Thursday, October 31, 2019
It has to be an international topic related to crime. ex prostitution Research Proposal
It has to be an international topic related to crime. ex prostitution in Thailand - Research Proposal Example In this research, I choose to focus on this specific aspect, with the intentions of finding a solution for the prevailing crime. Introduction The prostitution industry has been growing in Thailand for many years. The concentration for the industry has been on the city centers and in particular, the Bangkok and Pattaya (Van et al, 1993). The girls who have been directly involved in prostitution has been innumerable, and it is estimated that prostitution accounts for more than 3% of the total GDP in Thailand. A survey done in 2007and 2008 indicated that at least the industry yields in an annuals basis is 5 billion dollars (Elizabeth and Charlie, 2009). Another survey indicated that at least four thousand prostitutes are concentrated in Bangkok area alone. Clearly, the industry is huge, earning the country a lot of income. The girls have also benefited d from the business, which explains why they have continually increased in number every year. It is important to note that prostitution is illegal in Thailand. According to Bales, (1999) the criminalization of the act has been known to exist since 1960. It sis therefore puzzling to see the numbers growing every year, suggesting that the law is not being effected as it ought. Prostitution is always packaged with other related crimes, something that raises concerns in the global front. Many girls have been known to engage in human trafficking and child prostitution. Further, there are so many people within the population that have been recorded to be affected with HIV and AIDS. Whenever crime occurs, it is natural to turn to the policy makers for a solution. Therefore, it is possible that the issue of prostitution and related problems can be dealt with through effective policy by the government and its related bodies. The law making process and the people charged with the role of its implementation must concentrate on the subject of prostitution (Chambliss & Schutt, 2007). The law in Thailand bans prostitution but lea ves certain gaps that lead to serious consequences amongst its citizens. Further, the implementation process tends to be overlooked, which has led to more problems surrounding the issue This research concentrates on the gaps that have been left during the policy making process as pertains to the subject. The study further suggests change in policy by the concerned bodies to deal with the problem Literature review According to Hantrakul, (1984) prostitution does not occur in places where the government has made a lot of effort to develop the correct policy against the acts and the related crimes. However, in Thailand, n implementation of those policies has been ineffective. While prostitution is on hand said to be illegal, the government has passed bills that have left big gaps for it to thrive. The law implementation process is hindered mainly because of viewing the act as a national resource. Since the year 1960, the government has continued to pass bills that have been indicative that prostitution is illegal (Rhodes, 1999) However, many other bills have left big gaps for the business to continue being practiced in the region. For example, in the year 1966, a law was passed to allow for service provision to the American servicemen. The rest and recreation facilities were provided for the soldiers. This was a period when the Vietnamese war called for soldiers to be deployed in the region for protection and peace keeping. In 1996, a law was passe
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Importance of having a scholarship in Canada Essay
Importance of having a scholarship in Canada - Essay Example In addition to financial and educational benefits, the scholarship provided me with career benefit. Earning a prestigious scholarship makes me a more attractive job candidate. Most employers understand the competitive nature of the scholarship and as such, they recognize scholarship as an accomplishment. It demonstrates to potential employers that I have exceptional abilities in the academic realm. Listing scholarship on my resume helps me to stand out when searching for a job and possibly help me to achieve the career that I want. The scholarship also came with personal benefit; it made a significant difference regarding how much resources and time that I had during college to spend to enhance my knowledge and experience through internships, volunteer opportunities, and service-learning. The security and money afforded by a scholarship allowed me to be more selective regarding how much I spend and how I spend my free time. I am delighted to have studied in Canada as the country prov ided me with an unforgettable experience. As I had mentioned earlier, I am originally from Saudi Arabia and I have lived for a while in the United States. Studying in Canada meant a lot to me; I was able to learn from the leading lecturers and in excellent modern facilities that inspired forward-thinking progress, and innovation. Regardless of the level of education one is pursuing, the cost of education in Canada is affordable and enables one to acquire globally recognized qualifications that will set them on the path to success.... It demonstrates to potential employers that I have exceptional abilities in the academic realm. Listing scholarship in my resume helps me to stand out when searching for a job and possibly help me to achieve the career that I want. The scholarship also came with personal benefit; it made a significant difference regarding how much resources and time that I had during college to spend to enhance my knowledge and experience through internships, volunteer opportunities, and service-learning. The security and money afforded by a scholarship allowed me to be more selective regarding how much I spend and how I spend my free time. I am delighted to have studied in Canada as the country provided me with unforgettable experience. As I had mentioned earlier, I am originally from Saudi Arabia and I have lived for a while in the United States. Therefore, studying in Canada provided me with a completely new form of experience. Studying in Canada meant a lot to me; I was able to learn from the lea ding lecturers and in excellent modern facilities that inspired forward thinking, progress, and innovation. Regardless of the level of education one is pursuing, the cost of education in Canada is affordable and enables one to acquire globally recognized qualifications that will set them on the path to success. I am no different. All my classes in Canada reflected multicultural and diverse society. Canada has high academic standards, as well as rigorous quality controls, which meant that I earned high-quality educational qualifications that will open doors for my future and be of great benefit to my long-term career goals. A Canadian certificate, diploma, or degree is recognized globally as being equivalent to
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Case Studies On The Importance Of Oral Care
Case Studies On The Importance Of Oral Care This submission is going to focus on the nursing care that I gave in one placement simulation and two consecutive shifts on placement, placing emphasis on oral care, medication management and communication. It will outline the fundamental aspects of clinical nursing skills that have taken place in my setting. This will also highlight the learning process taken place and how it helped me to enhance my knowledge, and ethical values in order to deliver quality and safety of care. Using other sources of current literature, I will use a reflective model to discuss how I have achieved the necessary level of learning outcome. By utilising this model I hope to demonstrate my knowledge and understanding in relation to these skills as well as identifying areas with scope for learning. Reflection is the process of reviewing an experience in order to describe analyse, evaluate and so inform learning about practice (Reid 1993). Gibbs (1988) model of reflection will be used as a framework, because it focuses on different aspects of an experience and allows revisiting the event fully. By contemplating it thus, I am able to appreciate it and guided to where future development work is required. For confidentiality purposes the patients real names will not be used and will be referred to patients as B and R. This is in line with the (NMC, 2008) requirements to maintain confidentiality at all times. A diary is supported in this assignment as an appendix within the time of the process. The reflective model I have chosen to use as guidance is Gibbs (1988). The care of a patients mouth forms an important component of assisting hygiene needs and yet is a nursing skill which is not always afforded the attention it fully deserves (Evans, 2001) Description I was part of a placement simulation group which went to the multi-skills laboratory to practice delivering and receiving oral hygiene. I was assigned a colleague to brush his teeth using a toothbrush and paste. I put on gloves to pre vent contamination (NICE 2003). Seeking his consent, I undertook a brief visual assessment of his mouths health. I then put him in a comfortable position so that he could tolerate the wash. Thereafter, I cleaned all-round the mouth, gums and tongue. I finished off by helping him to rinse his mouth with mouthwash. I treated my partner as though he was physically unable to hold the brush himself to scrub his own teeth, but he was able to communicate with me and was able to assist me in terms of spitting and gargling with water at the end of the procedure. Feelings When first informed that I was expected to undertake this task I felt anxious and concerned. I was aware that I had not brushed anyones teeth outside of my family before and that the mouth is an intimate and personal part of the body which is not usually exposed to anyone other than myself or the dentist. I was concerned about how my partner (whom I did not know well at that stage) would react to me examining his mouth. Writ ers have described such intimate physical assessments as creating a potentially intrusive situation (Lewis 2006, Sturdy 2007) which might cause the patient to feel uncertain and inadequate. I was also concerned that my own anxiety was shared by my partner who also appeared embarrassed and awkward at the time. This anxiety was increased when during the procedure my partner began to cough as though distressed. This caused me to feel hesitant about continuing- a situation recognised by Millon (1994) as a common response for carers to such an experience, although I persevered with his cooperation. When the task was completed I felt comfortable with my performance overall. Evaluation What was good about the experience was that, despite being aware that this role is often delegated to health care assistants (Kelly et al 2010), I was able to deliver a fundamental component of essential nursing care (Essence of Care 2003) quite effectively. The experience helped me to appreciate that oral c are provides any nurse with an ideal opportunity to undertake a thorough physical, emotional and cognitive assessment of a patient (DOH, 2001). I was satisfied delivering this aspect of care without harming the patient as no injuries were sustained (having I checked his mouth prior to and after cleansing). Also, I was pleased to have an opportunity to improve my communication skills through the delivery of this skill and to understand the impact that this might have on the development of a therapeutic relationship with future patients. From my colleagues reaction and feedback, I understood how feedback is an important learning tool. Despite my discomfort during the undertaking of this task, the experience