of trademarks and their consumers. Therefore, to translate trademarks successfully, some principles should be taken into consideration. 2. 1 Reveal the Products Characteristics Usually, every product has its identification. Trademark translation should show the features and functions of the products, so that the buyers could immediately think of the usage of products when they see the trademarks. As has been discussed by Xu Hui and Cheng Zhendong, the characteristic of a product means that it has some basic elements which differ from those of others (Xu Hui, 2004:55-56). The translated brand name should match with the characteristics of products and show the idea of the original name. The characteristics of products not only distinguish from others, but also contain the ability to communicate with the consumers. Thus, in the process of translation, the translator should grasp the characteristics of the products, so as to promote the understanding of products for consumers, and help learn the characteristics and functions of the products by the first sight. For example, a trademark of suit-dress â€Å"Hope Show†is translated into â€Å" †, in which the word â€Å"? †instantly reflects in the products for the apparel category, and â€Å"? †add more promotion of a happy and peaceful feeling to the goods. The translation not only reflects the features of the product but also caters to consumers’ aesthetic taste. Nobody will have interest in products which they are not acquainted. A successful trademark translation should have the trait that customers can learn the category and characteristics of the product. Like â€Å"Nike†, the famous American brand of sports wears, is the name of the goddess Victory in Greek myth. According to its pronunciation, it can be translated into â€Å" †or â€Å" †in Chinese. However, these two names can’t reveal the characteristics of the product, but even give people a misunderstanding that â€Å"Nike†is some products for women. â€Å" †is better. â€Å"? †means something durable. As the sport wear, durability is equal to good quality. â€Å"? †implies that people can finally overcome difficulties and succeed, conforming with the connotation of Victory. These two words in Chinese show the features of the product perfectly. Another example is Procter Gambles antidandruff shampoo â€Å"Head Shoulders†. The translation â€Å" †means dandruff disappears when washed, and highlights the distinct characteristics of the product fully. Another two examples are â€Å"Sportsman†(bicycle) and â€Å"Unlsports†(sports shoes). The former is translated into â€Å"†, the latter into â€Å" †. If you are not familiar with the trademarks, who will associate it with their products? 2. 2 Choose the Appropriate Words As the symbol of products, trademarks should be simple and easy to remember and understandable for consumers. So in order to leave the best impression on consumers, translators should choose some appropriate words during the process of trademark translation. The more complicated words in the translation, the weaker the trademark sounds and the less memorable it becomes. For instance, McDonald’s was transliterated into â€Å"†in mainland of China before and now is displaced by â€Å" †. Also, in mainland, the brand name â€Å"Hewlett Packard†had a long translation of â€Å" - †for a long period. Now, the six-character version, long and meaningless, has been replaced by the two-character version â€Å" †. Balancing these two versions, we can see the latter is easier to pronounce and memorize. Moreover, â€Å" †contains more meanings and can stimulate more favorable e favorable association of the the productassociation of consumers. Similarly, â€Å"Head Shoulder†(shampoo) was transliterated into â€Å" †before and now a more compact and meaningful version â€Å" †is popular. â€Å"Stafanel†, the brand name for apparel from US, is translated into â€Å" †now. However, what about a two-character version â€Å" †? Also in China, â€Å"Mercedes-Benz†, the brand name for a quality car from Germany, was transliterated into â€Å"  · †before and yet is put into â€Å" †at present. A car from Great Britain â€Å"Rolls Royce†is translated into â€Å" †now instead of the former transliteration â€Å"  · †. The Chinese version for â€Å"Fair Child†, a semi-conductor from the US, was â€Å" †before and now is â€Å" †instead. â€Å" †is easier to be pronounced and memorized than â€Å" †for â€Å"Nescafe†from Swiss. The upper new versions have replaced the old renderings because they are simple and easy to be accepted by consumers, in pronunciation, form and meaning. Easy acceptance by consumers finally promotes the sales of the products. On the contrary, some translations sound profane or may lead to negative associations in the Chinese language. Thus such translations would not be recognized and accepted by consumers. For examples, â€Å"Psorales†, a drug, was put into â€Å" †when just coming into China. No one knew what â€Å" †was and assumed it to be something discarded. It is not hard to imagine nobody would buy things that sound worn and useless. Later, it is replaced by â€Å" †,a more vivid and meaningful version, and its sales was improved afterwards. 2. 3 Analyze the Aesthetics Features Trademark translation should comply with the characteristics of morphology of trademark in the TL. â€Å"Getting the best out of the combination of beauty in meaning, sound and form is the internal requirement if we want to realize the associated function and the advertising function of a brand name†. (Tang Zhongshun, 2002:75-77) The translated trademark accordingly must be normative, elegant, vivid and visual. Firstly, â€Å"beauty of meaning†means the translated terms should produce an artistic conception through a favorable association of words or component words so that people will have rich and nice association and arouse the expectation and pursuit of wonderful things. We have the typical examples of â€Å"Sprite†(beverage) and â€Å"Tide†(washing power). Since â€Å"Sprite†was translated into â€Å" †in Chinese, this product has prevailed in China due to the brilliant color and abundant connotation. The translated term â€Å" †in sound is not only quite close to the pronunciation of the original brand name, but also makes people have a favorable association of lustration, neatness and tidiness, showing the sort and feature of the product. Secondly, â€Å"beauty of sound†means a brand name of the original and its translated version should basically share the same or similar pronunciation with the quality of sonority, rhythmization and musicality so that an aesthetically pleasing enjoyment is gained in hearing that brand name (Zhang Quan, 2004:77-79). There are many successfully translated versions fully reflect the beauty of sounds. Take â€Å"OMO†(washing power) and â€Å"CleanClear†(facial cleanser) for example. As â€Å"OMO†is translated into â€Å" †,it sounds like a compliment â€Å"great†in English. The translated term of â€Å"CleanClear†, â€Å" †makes good use of alliterative rhythmic reduplication in order to achieve a combination of phonetic rhythm and verve. Lastly, â€Å"beauty of form†means the translated trademarks should make the best of conciseness and simpleness in structure, namely using few syllables, readability and understandability of the words and avoiding difficult and seldom-using words. People prefer two or three words of translated versions because this structure better accords with the referential custom and aesthetic psychology. There are many famous translated brand names with the above feature, such as â€Å"HeadShoulders†(shampoo), â€Å"Avon†(cosmetic), â€Å"Johnsons†(cream) and so on. Especially the translated version â€Å" †is full of the characteristics of concision, elegance and vividness representing the feature and function of the product. 