highlighted the potentially complex problems I might have to solve in the provision of care needs to patients for whom I may not have had contact with before. Analysis Administration of this clinical skill involved undertaking an assessment of my colleagues mouth before delivering any care in order to help determine the most appropriate means of delivering oral care. Malkin (2009) asserts that this is a critical component of the procedure and was one I was keen not to overlook. The World Health Organisation (WHO 2010) describes a healthy mouth as being free of chronic mouth and facial pain and in the situation described; this is the condition I found my partners mouth to be in. I was therefore happy to proceed with cleaning his teeth as instructed. I selected to use a soft bristled toothbrush and toothpaste. The use of these adjuncts are described by many writers as being the most appropriate in terms of removing plaque and preventing trauma to the gums (Holman et al 2005,McCauliffe 2007).Despite this it has been identified that they are also most often not selected by nurses who appear uncertain about most effective evidence based practice ( McAuliffe 2007). Conclusion Clearly, mouth care is important and that, nurses have a role in assessing and maintaining it (Malkin, 2009).The task identified the role of the nurse in providing encouragement to the patient whilst delivering oral care. His weakness created a sense of dependency upon me and necessitated the utilisation of good communications skills on my part to complete the task properly. It has raised my awareness the effects of nursing interventions on others within my practice. Action Plan At the moment, I read more books a day than practice. My aim is to be proactive in the future by promptly opening up through total participation and doing more practices by brushing my teeth on regular basis. I would consider brushing others also and allowing them to brush mine in order to become familiar with areas that are often not well attended to. Keeping up to date with evidence based principles of practice will be maintained through the scrutiny of journals that refer to this aspect of care. I will take care to remember my feelings when providing and receiving oral hygiene before deliverin g it to patients in the future. Recognising the potential for embarrassment and awkwardness I will ensure that I treat the patient with sensitivity and discretion at all times. Administration of medicines is a key element of nursing care (Audit commission, 2002,). Therefore, one is accountable for the administration of medicines. Description I shadowed my mentor during the process of dispensing medication and knew that my role as a student nurse, each registered nurse is accountable for his/her practice. As a student it is important to seek consent from the patient before any care is given which I did. I went to the treatment room with my mentor and prepared for medication for morning. During the process of medication there are important nursing protocol steps to follow. Firstly, I checked order, assessing client, label medication, provide information to the client, check the medication when dispensing and record in the patients prescription chart. Patient R was present and I offere d him a cup of water along with the Clozapine 300mg in another cup. Before I came in contact with the patient, I read their notes and the medication they are on. This gave me the baseline whether the patients comply with medication and the reason why they do not comply. Feelings The routine for prescribing medication may be different in various clinical settings. Although I have participated dispensing medication, I felt nervous and did not want my patient to see this as a weakness. (Butler, 1991,) warns us that when our self-talk is negative, we are carrying around toxic environment for ourselves everywhere we go. My mentor took the role to encourage me by assuring that I was doing fine, talking me throughout the procedures of medication management. I had brief knowledge about medication and this gave the opportunity for my mentor to question my knowledge about the right dose, time, route, right patient and right drug. My role as a Nurse is to record and report deterioration improv ement and takes appropriate action for his treatment to care. Patient R felt that he did not need medication because he is not mentally ill. This was a barrier because he had no insight and it leads him to deteriorate with compliance. Evaluation This practice includes preparing, checking and administering medications, updating knowledge of medications, monitoring the effectiveness of treatment, reporting adverse drug reactions and teaching patients about the drugs that they receive (NMC, 2008). The (NICE, 2008,) guidelines state principles for the administration of medicines that treatment and care should take into account patients needs and preferences and patients should have the opportunity to make informed decisions about their care and treatment, in partnership with their healthcare professionals. The staff discussed his presentation to healthcare professionals in the Muti-disciplinary team (MTD) if they could change his medication time and dose as he presents lack of motivatio n and sedation. People with schizophrenia should have the opportunity to make informed decisions, including advance decisions and advance statements, about their care and treatment, in partnership with their healthcare professionals.(NICE, 2008,) This is the importance of communication working as a team within the MDT. Analysis Administrating drug medication is one of the most critical nursing responsibilities for both legal reason and safety patients. Hand washing was important protocol the infection control policy as hands are source of infection and hand washing would break the chain of infection. Patient R is on Clozapine. The use of this atypical antipsychotic licensed to people who are resistant to or intolerant of other antipsychotic drugs due to the potentially the use of adequate dose of two different antipsychotic agent. Clozapine can lower the number of white blood cells that help to fight infection (BNF, 2008,). Before initiating Clozapine, patients should have a history and physical examination. For example, if the patient has a history of cardiac illness, it is important that you have regular blood tests. The reason behind this is because, if white blood cells count falls below accepted lower limit are classified as Red alerts medication must be withdrawn, and any other prescriber in the future wishing to restart medication are aware of the patients haematological history. Once a week I would go with the Patient to the Clozapine clinic to have blood test done and to monitor his potential side effects of psychiatric drug treatment. Patient R was presenting various side effects sedation, drowsiness which makes him less motivated to get out of bed for his medication leaving him to forgetting the mornings. Conclusion Not all non-compliant choose to reject medication; it may be because they forget to take them and this may be cognitive confusion. Intolerance of various side effects is the most common cause of clients discontinuing medication use (Tayl or et al 1997). It is important to remember that the symptoms can fall into a number of different categories, so patient like to be told their diagnosis and what is wrong with them (Blenkiron, 1998,). This area was one of my weaknesses, and I asked my mentor the importance of the Clozapine clinic and how it is associated with regular blood monitoring. I learnt that in order to attend regular visits, all patients must have normal leucocytes and different counts. Action Planà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Communication Description On this occasion I was being observed and supervised by my mentor to work with a 45year old Caucasian man, with a diagnosis of paranoid schizophrenia and on section 37/41 of the Mental Health Act 1983. He has previously presented with chaotic behaviour, auditory hallucinations, delusions as well as violent and threatening behaviour. In the morning I would do my observation of the patient and make an assessment of how he presented himself to see if he had attended to his per sonal hygiene and activities of daily living. According to (Greenwood, et al 1999), patients who are in hospital satisfaction with information are found to be lacking. Feelings As a student nurse my role and responsibility by the (NMC, 2008,) is that you must respect and support peoples rights to accept or decline treatment and care. I observed that Patent R found it difficult to wake up and take his medication, which was a problem that staff nurses struggled with time to time. (Watson, 1995,) emphasise that caring communication is holistic, taking into account the entire person and demonstrating respect for the clients ad people. Evaluation Listening is the most important communication skill in nursing. (NICE, 2004), emphasis that communication between healthcare professionals and patients is essential. I learnt that if patients are encouraged to have treatment choice, they need to have information about the recommendation given before committing themselves. This is why it is impor tant that patients must be central to and include in their care. For the patients to be able to do this, it requires the nurse to use communication skills effectively, to develop therapeutic nurse-patient relationship in which the patient feels safe enough to disclose and discuss issues they find central to them and from jargon. Analysis During the shift I communicated with other members of the team on any significant events or any concerns with the patient. At the end of the shift I recorded what the patient had done for that day and I gave handover to the staff who were taking over the next shift. This was very important because it would ensure continuity of care and reduces any errors or omissions. A good example of effective communication links to medication is to give instructions and provide training involving analysis and synthesis of the learners experience. In reference to my patient (Gamble, 2004), illustrates when a person has mental health problem it can affect the indiv idual cognitive process, their beliefs, perception and outward behavior. If Patient R discontinues Clozapine he will become psychotic again and create a turmoil leaving the community and his family members in distress. Conclusionà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. I developed my knowledge by providing leaflets about Clozapine, encourage to attend to the clinic centre which they will explain the pros and cons of Clozapine. Action Planà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.. General Conclusion I identified that some patients felt uncomfortable with direct question so it was important to use (Bein and Miller 1992), Open ended question. The outcome if the client-nurse interaction depends on the nurses ability to engage the client in decision making and share the control and power in the relationship (Roberts, et al 1995,). I felt that their were barrier to communication as I felt that some of the staffs attitudes made me feel as if I was not part of the team and sometimes lead to me no being able t o give my views on issues regarding patients. Although I am aware that all nurses do not use evidence in the same way and may use different methods in clinical settings. I felt that working in partnership with the patient and other health professionals can enable time to build supportive and empathetic relationship as an essential part of care. (NICE, 2008,). The process of learning I went through is more complex than Gibbs suggests. It is not as cyclical as this model implies and I found myself jumping or combining some stages, before coming back. However, it has taken me out of my comfort zone, challenging my thinking.
Friday, October 25, 2019
The Lost Honour of Katharina Blum Essay -- essays research papers
The Lost Honour of Katharina Blum Knowing about the writer of a literary text can shape significantly the way that it is read. Consider the effect of the writer’s context on your understanding of The Lost Honour of Katharina Blum. â€Å"As a writer of fiction Bà ¶ll was interpreting history, creating patterns of meaning, ordering his material to enable his reader to make sense of it.†The experiences of Bà ¶ll and his values that arose from these events have been influential on the content and themes of Bà ¶ll’s novel, The Lost Honour of Katharina Blum. Bà ¶ll experienced both the first and second world wars and the effects that these wars had on German society. Events such as the economic collapse in Germany post WWII, the construction of the Berlin Wall, the rise of student based urban terrorism in West Germany in the 1970’s and the increasing state controls to contain such alleged threats can be seen to influence the issues explored in The Lost Honour of Katharina Blum. The novel is a comment on the press and the law, the labyrinth of social truth, the collision of fact and fiction and the power of language. Bà ¶ll himself experienced the press first hand and this along with the ex periences of Professor Bruckner, form the basis of his criticism directed at the powerful and hegemonic structures in society, in particular in relation to the police and the press and their corrupt relationship in the novella. Many of Heinrich Bà ¶ll s views and attitudes, resulting form his context, are clearly visible in the novella through the portrayal of certain characters in positive or negative lights. The historical, social, economic and political context of Bà ¶ll and West Germany at this time (1900’s) had a considerable effect on the issues Bà ¶ll delves into in The Lost Honour of Katharina Blum and greatly affected my understanding of the novel. Germany has a deeply rooted history with fascism in the form of Nazism in WWII (1939-1945). Bà ¶ll was a teenager at the time of Hitler’s rise to power and he despised Hitler and everything that he stood for. â€Å"I hate the war and all those who love it†. Bà ¶ll actively refused to join Hitler’s Youth as a boy, yet as a young man he was forced to join Hitler’s army. After the war, until the German Republic was formed, Bà ¶ll lived under the Allied Occupation. These events led Bà ¶ll to view politics with doubt and skepticism and he became vehement abo... ... context that shaped Heinrich Bà ¶ll, it becomes apparent to the reader that these conditions have greatly shaped the themes and ideas discussed in Bà ¶ll’s, The Lost Honour of Katharina Blum. Main issues such as the corruption and collusion of powerful institutions in society, especially the police, press and industrialists have come through, with emphasis being placed on the misogynistic and patriarchal society and the effects this has on the treatment of woman, shown by Katharina. Bà ¶ll brings his awareness of they way in which power and status are connected to wealth into the text and greatly condemns the abuse of power by the dominant groups in society, â€Å"Bà ¶ll had little faith in any moral renewal coming from political or ecclesiastical hierarchies.†. Bà ¶ll believed that â€Å"the function of literature is to challenge the arrogant claims to totality made by all ideological systems†. By incorporating his own context into his work, The Lost Honour of Katharina Blum, Bà ¶ll leads the reader to a greater understanding of this time period in West Germany, at the same time undermining the dominant systems and causing the reader to question and carefully examine power structures in society.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Employment relationship Essay
Unitarism is a process assumes that everyone in an organization is a member of a team with a common purpose representing the goals and policies of a company. The Unitarism has a univocal concept for every individual associated with the company right from managers to lower-level employees, should share the same objectives and work together for a common gain. The various staff levels involved in the company from the unions, the relationship managers and the top line management was actively leveraged for an equal representation through all levels. The groups were accepted only as a part of the reflecting loyalty. The managers were the two way communicators between the workers to the management. The management or the ownership was not allowed to force the loyalty factors. The free market orientation introduced by Margaret Thatcher has elevated the roles of the three levels of the employee relationship. The team representation of various levels have had shifted to more personal attention. The equal employee group representation in a company gradually diminished with management focusing on the individual excellence. The relationship manager who acted as a mediator lost his significance with new profile evolved at the same level of designation. Initially in the early 80’s the personal management scenario was not well defined and without any confined objectives. The personal management system has lot of unanswered concerns like tuning up of the individual performance management concerns with their respective team performance levels. The personal management was general and it was not customized according to the functional and industry specifications to make the personal management more effective. The main concern of Unitarism is, the organization is more inclined towards the organization goals and objectives and may not concentrate on the personal career aspects. The employee may not find it comfortable to tune up the organization goals with his personal individual goals. Pluralism: The pluralism provides freedom to tune up the individuals career goals with the organizational goals. The organization values the employees feedback and encourages the employees to be a part of the decision making process. Every level of the employees has the right to sound his voice in the organization. The employees were thus made responsible to the organization’s performance and profitability. The managers have to play a versatile role in motivating and teaming up the employees. The decision making process can be complex as different brains focus on the concerns and there would be possibility of not arriving at concrete decision The influence of the unions, governing bodies will be more on the management. The influence can swing in both the extremes resulting in the profitability or decisions in favor of a particular sector. Marxism: The Marxism refers the labourers’ welfare and representing their concerns. The low level working class is the prime resource and the Marxism exerts more pressure on upliftment of the working class. The working class was prime resource of production which uses the resources for the prosperity of the organization. The Marxist theories strongly condemn the gap between the operating cost incurred and the profits incurred on the products. The dominance of the top level management and ownership is not accepted. The ownership making considerable profits is not accepted are forced to carry the gains for the benefits of the working class. The modern development has decreased the involvement of the manual labour with the advent of machinery to push the productivity index to a considerable extent. The employee job responsibilities were handled by the machines with the artificial intelligence which in turn does not enhance the skill sets of the working class. The employees at some point of time may perceive the same job profile as monotonous and may loose the expertise. The ownership may start ignoring the skills sets of the workers which in turn lead to termination of labourers. The capitalist dominance was widely disregarded in the later half of the 19th century and many experts has drawn various implications on reformatting the Marxist principles to suite the modern challenges. Among them include Rubery, Braveman, Littler and Paul Edwards, who presented various directions of the labor and employee relations. The main implications drawn by these experts revolve around enhancing the employee relations by activily considering processes like: By Elevating the conflicting raising issues and initiating extra circular efforts like incentives, games and recreation that sooth the workers pressure(Burawoy). The Burawoy definition was vital part of the human resource management in many companies in the today to make the employee feel that the company cares the resources in may other ways. †¢ Bridging the gap between the ownership control and the workers resistance for a mutual profitable accord †¢ A more robust job design keeping on view of the employee growth accepts with equal representation of the control leading to a satisfactory employee relationship(Littler). The management has to tune up the workers with abilities required for the productions(Rubery). The experts have had strongly disregarded the employee coherent methodology with asserting more on mutually acceptable strategies for sustainable business and economic growth. The contemporary organization were now-a-days more proactive in providing the employees with more freedom and flexibility to retain them. The compensatory systems were broadened with more virtual incentives along with salaries wooing the employees to stick to the organizations.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Allied Diplomacy Essay
Due to Britain’s position as a major power, the country was able to reshape the Middle East and formulate agreements with several important cultures. However, some of the terms within these treaties were completely contradictory, creating dispute and controversy between parties. This very powerful mandate made many mistakes and errors in judgment that led to disastrous conflicts, such as providing assurances of things they weren’t able to fulfill and creating contradictory terms within official agreements. Britain was responsible for a great amount of problems in the Middle East during World War 1, but there were many other sources of instability with different origins and motives. Two of the most controversial events in the Middle East were the McMahon-Hussein agreement and the Balfour declaration, due to the profound difference in their terms. Whilst the Balfour Declaration promised to provide a National Homeland for the Jewish people, the McMahon- Hussein pact stated that Arab nationals would recover land previously owned by the Turks. At first sight, these terms were completely opposite, and according to the Jewish and the Arabs, impossible to fulfill at once. However, the British claimed that the way in which the Arabs had interpreted the McMahon-Hussein agreement was mistaken because they believed Palestine was to be given to them, just as Britain argued that the map used to establish the terms excluded Palestine from land that had to be given back to the Arab people. A minor phrase that stated that any land that was not purely Arab was to be excluded from the terms created a monumental disagreement when it came to this particular event. Hussein claimed Palestine had to be considered â€Å"purely Arab†as McMahon had a very different view. He believed the land in question was not of pure Arab nature because many other religious groups had established in Jerusalem under Turk rule, therefore eliminating the possibility of ultimate Arab presence in Palestine. Many Palestinians felt betrayed by the British government due to the use of inaccurate technicalities of language. The main purpose of the agreement Britain decided to make with Palestinian Arabs was to gain protection against Ottoman forces and their increasing power. In order to achieve their goal, British officials in Cairo contacted Sharif Hussein and informed him that if they were to assist them against Ottomans, Britain would support future Arab independence. The Arabs had to create a revolt and refer to the Ottomans as their enemies, in