2. 4 Pay Attention to Cultural Differences Edward Taylor defined culture as â€Å"a complex whole which includes knowledge, beliefs, art, morals, law, custom, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by individuals as members of a society. †(Taylor Edward B, 1871:36) Namely, the major factors contributing to the making of culture are the religions, habits, customs and history, which vary considerable from countries to countries. As a carrier of culture, language is an important part of culture which reflects the characteristics of a nation, which not only includes the nations historical and cultural background, but also contains the national outlook on life, lifestyles and ways of thinking. From the relationship between language and culture, it is obvious that translation is not only a process of transferring the source language into the target language, but also a process of a mutual communication and exchange between different cultures. Therefore, during the process of trademark translation, as language and culture are inseparable from each other, it is essential to pay more attention to cultural differences. 2. 4. 1. Differences in Religions Religions, myths, legends, and images from literary works are an in-separable part of culture. They are deeply rooted in culture and at the same time contribute a great deal to the formation of people’s concepts about certain objects. These elements, when involved in brand name translation, call for the translator’s sensitivity as well as flexibility in cultural adaptation in order that functional equivalence could be attained between the source brand name and the target brand name. For example, Goldlion was not well-liked when it first appeared in the Chinese market with the nameâ€Å" †. It is said that many people would not buy that product just because the name sounds very close toâ€Å" †in some Chinese dialects. Other people believe that the name was not well accepted because it resembles the sound ofâ€Å" †,which is also a taboo idea in China, especially in Hong Kong, where people display a particular liking for things with luck-bearing names. Anyway, the product did not sell well until the new nameâ€Å" †was adopted by Zeng Xianzi, a famous Chinese entrepreneur. He skillfully took apart the source brand name intoâ€Å"gold†andâ€Å"lion†. The first part was literally put intoâ€Å"? †to be faithful to the original, while the latter adopted the method of semantic transliteration and was put intoâ€Å" †,meaningâ€Å"bringing profit†. Such an auspicious name has helped a lot in building up the good fame of the product. 2. 4. 2 Differences in History. Every country has its own history. In the history, many historical incidents happened. These incidents have carved into the culture and have become a part of it. Being unaware of the history when translating a trademark will lead to failure. â€Å"Opium†is a brand of perfume. Actually in the western cul ention to hich reflects nd nice associationame, but also makes ation. things. he producr. ture, such kind of trademark name is popular, such as Poison, another perfume brand. However in China, â€Å" †has a negative meaning. The Chinese people experienced the shameful history related to opium since 1840, when the notorious Opium War broke out. Without the consideration of history, this brand encountered the resistance from the Chinese consumers. Finally, the trademark name â€Å" †was banned in China. 2. 4. 3 Differences in Customs and Habits Custom is one of the branches of culture reflecting the specific characteristics of a nation or parts of the nation. It is the sediment of long history and closely linked with the surroundings and the way of life. So some customs and habits exist in one culture but may be absent in another, which brings about an obstacle to Chinese-English brand name translation. Many Chinese brand names come from Chinese custom. One of the most famous rice wines named â€Å" †(Daughter Wine) is produced in Shaoxing, Zhejiang Province of China. To Chinese customers, the brand name represents the happy events in one’s life, while they cannot arouse the same feeling in westerners if translated literally and that will absolutely cause cultural loss, because the western consumers do not know about the custom of the ancient Shaoxing. It is said that in ancient Shaoxing a jar of this wine was buried under the ground when a daughter was brought into the world. When the girl grew up and became a bride, the jar was dug out and presented to the guests attending the wedding. As the wine was uncapped, the smell of the wine spread far, and all guests became excited and congratulated the parents, so it was named â€Å" †. When a translator translate the trade mark, it is very necessary to reveal the cultural information of the brand names. It is not only easy for customers to know about the origin of the wine but accept it quickly, because any one from any country would like to equally appreciate the beautiful things, enjoy the happy feeling and desire success. Thus, in order to reveal the cultural information of this brand name, perhaps the translation â€Å"Daughter’s Wedding Wine†is more suitable. 2. 4. 4 Differences in the Attitudes towards Animals and Numbers People living in different cultures hold different attitudes and beliefs towards animals and numbers. What is considered a good omen in one culture may not symbolize the same in another. Therefore, it is generally advisable that people should not use this type of words to name the relative products, and when one translates existing brand names of this type, cultural adaptation may help him find a more proper target brand name. The difficulties caused by such words in brand name translation may be illustrated with the following example. As we know, the Chinese people often associate bats with good luck because the Chinese character â€Å"? †sounds the same asâ€Å"? †(meaningâ€Å"good fortune†). Some Chinese legends even say that when a bat lives 100 years, it turns white in color and hangs upside down from a tree, and eating that bat could bring a person longevity. A red bat foretells even better luck forâ€Å" †sounds exactly the same withâ€Å" †(being supremely fortunate). Some Chinese stick to the belief so much that they name their productsâ€Å" †. But if the translator adapts his linguistic choices to the different attitude towards the animal in European cultures, he would not considerâ€Å" Bat†a good name, for bat is regarded as an extremely evil omen in many European folklores. Perhaps translations