order to support the British government further. On the 10th of June 1916, the Arabs did effectively create a large physical conflict in order to fulfill the terms established and to gain the support they required for their ideal independence. The Arab army was founded and organized by the British government, but led by Sharif Hussein’s sons. Due to the amount of instability the Arab-British forces created in the region, the terms were now justified and Hussein demanded Britain to recognize Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Palestine and areas of the Arabian Peninsula as Arab countries. However, Syria and Lebanon were of French interest and therefore were discussed in the Sykes-Picot agreement that took place from 1915 to 1916. The United Kingdom recognized the freedom of the Arabs, creating not only a contradiction between the agreements made with France and Palestinians but a great dispute between the Jewish and Arabs, two religious groups that had been promised the same portion of land. As time passed, Britain started increasing the amount of conflict in the Middle East throughout grave contradictions and opposite statements. The McMahon-Hussein agreement occurred approximately two years before the Balfour declaration, increasing the dimension of the mistake made by the British government. Just after they had promised to return Middle Eastern territories to the Arabs, the major power was responsible for providing a very concrete assurance of giving the Jewish a national homeland within Palestine. Arthur James Balfour was very clear and was able to state this throughout a letter he wrote to Lord Rothschild on November 2nd, 1917. The Balfour Declaration urged Lionel Walter Rothschild to inform the Zionist Federation of the proposition and was clear that His Majesty’s government would use all its power to provide a National Homeland as long as no rights were violated in the process, even if they did belong to exterior ethnic groups. As mentioned before, this declaration was said to be completely contradictory to the agreement made with Sharif Hussein according to Jewish interpretation. Jews believe d they would receive the entire land of Palestine and would be able to make exclusive use of it, whereas the British argued they never promised the land in its whole and therefore were not breaking any promises or contradicting the terms made in previous agreements. The Treaty of Sevres confirmed the promise made to the Jewish people in the 1917 Balfour Declaration and initiated a long-term problem between the both Palestinian Arabs and Jews. With this treaty, European Powers managed to solve their internal conflicts and successes by reestablishing the map of the region according to what was convenient at the moment, but didn’t really think of the long-term consequences of the new arrangement. By not taking Turkish interests into account, the treaty of Sevres was not of their liking and managed to create a larger sense of nationalism within the country, thus creating the war. The lack of precision presented in the three consecutive arrangements with the Arabs, French and Jewish created a great deal of controversy and instability in the Middle Eastern region. Even though the British government was undoubtedly responsible for the majority of the disputes in the Middle East during WW1, there were some exterior factors that accumulated and created outrageous amounts of discrepancies. It wouldn’t be incorrect to say that Britain acted the way it did due to the pressure put on it by the initiation of the Holy War, announced by the Ottomans. After four entire centuries of rule, the Ottoman Empire collapsed and therefore contributed to the incessant tensions between inhabitants of several countries. The mentioned empire was the world’s most influential Islamic power and was responsible for putting a stop to its neutrality towards the allies and declaring a Holy War against France, Russia and Great Britain. This war initiation not only put pressure on Britain, but also encouraged the government to find support against the Ottomans, hence the McMahon-Hussein agreement and its terms. In retrospect, Britain was mostly responsible for the instability in the Middle East during the First World War but there were some factors and events having to do with the Ottoman war declaration that created tension and controversy. If the treaties made with the French, Arabs and Jews had been coherent and logical when put together; the problems in the Middle East wouldn’t have been so deeply catastrophic. To certain extent, there were some factors that put Britain in a very difficult position by threatening their empire and even though they were to blame for creating most of the conflicts during World War 1, they definitely weren’t responsible for starting the long sequence of instability. If it hadn’t been for Britain’s lack of precision when presenting the terms, the long-term problem between Palestinian Arabs and Jews could have been reduced or avoided, despite their ambitious natures. The events and agreements mentioned were not the only sources of conflict between these two ethnic groups due to the disputes that had been occurring a long time before concerning land and respective properties. British officials could have definitely dealt with conflicts in a better way, avoiding the preposterous amount of tension and disputes in the Middle East from the beginning until de end of the war. BIBLIOGRAPHY: Palestinians. (n.d.). The McMahon Agreement. _History Learning Site_. Retrieved September 16, 2012, from The Balfour Declaration . (n.d.). _Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs_ . Retrieved September 16, 2012, from British Mandate for Palestine. (n.d.). _Middle East: MidEastWeb_. Retrieved September 17, 2012, from
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Uganda essays
Uganda essays The people of Uganda have had many types of governments during their long history, but until the coming of British Colonialism, there was no central government. Originally government was in the hands of the tribal groups who elected their own leaders and made their own laws, which all members of their group were expected to follow. Later some central authority was given to the kings of the various tribes, including the largest of these, the Buganda, whose ruler, the Kabaka, was considered the king and had ultimate authority over his people and their land ( Cavendish, 31). Mutesa II, whose full name was Sir Edward William David Walugembe Mutebi Luwangula Mutesa, was the Kababa of the East African State of Buganda, which is now part of Uganda from 1939 to 1953, and again from 1955 to 1966 (Thompson, 134). During the 1940s although he was nominally king, Mutesa was essentially controlled by the British resident and his Katikiro, or prime minister, and was personally unpopular. In 1953, when elimination of the privileged position of king of Buganda within the protectorate of Uganda seemed imminent, Mutesa II took an unyielding stand in meetings with the governor of Uganda so as not to completely alienate many of his increasingly suspicious and anti-British subjects. His key demands were for separation of Buganda from the rest of Uganda and the promise of independence. When he refused to communicate the British governments formal recommendation to his lukiiko, or parliament, he was arrested and deported (Cavendish, 32). Buganda leaders engineered Mutesa IIs return in 1955, as a constitutional monarch who still had a great deal of influence in the Buganda government. When Uganda became independent, Prime Minister Obote hoped to placate Buganda by encouraging Mutesas election as president in 1963, but a conflict over the continued integrity of the Buganda kingdom with Uganda followed. When Mutesa II t...
Monday, October 21, 2019
Definition and Examples of Headwords in English
Definition and Examples of Headwords in English In English grammar, a head is the key word that determines the nature of a phrase (in contrast to any modifiers or determiners). For example, in a noun phrase, the head is a noun or pronoun (a tiny sandwich). In an adjective phrase, the head is an adjective (completely inadequate). In an adverb phrase, the head is an adverb (quite clearly). A head is sometimes called a headword, though this term shouldnt be confused with the more common use of headword to mean a word placed at the beginning of an entry in a glossary, dictionary, or other reference work. Also Known As head word (HW), governor Examples and Observations Louis, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.(Humphrey Bogart as Rick in Casablanca, 1942)As the leader of all illegal activities in Casablanca, I am an influential and respected man.(Sydney Greenstreet as Senor Ferrari in Casablanca, 1942)The head of the noun phrase a big man is man, and it is the singular form of this item which relates to the co-occurrence of singular verb forms, such as is, walks, etc.; the head of the verb phrase has put is put, and it is this verb which accounts for the use of object and adverbial later in the sentence (e.g. put it there). In phrases such as men and women, either item could be the head.(David Crystal, A Dictionary of Linguistics and Phonetics. Wiley-Blackwell, 2003) Testing for Heads Noun phrases must contain a head. Most frequently this will be a noun or pronoun, but occasionally it can be an adjective or determiner. The heads of noun phrases can be identified by three tests: 1. They cannot be deleted. 2. They can usually be replaced by a pronoun. 3. They can usually be made plural or singular (this may not be possible with proper names). Only test 1 holds good for all heads: the results for 2 and 3 depend on the type of head. (Jonathan Hope, Shakespeares Grammar. Bloomsbury, 2003) Determiners as Heads Determiners may be used as heads, as in the following examples: Some arrived this morning. I have never seen many. He gave us two Like third person pronouns these force us to refer back in the context to see what is being referred to. Some arrived this morning makes us ask Some what?, just as He arrived this morning makes us ask Who did? But there is a difference. He stands in place of a whole noun phrase (e.g. the minister) while some is part of a noun phrase doing duty for the whole (e.g. some applications). . . . Most determiners occurring as heads are back-referring [that is, anaphoric]. The examples given above amply illustrate this point. However, they are not all so. This is especially the case with this, that, these, and those. For instance, the sentence Have you seen these before? could be spoken while the speaker is pointing to some newly built houses. He is then not referring back to something mentioned, but referring out to something outside the text [that is, exophora]. (David J. Young, Introducing English Grammar. Taylor Francis, 2003) Narrower and Wider Definitions There are two main definitions [of head], one narrower and due largely to Bloomfield, the other wider and now more usual, following work by R.S. Jackendoff in the 1970s. 1. In the narrower definition, a phrase p has a head h if h alone can bear any syntactic function that p can bear. E.g. very cold can be replaced by cold in any construction: very cold water or cold water, I feel very cold or I feel cold. Therefore the adjective is its head and, by that token, the whole is an adjective phrase. 2. In the wider definition, a phrase p has a head h if the presence of h determines the range of syntactic functions that p can bear. E.g. the constructions into which on the table can enter are determined by the presence of a preposition, on. Therefore the preposition is its head and, by that token, it is a prepositional phrase.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Electric Typewriter vs. Freewrite Typewriter - Freewrite Store