like â€Å"Fortunes†would be better. Besides, numbers bring about different associations. Generally speaking, each culture has certain numbers believed to be either â€Å"lucky†or â€Å"ominous†, but this may often differ from individual to individual. Let’s take the translation of â€Å"7-up†, a brand of soft drink, as an example. The number â€Å"7†is thought to be a lucky number to many English speakers, but it does not have the same meaning in Chinese. Considering the cultural difference, the translator, in order to create a similar effect among the Chinese consumers, worked out the nameâ€Å" †. The name is quite satisfactory because its first partâ€Å"? †remains faithful to the source brand name without conveying any unfavorable meaning, and its second partâ€Å"? †conveys the meaning ofâ€Å"happiness and good luck†,and hence makes up for the loss of connotation in the numberâ€Å"7†. Chapter 3 General Methods in Trademark Translation Peter Newmark once said that different translation strategies should be adopted according to the different functions of different works (Mou Yan, 2008). It is well-known that trademark translation is not only to convey the cultural information of the source culture, but also to set up a good image in the target culture, and finally to attract the people in the target market to the product. In order to achieve these purposes, translators should adopt the following methods in the process of trademark translation. 3. 1 Literal Translation Literal translation, referred to as semantic translation by Peter Newmark, is a way of translation which aims at preserving the most possible cultural messages (including the communicative aspect of culture, such as, the formal elements of the SL) of the source text at the sacrifice of the formal elements of the target language and sometimes even the intelligibility of the target text (Zheng Shengtao, 1994). Since the formation of words in the Chinese language is different from that in the Western languages, it is actually impossible to achieve trademark translation by word-for-word translation in most cases. Peter Newmark favors â€Å"literal translation†too. He says, â€Å"I am somewhat of a ‘literalist’ because I am for truth and accuracy†. (Newmark Peter, 2001:62) Although sometimes literal translation may create something exotic or even eccentric for the target language readers, it will gradually be accepted by the target language and its culture. As long as the translated brand names from foreign language can be understood and accepted by the target consumers, literal translation is the best way for promoting cultural exchange through the brand name translation in China. As the brand name translation is to transfer between cultures, translators should make the target consumers understand the source culture. Some people say there is a better way for translators to approach the original. That is literal translation, which can keep the national feature. For example, some traditional brand names, which are very familiar to the Westerners even to the world like â€Å" †(The Yangtze River), â€Å" †(the Yellow River), and â€Å" †(the Great Wall) are chosen by the producers, as they are the symbols of Chinese wonderful natural history. When translators translate them, they have no need to do any translation. As these brand names are well-known to the world, and these Chinese characteristics of brand names are fresh and mysterious to the Westerners, it is easy to evoke the target consumers’ purchasing desire. Translators can adopt literal translation. The brand names â€Å" †, â€Å" †, â€Å" †carry our ancient cultural information. When translators translate them into the Western languages, they should keep literal translation and add some notes, in order to let the target consumers know the source culture. Literal translation also keeps the general form and keeps the structure of the source language. Today, Chinese culture are getting more and more popular in the world, and more and more Westerners are eager to study our language in order to learn our long history. Therefore, the kind of translation is a necessary way to let more people learn our traditional culture. On the other hand, in the English-speaking countries, there are some brand names which can be literally translated. For example, the very famous brand name â€Å"White cat†is translated into â€Å" †. And the brand name â€Å"Camel†is translated into â€Å" †. All these translated brand names are very suitable for the products, and the products will very probably be loved by the consumers in the target market. Here literal translation is not the same as word-for-word translation. Word-for-word translation is to rigidly reproduce every word in the process of translation. Strictly speaking, it is not a translation method. But, literal translation is a skill of translation, even if there do exist some additions or deletions while the essence of the original is not destroyed. Literal translation makes the target language more smooth and acceptable. Although literal translation can most possibly maintain the cultural messages of the source language, it sometimes will cause misunderstanding of the cultural messages or create unintelligible meanings. Let’s take Sprite as an example. If the word â€Å"Sprite†is translated literally or directly, it might be â€Å" †. The version would put Chinese consumers into great confusion because â€Å" †is a human-like monster in Chinese culture. Thus translators should consider other methods. Literal translation is adopted as the most ideal translation technique in reproducing images because it can preserve the original images as much as possible. Some English expressions wearing word-for-word similarity to some Chinese expressions may mean something quite different. In this case, translators should go deeper to find out what these English expressions really mean; otherwise mistakes will be made in literal translation. 3. 2 Transliteration Transliteration in a narrow sense is a mapping from one system of writing into another and it is mostly based on the pronunciation. Transliteration attempts to be lossless, so that an informed reader should be able to reconstruct the original spelling of unknown transliterated words. To achieve this objective, transliteration may define complex conventions to deal with letters in a source script that do not correspond with letters in a goal script. Transliteration means that trademarks are translated into similar names in pronunciation according to the original ones (Li Yi, 2009:232-234) It is generally believed that the adoption of this method can help to achieve various purposes. Some trademarks obtained in this way can effectively remind the customers of their classic status. Such trademarks are easier for target consumers to pronounce and memorize. Still, some trademarks are deliberately transliterated in order to cater to the foreign consumers general preference for foreign goods because some thus-translated trademarks sound more foreign-like. The world famous trademark â€Å"Intel†means: the ability to learn and reason and the capacity for knowledge and comprehension. Now you see why it is