Electric Typewriter vs. Freewrite Typewriter - Freewrite Store Do you know what writers Ernest Hemingway and Danielle Steel have in common? They couldn't be more different in subject and style. But when it came to choosing a writing instrument, both chose a typewriter. Of course, home computers weren't around when Hemingway crafted his masterpieces. But a surprising number of modern writers avoid working on computers. Humorist P.J. O'Rourke prefers an IBM Selectric electric typewriter instead of a computer because it "doesn't get in the way" of the writing process. In other words, O'Rourke doesn't like the distractions of using a computer. A lot of modern writers stay away from computers and opt for a basic "words on paper" approach. Some write first drafts in longhand. Some use typewriters. Along with the "no-distraction back-to-basics" feeling, writers like Steel find that typing on a mechanical keyboard to be more conducive to creativity. If you're a writer struggling to work on a computer, you have better options. One is an electronic typewriter. Another is the Freewrite. The Freewrite is a tool designed from the ground up for writers. How do the two compare? Here's a rundown. Electric Typewriter Features The best electric typewriter models provide writers with a host of options. Typical features include line drawing, correction memory, word and character erase, underlining, automatic carriage returns, programmable tabulation memory and bidirectional printing functions. Many also include removable storage capabilities. The Freewrite Writing Tool The Freewrite combines the simplicity of a typewriter with the benefits of modern digital documents. It retains the tactile feel of a typewriter with a mechanical keyboard. But instead of having to retype paper documents to get them into the computer, the Freewrite’s documents are already digital. Documents save on the device and automatically sync to Dropbox, Evernote, or Google Drive so you don't have to worry about computer crashes or power outages. Files upload with 256-bit SSL encryption. Every Freewrite element works to get the creative juices flowing. It's lightweight with a stow-able handle. Take it to the park, find inspiration and hit the keys on the full-size mechanical keyboard. What's the Verdict? If you're looking for a way to put an end to distractions, amplify creativity and boost productivity, the Freewrite is your best option. With the Freewrite, it won't take long to find your writing groove. And once you're there, you'll stay there.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Hi Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Hi - Assignment Example However, this does not support the argument that love is merely an addiction. The philosophical definition is that love is basically an intimate relationship which is based on honesty and sharing. On the other hand, any addiction is contrary to this intimacy involved in love. An addiction basically nullifies the possibility of knowing oneself. In other terms, an addict will not be in a position to know himself or herself. Without knowing oneself true love is impossible. Thus true love is not an addiction. Studies have suggested peculiar nuero transmissions in ventral pigmental area and Protrate Nucleus of the brains of lovers where Dopomine is produced. This hormone and its effects is related with the past experiences and present environment. This is where taking your loved one for a date in a park or to any place with appropriate ambience influences the relationship. The nuero transmissions are affected by these interactions causing the brain to respond accordingly. However, if these hormones act so that one losses one’s sense of identity and personal power, it turns to be love addiction. The responses that regulate the nuero transmissions will determine whether love turns to addiction. In other words, factors like taking your loved one for an exciting date would act as the external catalysts for these nuero
Friday, October 18, 2019
Business Report about Dental coverage In Australia Assignment
Business Report about Dental coverage In Australia - Assignment Example The rising problem of getting timely dental treatment and increase in expenditures of the individuals has led to the intervention of the government in terms of increase in fund allocation and grant of licenses to more number of private insurers. The increase in the dental coverage in Australia has led to the rise in availability and affordability of dental care treatment for the people of Australia. The various schemes launched by the government focused on the fissure sealants for children. These are dental treatment procedures where the teeth of the children are covered by a sealed coating in order to prevent damage in future. The fissure salient for children has helped to reduce the carryover of dental problems to adulthood. Various recommendations for addressing the dental problems and role of the dental coverage in Australia have been mentioned. The inclusion of specialized schemes for children in the coverage provided by the private insurers to the Australian people would help t o mitigate the dental problems in future. The awareness programs run in the schools and the communities would help to address the problem in an inclusive manner. Discussion of Contributing Facts Dental coverage and care is associated to the physical, mental and social well being of the children and adults in the society. The Australian system of dental coverage is dominated by 90% of the players representing the private sector. Thus the Australian people tend to remain in the waiting list in terms of receiving timely treatment from the public sector. The rise in the number of patients in the domain of dental care is also due to untimely receipt of dental coverage and treatment from the childhood which is in turn carried over by the time the children grows into matured adults (Australian Dental Association, 2013, p.17). Due to the lack of treatment of the dental problems in the public sector due to shortage of trained medical staffs over a period of time, the major problem generally arise due to dislocation of teeth, inappropriate fitting of dentures, etc. This leads to increase in cost of treatment on dental care for which dental coverage has attained huge significance in the recent times (Consumer Health Forum of Australia, 2012, p.2). A quick look at the contributing facts could provide a clear idea on the scope of dental coverage in Australia. Neglect in dental hygiene in the childhood leading to carryover of dental problems in adulthood. Untimely dental treatment due to increase in waiting list in the public sector (Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 2011, p.34). Increasing cost of dental care due to dislocation of teeth, inaccurate filing of teeth and mistake in fitting of denture. Absence of adequate trained dental staffs in the public sector facilities leading to dependence on the private sector. Discussion of the problem The increase in the cases of dental care, increase in the public sector waiting list for dental treatment and increasing cos t of the Australian people led to the intervention of the government to solve the rising need for dental care and coverage. The expenditure of the government increased from $5.3 billion in 2005-06 to $7.8 billion in 2010-11 (Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 2011, p.49). The break-up of the contributions of the governments,
Using the Concept of Network Externalities in Detecting Monopolistic Essay
Using the Concept of Network Externalities in Detecting Monopolistic Practices as in the Case of Microsoft Company - Essay Example they are connected in a virtual network. Examples of compatible products are computer hardware and software, phonographs and records, and television sets and programing. In extreme cases, network externalities may cause markets to fail as when an inferior product ‘tips’ the network towards adopting it over a superior product because it arrived first (Page & Lopatka, 1999, p.955). A market is said to have ‘tipped’ when it settles on a single standard for a product, such as software platforms (p.960). Proposition: ‘Microsoft acted illegally to extend its monopoly power.’ Corporate acts deemed anticompetitive are those that foster competition not on the merits, and lead to insufficient distribution compensation. An example is when a sufficiently large number of distributors agree to exclusivity over a sufficiently lengthy period, because this tends to drive rival firms out of the market. Distributors who have not by then signed up with the dominant firm will then have to pay a monopoly price (Rasmusen, Ramseyer & Wiley, 1991). Microsoft, as dominant firm intending to defend its market position, undertook four actions with regard to Internet Explorer (IE) vis-a-vis original dominant browser, Netscape Navigator: (1) Microsoft invested massively in browser technology; (2) IE was zero-priced; (3) Microsoft signed exclusive distribution contract with Internet access providers; and (4) Microsoft bundled IE with Windows. The court found that investment in browser technology and zero pricing were not uncompetitive, but declared exclusive distribution contracts and tying or bundling arrangements as uncompetitive (Klein, 2001, pp.46-47). Arguments in favor of illegality Microsoft engaged in actively ‘tipping’ the market, thus preventing the adoption of what could...This paper offers a comprehensive review of the concept of network externalities and its practical applications in helping to detect the uncompetitive actions f rom companies. Using the example of the Microsoft company, the essay exhibits its possible excessive use of dominant market position, through the help of provisions of network externalities theory In separate cases, governments (the US and EU) and attorneys in class action suits claimed that Microsoft’s contracts with original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) were exclusionary and anticompetitive, thereby maintaining its operating system (OS) and later its internet browser. These allegedly caused consumers to pay higher prices, discouraged innovation, and restricted trade in violation of the Sherman Act. Microsoft countered that it was not a monopoly because it still faced strong competition in a dynamic industry; its success was procompetitive because consumers benefited from its software distribution; and imposition of antitrust remedies would reduce innovation instead of encouraging it. Corporate acts deemed anticompetitive are those that foster competition not on the merits, and lead to insufficient distribution compensation. Microsoft’s OS provided a platform with network and family effects, and its contracts, while exhibiting some arguably anticompetitive characteristics such as imposing penalties, also includes terms that provide exceptional value to its customers that, as in the case of AOL, tangibly improve their businesses.
Political,social,and economicial collapse of communism Essay
Political,social,and economicial collapse of communism - Essay Example Nevertheless having traded totalitarianism for democracy both Russian and Eastern Europeans got economic disorder, political disorder and sometimes even war. As Coit D. Blacker put it on 1990 the leadership of the Soviet Union â€Å"appeared to have believed that whatever loss of authority the Soviet Union might suffer in Eastern Europe would be more than offset by a net increase in its influence in Western Europe" (Blacker, 1990). However it is not likely that â€Å"architects of the Perestroika†were going to dismantle completely Warsaw Pact and Communism. Rather Gorbachev and Politburo supposed that Eastern European communist or Socialist parties should be reformed the way Soviet Communist party was being reformed. Nevertheless reforms run away with both Soviet and Eastern European communists. As soon as popular masses realized that they are no more controlled by omnipotent KGB and local security services they toppled entire communist regimes. Some countries like Eastern G ermany Czechia, Slovakia, Poland succeeded to transit to democracy without having lots of their citizens victimized while Romania and former Yugoslavia were involved in terrible bloodshed.