translated into â€Å" †which sounds foreign-like and is easy to memorize and read. Meanwhile, it indicates the characteristic of the product. Another example is the translation of â€Å"Ya Ya†. â€Å" †(down wear) is transliterated into â€Å"Ya Ya†instead of â€Å"Duck†. The translated trademark â€Å"Ya Ya†is a catchy name that can fulfill the simulating function of trademark effectively. These two examples show the characteristics of being simple and easy to pronounce and memorize and as well obey the principle of aesthetics. Though transliteration embodies the sound beauty of the original one, the translated trademark dictions should be chosen carefully. During transliteration, it is important to obey the characteristics of arousing desirable association. â€Å"Philip†was once translated into â€Å" †which sounds more similar to the original one than â€Å" †. But the three characters â€Å" †will arouse unfavorable association. People prefer good and appropriate words, and hence, when using transliteration method, translators should do their best to choose beautiful words. For example, â€Å"Lancome†(cosmetics) is put into â€Å" †. The two Chinese characters are beautiful and can be associated with an elegant woman with certain spiritual qualities. These two words â€Å" †are always connected with beautiful things, such as â€Å" , †. Thats why Chinese females have a partiality for â€Å"Lancome†. In translation practice, we find that English trademarks are highly coherent in letters or words and can be pronounced easily in one breath, while the transliteration of Chinese trademarks are broken into independent words in accordance with the specific Chinese characters. So the English version often lacks coherence. To avoid the disadvantage of transliteration in strict accordance with the standard Chinese pronunciation, we can use transliteration method flexibly. To some extent, we can translate a trademark according to the local pronunciation. The following examples successfully avoid the above problem. â€Å" †(refrigerator) is translated into â€Å"Frestech†instead of â€Å"Xin Fei†. â€Å"Frestech†is composed of â€Å"fresh†and â€Å"technology†, which is coherent in structure and pronunciation. Whats more, it also implies that the product is produced with advanced technology. â€Å"†(tonic food) means that happiness is coming, suggesting the product will bring happiness and health to consumers. The English version â€Å"Life†caters to westerners psychology and is easier for them to pronounce and spell. 3. 3 Free Translation â€Å"Free translation reproduces the matter without the manner, or the content without the form of the original. Usually it is a paraphrase longer than the original. †In order to take advantage of the target language and make translated brand name more idiomatic and acceptable, some imaginary brand names are freely translated. Free translation can communicate the information of products clearly and vividly. It will make a strong impression on the target language consumers and arouse their response. There are many successful examples to show this method. For example, â€Å"Ariel†(washing powder) is rendered as â€Å" †. The word â€Å"? †means â€Å"clean†and â€Å"clear†. So â€Å" †indicates the super cleaning capability of the washing powder. Similarity, â€Å"Safeguard†(soap) is not literally translated into â€Å" †, but â€Å" †. The translation describes the product’s function and attributes. â€Å"Rejoice†(shampoo) is not translated into â€Å"†, but â€Å" †, meaning softness and glossiness. â€Å"Slek†(shampoo) is also rendered as â€Å" †through free translation. â€Å" †in Chinese can be a noun as well as a verb phrase. If â€Å" †is interpreted as a noun, it means beautiful buds, implying ladies will be like an elegant bud after using the shampoo; if â€Å" †is interpreted as a verb, it means nourishing a bud to make it come out. This implies the shampoo can make hair glossier. â€Å"Zest†(soap) is paraphrased as â€Å" †through free translation. â€Å"? †is a very popular word in China, which brings the soap a fashionable element. This translation is improved from the original one â€Å" †in literal method. â€Å" †is more proper and suitable to meet the needs of the youth who are the target customers. 3. 4 Liberal Translation plus Transliteration In order to reach the criteria of trademark translationâ€â€beauty in meaning and sound, and to make the translated versions possess the general features of good brand names, we can use the combination of liberal translation and transliteration to translate brand names, since in many cases liberal or transliteration cannot do the job along. A good translation of a brand name should not only be similar to the original sound but also reflect the connotation of the original. The combination of liberal translation and transliteration may achieve double purposes, as the message of the brand name will be more vividly reflected so that it will be more impressive to guide consumption. Here we take some examples to appreciate the merits of this kind of method. For example, â€Å"Pampers†diapers from PG, is rich in meaning and clear in pronunciation. The translated brand name â€Å" †has got a balance between the meaning and the pronunciation. The brand name of a medicine â€Å"Bufferin†is translated into â€Å" †. The translated brand name does not tell us what the medicine is, but it forms a sound which is very close to that of the source brand name. A drink named â€Å"Milo†is translated into â€Å" †, which not only makes us know that the pronunciation of the translated word is close to that of the original, but tells us what the product is made from and the property of the product.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
The Kite Runner Essay Example for Free
The Kite Runner Essay The kite runner is a novel about change. Change is defined as passing from one phase to another. In this novel, it is shown that change is inevitable and no matter how hard you try to suppress the past it will always re-surface. Khaled Hossieni portrays change through settings, relationships and the character of Amir. The techniques used to depict these changes are the three-part structure, emotive language and descriptive language. Change in the setting is powerful as it shows the significant impact on the life of the narrator. The change of settings in the kite runner gives historical perspective and introduces the culture of Afghanistan, where ethnicity, religion and class play a major role in the conflicts of the story. The novel begins with the time and place of ‘December 2001’ in San Francisco. Evidence is shown in the quote â€Å"I went for a walk along Spreckels Lake on the northern edge of gold gate park. It then immediately dates back to an â€Å"overcast day in the winter of 1975†to an event that occurred in an alley when he was twelve years old. This event is important in the novel as it foreshadows a major aspect that has been affecting Amir for the last 26 years. This is shown in the quote â€Å"I became the man I am today at the age of twelve†and the quote â€Å" I knew it wasn’t just Rahim khan on the line. It was my past of un-atoned sins†. The use of unatoned sins provides