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Zara Plus Sized A Case Study for a New Product Line Assignment
Zara Plus Sized A Case Study for a New Product Line - Assignment Example Accordingly, Zara does not currently have any offerings in plus sizes or for the fuller figured woman. Therefore, this is a lucrative market in which Zara’s competitors are capitalizing and Zara apparel is not. If Zara intends to maintain its competitive edge in this evolving market, it will be forced to integrate a full figured line of clothes into its product offerings. Normally, the apparel industry is already one that is almost wholly driven by consumer tastes; however, now that consumer needs play such a key role, the evolution of the industry takes place even more rapidly than prior market demands dictated. Objective The overall objective is to create a prosperous new line of plus sized/full figured women’s clothing to augment the existing profitability of the Zara apparel firm. This objective will be accomplished by designing and producing a new line of full figured/plus sized women’s clothing, internally marketing that new product line, working to streaml ine and maximize the profitability of the new product line, monitoring its growth and success, and expanding the product line to different markets based on the profitability both online and in the initial US market introduction. As such, Zara’s primary objective is to achieve market share in an existing market with existing products. According to analysis of Ansoff’s matrix referenced below in Figure 1.0, this strategy is the safest of Ansoff’s 4 strategies. Figure 1.0 However, it is a well known fact that even with this safest of strategies, it is not without its limitations. Most prominent among these drawbacks is the fact that competitors will necessarily react to Zara’s entry into the market. As Zara will be attempting to cut down on the number of customers and market share which these firms previously held, expect the competition to be fierce. By carefully measuring Zara’s objectives within the metrics of SMART (specific, measurable, attainabl e, and time bound), Zara apparel will ensure that the metrics and milestones of the product launch are well defined, possible, and timely. SPECIFIC/Measurable With the plus sized clothing market approaching US 20 billion dollar a year industry in the United States alone (Stark, 2012), it will be Zara’s intent to capture 0.00875% of the US market - equating to total sales figures of around US 165 million dollars per annum. Figure 2.0 below shows overall sales objectives for the first year of the new product line as compared with the overall size of the plus sized clothing economy in the United States. Figure 2.0 Attainable/Time Bound It is the understanding of this analysis that such a figure is attainable given Zara’s current market share and net profits as of fiscal year 2011 totaling over US 2.14 billion dollars (Irish Times, 2011). Even without accessing total internet sales into the overall tally, each of Zara’s 49 stores in the United States will be respons ible for generating around US 3.34 million dollars in sales of plus sized clothing in order to reach the sales number set forth by this analysis. For purposes of this analysis, the sales goals, both online and in
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Marketing - Essay Example The product reflects the efforts of the firm to respond to the needs of all consumers in terms of hair care. The position and the prospects of the firm in the Australian market are explored through the marketing mix model, which involves in the examination of the product, pricing, distribution and promotion, as elements of the marketing strategy used for the promotion of the product in the above market. 1.1 Current Product When referring to product as an element of the marketing mix model, a series of issues have to be mentioned: apart from the product, as a physical unit, its appearance and the brand name are also important in order to decide the position of the product in its market (Lamb et al. 2008). From a similar point of view, it could be stated that the term ‘product’ as used in the marketing mix model encompasses the ‘goods-and-services combination the company offers to the target market’ (Kotler et al. 2010, 76). ... The product is part of a series of products aiming to help consumers who have frizzy hair; these products (hairspray, mousse and creme) are part of the firm’s ‘Straight & Glossy Styling range’ (Schwarzkopf, 2011). The package of the product is well designed highlighting the key advantages of the product. Schwarzkopf & Henkel is a well-known firm in the global cosmetic industry. The firm’s products are available in the markets of 125 countries worldwide (Schwarzkopf, 2011). The brand name of the firm is quite known, representing products of high quality. In this context, the specific product has many chances to succeed in the Australian market, a market which is strongly related to the specific company – in accordance with the corporate website ‘Schwarzkopf was first available in Australia in 1961’ (Schwarzkopf, 2011). Consumers in Australia are expected to prefer this product from the ones of the competitors because of its brand name-whi ch is synonymous with quality. 1.2 Current Pricing The price of the product is of critical importance for its success within a particular market. In accordance with Baker et al. (2007) the role of price in the success of a product is not standardized. Because of the increased competition in terms of pricing, the prices of products can present a high variation. Moreover, firms worldwide are likely to set different criteria for competing their rivals, for example, the quality of the product or the strategies used for its promotion within the targeted market (Baker et al. 2007). On the other hand, the management of pricing of a product can have many aspects being related to the legal rules related to the particular industry or the
Zara Plus Sized A Case Study for a New Product Line Assignment
Zara Plus Sized A Case Study for a New Product Line - Assignment Example Accordingly, Zara does not currently have any offerings in plus sizes or for the fuller figured woman. Therefore, this is a lucrative market in which Zara’s competitors are capitalizing and Zara apparel is not. If Zara intends to maintain its competitive edge in this evolving market, it will be forced to integrate a full figured line of clothes into its product offerings. Normally, the apparel industry is already one that is almost wholly driven by consumer tastes; however, now that consumer needs play such a key role, the evolution of the industry takes place even more rapidly than prior market demands dictated. Objective The overall objective is to create a prosperous new line of plus sized/full figured women’s clothing to augment the existing profitability of the Zara apparel firm. This objective will be accomplished by designing and producing a new line of full figured/plus sized women’s clothing, internally marketing that new product line, working to streaml ine and maximize the profitability of the new product line, monitoring its growth and success, and expanding the product line to different markets based on the profitability both online and in the initial US market introduction. As such, Zara’s primary objective is to achieve market share in an existing market with existing products. According to analysis of Ansoff’s matrix referenced below in Figure 1.0, this strategy is the safest of Ansoff’s 4 strategies. Figure 1.0 However, it is a well known fact that even with this safest of strategies, it is not without its limitations. Most prominent among these drawbacks is the fact that competitors will necessarily react to Zara’s entry into the market. As Zara will be attempting to cut down on the number of customers and market share which these firms previously held, expect the competition to be fierce. By carefully measuring Zara’s objectives within the metrics of SMART (specific, measurable, attainabl e, and time bound), Zara apparel will ensure that the metrics and milestones of the product launch are well defined, possible, and timely. SPECIFIC/Measurable With the plus sized clothing market approaching US 20 billion dollar a year industry in the United States alone (Stark, 2012), it will be Zara’s intent to capture 0.00875% of the US market - equating to total sales figures of around US 165 million dollars per annum. Figure 2.0 below shows overall sales objectives for the first year of the new product line as compared with the overall size of the plus sized clothing economy in the United States. Figure 2.0 Attainable/Time Bound It is the understanding of this analysis that such a figure is attainable given Zara’s current market share and net profits as of fiscal year 2011 totaling over US 2.14 billion dollars (Irish Times, 2011). Even without accessing total internet sales into the overall tally, each of Zara’s 49 stores in the United States will be respons ible for generating around US 3.34 million dollars in sales of plus sized clothing in order to reach the sales number set forth by this analysis. For purposes of this analysis, the sales goals, both online and in
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Classical Humanism and Architecture Essay Example for Free
Classical Humanism and Architecture Essay INTRODUCTION Classical humanism in architecture is a direct reflection of a human quest of self-realization through ages. As for the recorded evidences one can go back to the periods of Plato, Zeno, Epicurus or Aristotle – the period reigned by Greco-Roman philosophers – when this quest of know thyself flourished and established itself as a philosophy to woo the future generations. Thus this essay takes a quick look to expressions of classical humanism through the wonderful architectural remains of Acropolis that contains the signs of evolution in architecture too – before coming into its own conclusion. Classical Division of Greco-Roman Architecture The period in discussion contains three distinctive division of architecture, viz. , Doric, Ionic and Corinthian order. Doric could be termed as the mainstream architecture of Greece, which later gave way to Ionic and Corinthian order, where each of them can be identified through their different finishes at the sections like cornice, frieze, architrave, capital, shaft and base. Out of them two styles still co habit in Acropolis – Parthenon and Erechtheum, while the third, belonging to Roman era, has two of its bright examples in the Temple of the Sybil in Rome or in the Charlotte City Hall (Shulman). Classical Humanism It can be identified as the improvised state of early Greek Humanism (1200-750 B. C. ), when the Greeks had evolved with the concept of arete (human excellence), where the guiding elements were courage, loyalty, generosity, mercy, dignity, decency, honor, stoicism and strength (Sunami, 2004). Gradually the depiction of these elements as virtues took shape in architectural details besides other modes of expressions like drama, painting or writing, where a realistic approach dominated the proceedings. It is because of that the human-centered sculptures done by them or the details in their architecture attempts to create near-perfect depiction of figures. Parthenon In spite of its present dilapidated state, Parthenon (447-432 B. C.), the home of Greek goddess Athena Perthenos (the Virgin Athena) is easily the best example of both Doric architecture and Humanism, where its simple columns and the detailed human figures would reflect a plain living and high thinking philosophy. In fact, the Doric architecture relied much on the solidity rather than frills, which is evident in its many expressions, like the shafts of its overall 46 columns or their capitals and friezes besides cornices. As for humanism, it contained many figures, and especially the metops (relief-works), which were altogether 92 in number, spread all around to depict the series of mythological events or the successful war ventures of the people of Athens. The near-accurate depiction of various muscuto-skeletal states of humans speaks of the deep thoughts applied by their creators. Erectheum Thereafter, the fascination with mathematics and geometry of the Greeks belonging to the period 500 B. C. – 30 B. C. , led to their advancement in architecture (Sunami, 2004) while maintaining their idea of humanism. A great example of such an evolution could be seen in Erectheum (421-405 B. C. ), which had replaced Doric architecture by Ionic order, a style developed in Ionia region of Greece. The six Ionic columns of its facade beholding six sculpted figures of maidens with large bead and reel and egg and dart moldings (Osborne), corroborates the fact. Corinthian Order Further departure from Doric is observed in Corinthian order of architectural style, where the capitals of its pillars started having flowers and leaves below a small scroll (Shulman), besides tweaking its shafts and cornices to establish a flattened look, altogether indicating evolution in both architecture and philosophy of humanism, where the later emphasized on nature more than before. CONCLUSION The philosophy of humanism or the trends in architecture are both never-ending subjects, but the wonderful episode of their togetherness in the early era sill serves as food for thoughts like simplicity is the hallmark of elegance or every instance of human existence is embedded with history, philosophy and nature. Ends Works Cited Shulman, B. R. Classical Orders. Retrieved 20 December 2007, from http://www. cmhpf. org/kids/dictionary/ClassicalOrders. html Sunami, C. 2004. History of Humanism. Retrieved 20 December 2007, from http://kitoba. com/pedia/History+of+Humanism. html Osborne, R. The Erechtheum. Retrieved 20 December 2007, from http://www. jact. org/publications/sample_erechtheum. htm.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