us that the book will reveal what amir had done in his past life that was so sinful. The three-part structure shows change as a circle of life and how life has many rises and falls. This is shown through the use of dates and jumping of years. Change in relationships in the novel is powerful as it establishes the themes of the novel. Amir and Baba’s relationship introduces an aspect in the novel of how delicate their connection to each other is and how easily it can transition to a negative relation. Amir grows up used to getting what he wants except for the only thing he is deprived and he wants so desperately is baba’s affection. Amir takes the burden of blaming himself as to why Baba doesn’t give him affection because he killed his mother during childbirth. While Baba doesn’t give him affection because he wishes amir was more like him. The quote â€Å"I’ve never laid a hand on you, amir but if you ever say that again†¦.. You bring me shame†is very powerful as it displays how sensitive amir and baba’s relationship is that just by amir asking a question it has ruined their connection to each other. The use of emotive language shows the change of amir and baba’s relationship when you compare it to the end of the book when Baba realizes that Amir is finally happy. Evidence is shown in the quote â€Å"I could see his internal smile, as wide as the skies of Kabul on nights when the poplars shivered and the sound of crickets swelled in the gardens†. The Change in character in the novel is powerful as it displays how issues in the novel conflict to how a person’s life can be changed for better or for worse. In the beginning of the novel, amir is reminiscing back on how he had become such a troubled adult and how he had been scared to stand up for others. Throughout the book we see that amir is basically a good boy, doesn’t get into trouble and is also a good man when he grows up to become an adult, he takes care of his father, has a job and also takes care of his loving wife. But he does make a lot of mistakes in his quest to receive his father’s love and affection. This is discovered in a quote from chapter 7 â€Å"maybe Hassan was the price I had to pay, the lamb I had to slay, to win Baba†. The relationship between Baba and Amir effect Amir’s life to the extent that he is willing to sacrifice his relationship with Hassan and Ali by placing his birthday money and a watch that was given to him by his father under Hassan’s mattress to frame Hassan of stealing it just so he could be with Baba. But to his surprise, Baba doesn’t get rid of Ali and Hassan but forgives Hassan for stealing. The birthday money and the watch is significant in the novel as it reappears later in the story when Amir goes back to Afghanistan and stays at poor families house and gives the children of the poor family his watch and leaves some money under his mattress the next morning. The reoccurrence of the watch and money is important in Amir’s change of character, as it has showed us that he has become selfless by putting the money under the mattress but for the right reasons. The use of descriptive language shows the change of Amir’s character when compared to how evolves from being selfish to selfless. This can be identified in the quote â€Å"I remember Wahid’s boys†¦ I realized something: I would not leave Afghanistan without finding Sohrab†. In conclusion the change in setting is shown through the significant impact of the life of the narrator as he tries to run away from his past by moving to America but was ineffective as it resurfaced and he had to redeem himself by going back to Afghanistan to suppress his unwanted memory of Amir being ‘asseffed’. The change in relationship of Amir and Baba is shown through the significant use of emotive language throughout the novel. It introduces an aspect in the novel of how their relationship is poor, as they couldn’t get along with each other. The change in character of Amir in the novel is displayed through the use of descriptive language. It gives the audience a characteristic view of how Amir changes from being a coward to being courageous and saving Sohrab from Assef at the end of the book.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Transaction Processing System And Management Information Systems Information Technology Essay
Transaction Processing System And Management Information Systems Information Technology Essay Information System has different types as mentioned above. They are Transaction processing system, Management Information Systems(MIS), Office Automation Systems (OAS), Document Management System (DMS), Decision Support System(DSS), Executive Support System(ESS), Expert System(ES), Knowledge Work System(KWS), Acquiring Information System, Information System Security and Control, Impacts of Information System etc., These types is related to different departments in an organisation such as Operational Manager, Data worker, Middle Manager, Senior Manager etc,. The below diagram shows how the types supports different departments in an organisation. The manager, who maintains, controls and improves the activities in an organisation for better services and goods to customers. The manager checks day to day operations and with the results they will take certain activities. One of the major day to day activities is Transaction processing system. This Transaction Processing is a type in information system. The transaction process is a set of information that may be order, payment, scanned information etc., through computer and need to be updated in a database and database must sent conformation at same time for the request. Transaction process contains two types of processes they are Batch Transaction Process and Real Time Transaction Process. The batch transaction means it collects the data and stored in Database and doesnt respond immediately during process. The best example of BTP is mobile invoices, Bank statements, checks etc. The Real Time Transaction Process means it collects the data and responds immediately for the process a nd saves the records in database. The best example of RTP is Withdrawal money, Deposit money, and Scanned payment results in retail stores. Any business that may be online or offline runs under these two processes works. The below diagram show the basic transaction process which involves user, purpose and the type of process   Ref: Board of studies NSW, Stage 6 Information Processes and Technology, Preliminary and HSC Courses (2007, page 14) Data Workers: The persons who work for the company are known as data workers. The best example for data workers are employees. The information system types comes under this department are Knowledge management system (KMS) and Office automation system (OAS). In any organisation KMS is used to capture, organise and create business processes in efficient and innovative way. To get the right information we collect data and apply knowledge. The organisation success depends upon the knowledge. All the employees in an organisation must share their thoughts for the organisation goal. The professional people who works for the KMS acts as advisors and give assistance for both Top level and Middle level management. These People develop new knowledge for the organisation and integrated it with existing knowledge which is nothing but updating the system. Example for KMS is the banks say that deposit money in banks for protection. In addition to that the knowledge they use to increase the customers is if you de posit the money for more than a year we will give an additional 5% for the money which means if you deposit $100 then at the end of the year you own $105. OAS is an additional tool to make the process easy in the organisation. A computer system which allows variety of application such as Microsoft word, Emails, Calender and even sharing resources each other through a connected network. This is used mainly by office workers who supports managers at all levels. The best example for OAS is Microsoft word. This application is of user interface which helps to make the documents more easy and has additional facilities like spell correction, word count etc. Middle Manager: This is one of the department/layer in an organisation. The major role is to monitor subordinates like data workers, operational manager before reporting to upper manager. The Information system types that involve in this department are Management Information System (MIS), Decision Support System (DSS), and Intelligent Support System (ISS). Manage information tells manager how to manage information for a particular situation. This information is managed in accurate, timely and relevant for situations. System is a combination of different levels in an organisation. MIS is defined as combination of different layers in organisation, people and documents to know the organisation problems and provide appropriate information for the problem. Accessing, Organising, Summarizing and displayed information for supporting routine decision making in the functional areas. The four types of MIS are TPS, OIS, DCS and Expert Systems. The example for MIS is for an online bank bill payment, the account holder has an option to transfer the amount for a particular date in each month. The bank transfers money each month on that date and send a email with information about how much money is detected, time of transfer and date of transfer. DSS is a system used to make decision with the help of wide range of resources. This system interacts with the people by using range of resources to make decisions which we see in organisation. For example, company wants to sell books internationally through online. To do this the company need to think wether the decision made is wise for business. Company can use DSS for making decisions with the help of company information and also by other resources. This result gives an idea for the company to expand the business internationally or not.,2542,t=transaction+processingi=53077,00.asp
Magical Realism as a World View :: Magical Realism Literature
Magical Realism as a World View Magical Realism is the way in which a person views the world through a type of art. Magical realism deals with emotions, and it also discovers what is mysterious and meaningful in life. According to Franz Roh, in painting, is the way a person views the world through art (18, 20). Magical Realism has many characteristics that include many other ideas. Magical Realism can be observed in other subject areas, too, such as the logotherapy of Victor Frankl. Simpkins mentioned that "real life" is the "Real magic" (152). He also said that realism is heightened by magic (148-152). However, Leal felt that Magical Realism focuses on the marvelous in the real (122). Amaryll Chanady feels that Magical Realism is focused more toward reality (131). In Victor Frankl's novel Man's Search for Meaning, Frankl discusses finding this magic in life in what he calls will-to-meaning. Frankl, a twentieth century psychiatrist, states that "life ultimately means taking responsibility to find the right answer to its problems and to fulfill the tasks which it constantly sets for each individual" (122). This concept is what he called will-to-meaning. Some forms of will-to-meaning are hunger, humiliation, fear, and deep anger at injustice (8). Some importance of will-to-meaning is that he had to find a sense of responsibility in his existence (9). One of the characteristics from will-to-meaning was finding responsibility. In the story Like Water for Chocolate, a magical realist story, a girl named Tita found her circumstances so awful that she found the meaning in her cooking and gave responsibility for life. She was always getting her heart broken because she loved a man named Pedro and could not be with him. Therefore, she learned to have a responsibility for cooking. She could have rebelled and left, but she knew that she had a responsibility to cook for her family and the man whom she loved. Tita found magic in her circumstances and viewed the mundane as beautiful helping her to live successfully in these terrible circumstances. Magical Realism can be observed in other subject areas, too, such as the logotherapy of Victor Frankl. Finding examples in other "real-world" fields of study helps in understanding Magical Realism as a
Monday, August 19, 2019
Honor :: essays research papers
HONOR CAN BE DEFINED IN SO MANY WAYS CAN mean respect and esteem shown to another. HONOR may ALSO apply to the recognition of one's right to great respect or to any expression of such recognition IN SOME SITUATIONS IT implies profound respect mingled with love, devotion.There is a priceless respect that everyone in the world possesses, and that is the. respect of a person?s honor. A person?s honor is something that can not be bought, sold,. or traded it?s something that must be gained by the respect of your peers. An example of. how honor is seen in everyday life in through a persons word. The standard dictionary definition of honor first lists public regard and esteem under the word, with ethical conduct or high standards of justice and responsibility appearing much further down the list. This is reflected in the way the modern world treats the issue of honor. In ancient times, honor was the manner of being that we now describe as having integrity. In plain language, an honorable p erson avoids deception whenever possible, treats others with respect and sticks to her beliefs no matter how others think or act. People generally do not seem to behave very well toward each other any more.Honor determines the hierarchy of an individual while revealing his loyalty and true intentions. Reward comes for those at the top whose honor does not diminish, while a false or fleeting honor of a lesser mortal causes destruction. Exploring and discussing how to act honorably toward each other is a place to start.The greatest way to live with honor in this world is to be what we pretend to be. How can you be a person of integrity? First, figure out what integrity (honor) is. My mother used to say to treat others the way you wanted to be treated. Does anyone do that these days? Well, I know that I don't want to be cut off in traffic, or yelled at, or bumped into rudely at the grocery store, or left picking up garbage all over my yard from the street. So I could try not to do thos e things to other people. I won't cut off others in traffic, or yell, or act rude at the grocery store, or throw garbage in the street. That's just a place to start. Treat others the way you want to be treated.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Themes used in the tragedy of Romeo and Juliet Essays -- Literary Anal