A comparative study of Sydney Carton in Dickens A Tale of Two Cities :: GCSE English Literature Coursework
A comparative study of Sydney Carton in Dickens’ novel, A Tale of Two Cities, and Romeo Montague and Juliet Capulet in Shakespeare’s play, Romeo and Juliet, requires the reader to analyze various aspects that the transforming effect love can have on a personality. As we study each character, it is relatively easy to see that no matter how painful love can be, it is usually to one’s betterment to have experienced it. Love affects each person differently. Some become more introspective, searching to better themselves for the sake of themselves or another. Others do not recognize what they are lacking in their lives until they find love. In either event, it permanently redirects the course of one’s life. Or causes one to end it in some cases. We see that all three characters learn to love themselves better, to love others anew and in the end, make the ultimate sacrifice for their love for another. Point A: Both author’s illustrate well, that a lack of love can have a profound effect on the behavior of a person. Whether a person has never experienced love by fortune or by design, the initial introduction of love into the personality can be intense. Dickens introduces Sydney Carton to us immediately after a trial, speaking to his client. It is at this point that we get a glimpse of the character of Carton, "†¦who smelled of port wine, and did not appear to be quite sober†¦" (Dickens, 100). Carton is so disillusioned with his own life, that he can’t even like his client [who looks like him], "Do you particularly like the man?’ He muttered, at his own image; ‘why should you particularly like a man who resembles you? There is nothing in you to like†¦" (Dickens 103). Romeo Montague is no less desultory, but youth is his excuse, while alcohol and lifelong disappointment are Carton’s. Shakespeare has Friar Lawrence state [about Romeo’s multiple infatuations], "Young men’s love then lies not truly in their hearts, but in their eyes" (1.3.67-68). Having not experienced life yet, Romeo does not yet understand the nature of love. He still sees it as a physical reaction, rather than emotional, "For beauty, starved with her severity / cuts beauty off from all prosperity" (1.1.227-228). Juliet is so immature and unskilled in the ways of love, that she shares her youthful desperation with her nurse, "Go ask his name; if he is married / my grave is like to be my wedding bed" (1.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Production Notes :: College Theatre Festival Papers
Production Notes Preface The slides and video that are found on this web site are recordings of a production of Measure for Measure mounted at the College of the Holy Cross in the fall of 1996. In February, 1997, the production was re-mounted at Brandeis University as part of the American College Theatre Festival. The following notes formed the conceptual basis for the production. First Response In the final months of the twentieth century, Measure provides us with a searing allegory about a society that is divided severely along economic and social lines. The ubiquitious moral rot of Shakespeare's play parallels our contemporary world. The political and social hypocricy of rulers who abuse power for personal gain while criticizing and punishing the lower classes comes right out of the evening news. Some issues of the play hit home harder today and in a radically different manner then they would have in Shakespeare's day. Ideas such as sexual harrassment and immorality connote wildly different things to a contemporary audience, particularly in light of recent current events. Talking Points I. Measure for Measure is a play about power--political, economic, and sexual power--and how these three interrelated phenomena intersect with catastrophic consequences when they are abused by an inadequate leader. But it is essential to note that the play is not against the use of power per se, because the entire crisis is instigated by the failure of a rightful ruler to exercise properly his responsibilities of office. Indeed, the entire arc of the play is about how this ruler--Duke Vincentio--learns about the nature of power and the necessity of its public demonstration. It can be argued that, in many respects, the play is a primer about effective leadership and must be viewed as a humanistic revision of Machievelli's The Prince. II. Political power must be exercised correctly and sexual desires must be pursued properly. Without sex there is no propagation of the species and without political restraint there is no maintenance of the social order. Political responsibility cannot be avoided and neither can the fundamental need of humans to fornicate. Without restraint, however, the pursuit of these intersecting fundamental drives will undermine the stability of society. Measure for Measure argues that political power must be exercised in a principled manner and sexual intercourse must occur under the sanction of marriage. III. A recurring theme in the plays of Shakespeare is the nature of effective leadership.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Corporate Social Responsibility Essay
Today doing business is no longer a matter of creating the best products or making the most profit, it has developed to a matter of how? Due to scandals including child labour, poor working conditions and neglect of safety and health regulations, companies worldwide have been forced to revaluate their moral and ethical standards. Consumers are now caring about much more than just the product, which compel companies to monitor manufactures, secure labour standards and to be aware of the environment. This new phenomenon is called Corporate Social Responsibility or by its shortening CSR. Some companies like H&M or Zara have rejected to be involved in CSR. Others have taken CSR to a whole new level. Nike Inc. has during the past years not only followed the recent development within CSR but the apparel mastodon has also evolved to be a role model. Nike has as many other companies renewed their supply chain and methods of manufacturing. Their newest motto â€Å"Innovative for a better world†describes their efforts at the most, but their new system of ranking manufactures, their Materials Sustainability Index that provides designers with information on the potential environmental impact of the products they use, recycling program of old shoes and their new manufacturing process of their recent shoe â€Å"Flyknit†with minimal waste speaks for it self. Nike has with these investments proved they are willing to â€Å"Innovate for a better world†but how does it affect Nikes marketing environment and will these investments comply with the overall concept: Making money? Nike is market leader within athletic products worldwide and is considered the 26th most powerful brand by Forbes. The athletic brand has an annual turn over on 21.8 billion dollars and spends 2.7 billion dollars on advertising every year. The importance of Nike is not to be mistaken. Therefore their latest investments in CSR are a huge boost to the issue. Many huge companies such as H&M and Zara have rejected to invest in CSR although their have been numerous scandals of poor working condition and child labour, which shows not all companies are willing to invest in sustainability and social causes. Nike has actually been involved in such scandals, but denied all accusations. Nike has however with these new methods shut up all the critics. The company has been known for innovate shoes and closes to new standards and has used their strength in innovation to create new business methods: â€Å"Our vision is clear: to help NIKE, Inc. and our consumers thrive in a sustainable economy where people, profit and planet are in balance†. Nike is, according to this quote, trying to accomplish the almost impossible and create a win–win situation for the company it self and its marketing environment. But is this possible? I believe so! They have created better work conditions for employees of their manufactures because of the pressure Nike has put on theme. Nike rate the manufactures with gold, silver and bronze medals and have set the goal of all manufactures should have a bronze medal by 2020. And although Nike has made huge investments in innovating their products to new manufacturing and product standards with focus on low environmental damage and a lot of recycling and therefore probably raised their prices, consumers actually stand by Nikes new methods although raised prices usually do not get the approval of the average consumer. Nikes revenue has increased from 18,528 million dollar in 2009 to 25,313 million dollar in the fiscal year of 2013. This could be caused by the increased prices of their products but Nikes return on invested capital has followed the same development and has increased from 17.8 % in 2009 to 23,8 % in the fiscal year of 2013. What is more, all this is accomplished during a very difficult financial period, which only gives Nike extra credit. Furthermore Nike is increasing the competitive situation when they implement other competitive parameters than just product or price. Nike is also forcing the consumers to make a choice: Cheap products manufactured by brands, who do not have the same CSR – profile as Nike and therefore do not care about sustainability, the environment or employees of the manufactures, who often work under poor conditions and put their lives on the risk every day, just to make some close or Nike who are trying to do the right thing and change these things. I am a big fan of Nike’s new manufacturing methods! They seem to have made the impossible and made a win – win situation. They keep innovating new clothing and shoes, which becomes popular the moment it hits the market. And they accomplish this wonder contemporary with investing in better work conditions, sustainability and low environmental damage. Additionally they keep improving their accounting figures, even in difficult financial times! Absolutely amazing in my opinion! B: Blog Then it happened again. A huge company forgot to do their research properly. We have seen it before when the Japanese car manufacturing giant Mazda named their car â€Å"MR2†, which means faeces in the French language or when Warner Brothers named their new big movie wonder â€Å"Free Willy†, which is not the nicest word in the British language. This time it was the American athletic brand Nike, which released their new shoe â€Å"Black and Tan†close to St. Patrick’s Day. It was a tribute to the huge beer brewery Guiness, which also inspires the shoe, which includes an illustration of a beer in the sole. Usually that kind of shoe would have been popular among the beer loving Irish people. But Nike’s marketing people forgot one thing: The Black and Tan was a violent British paramilitary, which ravaged the Irish independence wars and among this the atrocities of Bloody Sunday. Not a name you want to use for a shoe honoring the Irish peoples most favo rite company. And Nike has experienced the consequences of the mistake. Nike has put a lot of money into innovating and advertising the shoe, which only makes the fault bigger. Some simple research or a Googling of â€Å"Black and Tan†could have averted the problem. Nike has now made a shoe to tribute Guiness that they cannot sell in Ireland. It may have ruined Nikes reputation and brand in Ireland and it has cost Nike million of dollars in manufacturing the shoe and may even cost billions of dollars in losses of future sales in Ireland. Hopefully Nike and other companies have learned their lesson and in the future understand the importance of cultural research.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Campaign Rhetoric
Composition Project 1: Campaign Rhetoric With one of its major focuses on both textual and visual rhetoric, English 102 invites you into an in-depth analysis of how text and image work together. In politics, product advertising, education, business, and many other contexts, we see words, pictures, and even sound coming together in campaigns to send messages to their audiences. Your increasingly sharp ability to analyze the rhetorical situations of such campaigns not only contributes to the strength of your communication, but it also helps to strengthen your ability to â€Å"read†and critique the world around you.This first project invites you to analyze, evaluate, and create an evidence-based argument about a campaign that interests you. Steps in the Process Like any authentic research project, you’ll begin with inquiry: What do I know? What don’t I know? You’ll use research to get to know some campaign(s) in the media around you: Web, TV, print, radio, m obile phone. Once you’ve done that research, you’ll 1. Choose a campaign: an anti-drug campaign for teens? A local Senator’s campaign for re-election? Starbucks’s line of seasonal coffee drinks?A university’s recruiting campaign? 2. Identify the rhetorical situation: the communicator, audience, message and purpose, context 3. Analyze its rhetorical strategies 4. Use this analysis to make an evaluative argument about this campaign Your Audience Your instructor and your peers are part of your audience. But the message you send with this analysis is likely to be of interest to audiences in and out of your field. Thus, it is up to you to decide who you want your audience to be, based on your purpose, message, and context.Form Depending on your audience, purpose, message, and context, this composition may take any one or a hybrid of textual forms: e. g. , an opinion piece, a letter, a memo, a report, a blog. Research and Evidence: Your composition will draw on at least one form of primary research (see Praxis 200-205). ), and at least one form of scholarly research. Additionally, you may feel welcome to draw on other sources (journals, newspapers or magazines, Web sites, images, popular culture) as your audience, purpose, and message require.