The theme of the tragedy of Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare is entertainment. This is proven thought the play through use of comedy, drama, romance, and conflict. This style brought people of all ages, mindsets, and social classes to see the play since it used the mixture instead of just a single genre of entertainment. The result was Romeo and Juliet being very entertaining, profitable, and generally succeeding in its purpose. The use of comedy was usually through sexual puns and double entendre like â€Å" ’Tis true, and therefore women, being the weaker vessels, are ever thrust to the wall. Therefore I will push Montague’s men from the wall and thrust his maids to the wall†(1.1.15-18) and â€Å"My naked weapon is out. Quarrel, I will back thee.†(1.1.33-34).These sexual puns almost always solved the problems with traditional comedy not being funny to all social classes nor mindsets. The other type of comedy in the play was more traditional like the panicked start of the fight at the beginning â€Å"Do you bite your thumb at us, sir? I do bite my thumb sir. Do you bite your thumb at us, sir? [Aside to Gregory] Is the law of our side if I say â€Å"Ay†? [Aside to Sampson] no. No, sir, I do not bite my thumb at you, sir, but I bite my thumb sir.†(1.1.44-52). This comedy also broke the wall between the social classes and mindsets since scenes like this were funny to almost everyone. Both types of comedy usually were funny to almost everyone since they did not depend on certain situations which only a select few would usually experience. Thus this made the play even better at its purpose of entertainment. The use of drama throughout the play is most prevalent in the last few acts but is also shown thought the rest of the play. When Romeo is... ... Montagues and Capulets. For example the first combat is caused by that hatred alone "My naked weapon is out. Quarrel, I will back thee. How? Turn thy back and run? Fear me not. No, marry. I fear thee! Let us take the law of our sides; let them begin. I will frown as I pass by, and let them take it as they list. Nay, as they dare. I will bite my thumb at them, which is disgrace to them if they bear it." (1.1.33-43). The actual combat was presented quickly after this in this fashion "Draw if you be men. - Gregory, remember thy washing blow. They fight. Part fools! [Drawing his sword.] Put up your swords. You know not what you do."(1.1.63-65). These elements were all combined in Romeo and Juliet and put to use to make an interesting plot for the purpose of entertainment.This was a sucess as shown by how long this has been an interesting play to watch and listen to.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
The Artwork
The artwork I chose for my paper comes from an artist by the name of Angel Rodriguez-Diaz. The title of the artwork is Circulos de Confusion meaning Circles of Confusion, and was painted in 1993. It is 31 7/8 inches high and 84 inches wide. This particular piece of art is painted, oil on paper on linen. Angel Rodriguez-Diaz is an American contemporary artist born in 1955, who lives in the San Antonio area. In Circulos de Confusion, there is a detailed painting of a shirtless man, 30’s-40’s in age, wrinkles in the face, surrounded by a multitude of different colored circles.The man has his hands resting on his face. His index and middle fingers on each hand above his eyes, his ring fingers touching across the bridge of his nose and his pinkies resting above his lips just under his nose. He has a watch on his left wrist. His eyes have a blank, captivating stare. The circles in the painting range in color from bright yellows and oranges to deep blues and subtle greens. The eyes of the man give meaning to the title of the artwork.Without his facial expression I would just assume this painting would be titled ‘circles – man with a headache’. His eyes having a blank stare show his confusion without words. The way his hands rest on his face show where the focus should be in the painting. The watch in the painting shows the element of time but because you cannot see the time on the watch it leaves you with the impression that maybe time is still. The circles in the painting provide for thought that the man’s mind is cluttered with thoughts as is the paper cluttered with circles.The brighter yellows and oranges are more centralized in the painting, whereas the darker greens and blues are more around the edges. The circles surround the man in the middle, except for on his chest and arms where the circles are not as close together but are still present. The way this painting was conducted only provides me with one meaning, although to a better trained eye there may be more. The man in the center of this painting is confused.His eyes give that iconic meaning to the expression of confusion. There is no clear indication as to what he is confused about. With his appearance being shirtless, I would say it is either early in the morning or late in the evening and he may be staring into a mirror or reflective surface. It is possible he has a difficult decision to make or is not sure why a certain set of events occurred. The lack of background provides me with the notion that he is alone and isolated from the world in his thoughts.
Friday, August 16, 2019
Feminist Literary Criticism in English Literature Essay
Abstract: The aim of this paper is to express Feminist Literary Criticism in English Literature, as critical analysis of literary works based on feminist perspective, as well as to uncover the latent dynamics in a novel relevant to women’s interior role in society. Feminist Literary Criticism rejects patriarchal norms in literature that privileges masculine ways of thinking and marginalizes women politically, economically and psychologically. Key words: Women, feminist literary criticism, novel, patriarchy, literature. INTRODUCTION ‘As a social movement, feminist criticism highlights the various ways women in particular have been oppressed, suppressed and repressed†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ (Bressler 185) One of the most potent aspects of feminist literary criticism is to uncover the latent dynamics in a novel relevant to women’s inferior role in society. Feminist Literary Criticism is the critical analysis of literary works based on feminist perspective. In particular, feminist literary critics tend to reject the patriarchal norms of literature, which privileges masculine ways of thinking/points of view and marginalizes women politically, economically and psychologically. Modern Feminist Literary critics had its roots in the past-World War II, feminist movement that spilled over into the intellectual circles of America’s colleges and universities. However, the true origins of the movement can be traced as far back as the late 18th century with Mary Wollstonecraft’s: ‘A vindication of the rights of women†(1792). Feminist Literary Criticism is informed by feminist theory or by the politics of feminism more broadly. Its history has been broad and varied, from classic works of 19th century women authors such as George Eliot and Margaret Fuller to cutting 1 Sanja Dalton, predavaÄ , Visoka tehniÄ ka Ã… ¡kola strukovnih studija iz UroÃ… ¡evca, sa privremenim sediÃ… ¡tem u ZveÄ anu, E_mail: Feminist literary criticism in english literature 173 edge theoretical work in women’s studies and gender studies by â€Å"third wave†authors. In the most general and simple terms, Feminist Literary Criticism before the 1970sin the first and second wave of feminism was concerned with the politics of women’s authorship and the representation of women’s condition within literature. Since the development of more complex conceptions of gender and subjectivity and third-wave feminism, feminist literary criticism has taken a variety of new routes, namely in the tradition of the Frankfurt School’s critical theory. It has considered gender in the terms of Freudian and Lacanian psychoanalysis, as part of deconstruction of existing relations of power. Feminist Literary Criticism concern with the representation and politics of women’s lives has continued to play an active role in criticism. HOW DOES FEMINIST LITERARY CRITICISM APPLY TO â€Å"PRIDE AND PREJUDICE†by Jane Austen Central to the diverse aims and methods of feminist criticism on ‘Pride and Prejudice’ are focused on patriarchy, the rule of society and culture by men. There was a popular question: ‘Are not †¦women and men equal in all respects? Feminists’ studies, feminist theorists, and feminist critics all answered in one accord: ‘No!’ (Bressler 167). This question and vehement reply from Bressler’s text emphasizes a gender difference between men and women; one example of this can easily be seen in Pride and Prejudice through the manner of entitlements in the novel. Patriarchy can be seen in Jane Austen’s novel in the form of existing system of entailment. Entailment in Pride and Prejudice, the restriction of future ownership of real-estate to particular descendants, is limited solely to male heirs. As Mr Bennet has no male children, his estate will be entailed to Mr Collins as opposed to his own daughters. There is a part in the novel that demonstrates the above stated: ‘Oh my God’ crie[s] his wife†¦, ‘I do think it is hardest thing in the World, that your estate should be entailed away from your own children†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ (Austen 45). With the imposition of entitlement in Austen’s novel comes a pressure for women to marry and search for a husband to attain a better life. This is the case with Charlotte Lucas; ‘accepted [Mr Collins] solely from the pure and disinterested desire of an establishment, cared not how soon that establishment were gained’ (Austen, 91). In writing that, Charlotte Lucas married for sake of a future in a male dominant society where the future would not be possible otherwise. Austen can be seen to be criticizing the role of the female in the setting of Pride and Prejudice. As Charlotte goes on to say to Elizabeth in regard to her marriage with Mr Collins, ‘†¦I hope you will be satisfied with what I have done. I am not romantic you know. I never was. I ask only for comfortable home; and considering Mr Collins character, connections, and situations in life, I am convinced that my chance of happiness with him is as fair as most people can boast on entering the marr iage state’. (Austen 93) This further demonstrates the point that Charlotte in a male dominant society, felt compelled to marry in order to secure her own future. As one of the most significant development in literary studies in the second half of the 20th century, feminist literary criticism advocates equal rights for all women (indeed, all peoples) in all areas of life: socially, politically, professionally, personally, economically, aesthetically, and psychologically. Feminist literary criticism advocates equal rights for women, so it would be opt to pay attention to an occasion in which Elizabeth Bennet claims equally with another upper class man, Mr Darcy. Again in the same quarrel with Lady Catherine de Burgh, Miss Bennet claims: â€Å"I am marrying your nephew, I should not consider myself as quitting that sphere [in which I have been brought up]. He is a gentleman; I am a gentleman’s daughter; so, for me we are equal†. (Austen 258) In this instance Miss and Mr Darcy is to epitomize the very cause of feminist literary criticism-to chiefly advocate for the rights and equality of women. Feminist critics say that women must marshal a variety of resources to assert, clarify, and finally implement their believes and values†. (Bressler 182) In regard to this quote, Elizabeth Bennet indeed clarifies and implements her own beliefs and values. On marrying Mr Darcy, free from social restrictions, Elizabeth said to Lady Catherine de Burgh: â€Å"I am only resolved to act in a manner, which will, in my own opinion, constitute my happiness, without reference to you, or to any person so wholly unconnected to me†. (Austen 260) As such Miss Bennet articulates her own role and place in society, although still only as a housewife, but a housewife that marries for love and her own values as opposed to the society dictated â€Å"values†of wealth and a vast fortune. Elizabeth is a perfect example of a feminist character. Not only is she unlike them, but also she does not allow her originality to interfere with her happiness. In this aspect, Austen celebrates the woman who can easily be seen as man’s equal. Elizabeth is a third wave feminist and head of her time because she does exactly what she wants in the end. CONCLUSION Feminist critics approach literature in a way that empowers the female point of view instead, typically rejecting the patriarchal language that has dominated literature. (Paul Ady, associate professor of English at Assumption College in Worcester, Massachusetts). Feminist literary criticism in english literature 175 Although the road is rocky, the characters ultimately prevent their debt to society from interfering with any attempt at personal happiness, which in my opinion is the backbone of feminism. REFERENCES [1] Austen, Jane, Pride and Prejudice, (1813), Penguin Books, 1992. [2] Coward, Rosalind, Are women’s novels Feminist novel?, in Elaine Showalter (ed.), The New Feminist Criticism: Essay on Women, Literature and Theory, Virago Books, 1986. [3] Eagleton, Mary (ed.), Feminist Literary Theory: A Reader, Basil Blackwell, 1986. [4] Sherzer, Dina, Postmodernism and Feminism, in Edmund J. Smyth (ed.), Postmodernism and Contemporary Fiction, B.T. Bats ford Ltd., 1991. [5] BBC-The Big Read, Retrieved 27 January 2012. [6] Pride and Prejudice, at the internet movie data base, 2005. [7] Dexter, Gary, The Telegraph, How Pride and Prejudice got its name, 10 August 2008. [8] The Daily Telegraph, pride and prejudice-got-its-name.html
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