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
A Child Called It
A Child Called â€Å"It†is a true story based on one of the most severe child abuse cases in California history. It is a twisted, brutal, and emotional book about the childhood of the author Dave Pelzer and his alcoholic mother who played many sick games on him as a child. It is about his struggles everyday to live and go on and try to beat his mother in her games. Until he is one day taken away by the Daly City Police Department and put in custody of the San Mateo Juvenile Department. His mother, Catherine Pelzer, started out as the perfect mother. Loving, caring, fun, nice, and she and her husband, Stephen, took Dave and his siblings on many trips to different places in California and all around the United States. Until one day things changed in the Pelzer household, Catherine and Stephen began arguing. The arguing caused Catherine to take all of her pent up aggression out on Dave, which is when the abuse started. She first began the abuse by burning him on a gas stove and then the abuse got much worse and she began playing â€Å"games†on him and not feeding him until his chores were done in a certain time. If they were not done in the allotted time, he was not fed that day. His father first began trying to help Dave, by sneaking him food whenever he was home from work and trying to convince Dave that things would get better in the Pelzer household. Until one day, he was caught. When Stephen was caught, arguing broke out and the â€Å"games†played on Stephen became a lot worse and more brutal than ever before. Stephen Pelzer began not coming home after work but would instead drink all night at bars and stay at hotels to avoid the arguing with his wife. Dave Pelzer,the protagonist, first began scared that the beatings and the â€Å"games†would never stop. He began to tell himself that he couldn't give up and that he had to try his mother at her own â€Å"games†and try to survive everyday or his mother would end up killing him. But as time went on and he was beginning to be fed less and less, he decided to come up with different plans to feed himself everyday. So he came up with the plan that everyday he was going to get to school extra early and steal food out of the other children's lunchboxes. Then one day children began complaining that they had food missing and then then the principal decided that Dave was stealing the food. So the principal called his mother, and the beatings gotten severely worse. Another plan he came up with is that during his lunch hour, he was going to go the grocery store and steal food during the hour. But this plan did not last long when he was caught by the manager, and he called the school and he was then reported to his mother and the beating got even worse. In the end, the nurse saw all the wounds that his mother had inflicted on him and the nurse and the principal talked about it. They then decided that they would report his wounds to the police department. The San Mateo Juvenile Department then took custody of Dave and he was removed from the household. His mother was never arrested but Dave was moved into foster care and he was never abused again. A child called â€Å"it†I don’t believe that anyone could read this book and not be disturbed it. It is a poignant and heart wrenching book of one child’s great misery at the hands of his extremely â€Å"ill†mother.The types of abuse that were inflicted upon him were horrific and terrifying to read about, let alone to have suffered through. I had to pause several times in the reading just to take a breath and try to absorb that anyone could have endured such horrors and survived it. It often brought me to tears and shock from the sheer sadness of it. David Pelzer’s writings were clear, concise, and held back no punches.At times, I felt myself filled with rage at the injustice and cruelty this man bore as a helpless child and the incredulity that it was permitted to go unchecked for so long. It seemed so inconceivable that no one interfered or made any attempt to stop it from family to public officials. This did not happen in the Dark Ages but in the 1970’s in California a nd in a country which was and is supposed to be a nation of freedom and enlightenment.How could the system have so totally and miserably failed this child? The â€Å"why†of that was still a mystery to me when I had reached the conclusion of the book? The only answer I could come up with was that no one could be bothered until it just finally became so evident that it could no longer be ignored. That, in itself, is almost as dire a tragedy as the misery and pain this child had to feel and live through.First question: A discussion of how this book impacted you emotionally and cognitively.The first real reaction I had was to the way the boy felt so unworthy in the beginning chapter of the book. This is a classic sign of child abuse, where it becomes the purpose of the abuser to demean and belittle the abused until they have no self confidence left or any sense of personal dignity. A human being that believes in themselves will fight back and refuse to be submissive.The motherâ €™s constant spew of criticism was intended for just that purpose so that David would not try to oppose her and would suffer through her abuse without fighting her. It gave her a sense of power over him, ill regardless of the fact that she was an adult and he was a child where the physical odds were against him.As each stage of the abuse became more violent and degrading as well as life threatening, my shock grew the further I read into the book. At points, it was hard to believe that a mother could be so uncaring of her child. Her coldness and lack of guilt amazed me but David’s mental and emotional fight to preserve his sanity and survival awed me more.When she broke his arm was horrible but to make him suffer through the night just so she pass it off as a fall off a top bunk and therefore, in her mind, take away any risk that she might be held accountable for it, impressed upon me just what a callous coward she was. Yet that incident seemed to pale in the mockery of th e stabbing where she simply bound his wounds and let him heal at home without any medical help.She knew if she took him to the hospital that there would questions and reactions and she would come under suspicion but in truth, the saddest and most despicable action came from his father when David turned to him for help and the man simply told him to go back and finish the dishes before the mother noticed.He let his child stand there and bleed on the carpet and did nothing. Why? Because he was afraid of his wife and her mouth! He put his comfort over the safety of his child and that is unbelievable that any loving parent would do that!I could better understand David’s siblings’ withdrawal out of fear of the mother but the father and the grandmother, both adults, failing to act in David’s defense was almost beyond comprehension.The malicious way that the mother taught her youngest son to view his older brother was feasible because a child, especially a very young o ne, reacts to the way they are taught. He was blameless in a way and more so than David’s older brothers. It brought forth the question to my mind as to why â€Å"just David†and not the other boys?Why were they allowed to eat and have privileges and David wasn’t? What was it about David that made his mother single him out as the one to be despised and abused? These were questions that the book never quite answered in my opinion. Of course, the book was written from the first person point of view, which of David and in only being a child, how would he know what caused his mother to turn on him and treat him so abominably?Second question: A discussion of the instances of where people could have stopped the maltreatment but did not.This question goes back to the instance of the father in particular. He was the only other adult in the house and it should have fallen on him to stop the abuse when it first began. Despite the fact that his wife hid the abuse from him in the beginning and made David never reveal it to his father, how could he have not noticed? With the mother denying the child food, the boy would have grown thinner and wan with an unusual lack of energy or vibrancy normal to a child David’s age.The father would have also had to see how the child clung to him when he was home. Then as time progressed and the father did openly admit to what was happening, why did he not stop it? If he had been a truly loving and caring parent, he would have taken immediate action to stop it, no matter how much he cared about his wife.He simply did not want to â€Å"rock the boat†, to use an old adage. He chose to ignore the situation and pretend that it was not happening. David was alone in a world that he was too small to be able to defend himself in.
Tuesday, October 8, 2019
Tax Accounting Article Research and Synopsis Writing Essay
Tax Accounting Article Research and Synopsis Writing - Essay Example The authors are concerned with the tendency to pay extremely low salaries to shareholder-employees. The IRS sternly educated S corporations on the proper levels of compensation, and the distinguished tax law as applied to S corporations vs. partnerships. The courts tended to rule in favor of raising shareholder-employee wages. When S corporations are found guilty of shirking salary payments, the IRS may subsequently collect recovered FICA and FUTA taxes, interest, failure to file penalties, late deposit penalties, and negligence penalties for failing to try hard enough to adhere to the Tax Code. The point of contention in these cases hinges upon how the term 'wages' is defined. Taxpayers have give themselves too much latitude in this area. When discussing these cases, the courts felt a duty to examine their financial "substancerather than their legal form." Fellows and Jewell emphasized that deviations from equitable salary payments to S corporation shareholder-employees will no longer be tolerated. Although the Revenue Reconciliation Act provided an amended approach to tax calculation, Cash and Dickens point out that its repercussions are not all favorable to corporations. This tax amendment required that beginning in 1990, the Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT) would be figured from adjusted current earnings, rather than regular taxable income. Further, taxpayers must figure Adjusted Current Earnings (ACE) each year as a prerequisite to applying the AMT. Deductions to Adjusted Current Earnings that decrease profits and earnings, such as federal taxes and dividends, are disallowed because they are not subtracted when AMTI is calculated. An alternative minimum tax depreciation calculation depends on several factors, such as when a particular item was first used. Two methods used are the 150% declining balance technique and the double declining technique. Cash and Dickens emphasize that depreciation is the most important "special rule" in figuring Adjusted Current Earnings. The Alternative Depreciation System (ADS) is used for all three of "regular tax purposes," Adjusted Current Earnings and Alternative minimum Tax. Choosing the Alternative Depreciation System can be a boon to corporations who are required to pay the Alternative Minimum Tax every year. ADS is also helpful to those companies who do not possess the time or money to make complex alternate calculations. Deferring taxes and accelerating deductions are both desirable privileges for corporate taxpayers, for obvious reasons. It seems counterintuitive, but the authors suggest reversing these behaviors. Income should be declared in years qualifying for a 20% tax rate, and deductions put off until the corporation reaches a 38% tax rate. On the whole,
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