Tuesday, November 26, 2019
constitutionalism essays
constitutionalism essays The seventeenth century, which witnessed the development of absolute monarchy, also saw the appearance of the constitutional state. While France solved the question of sovereignty with the absolutist state, England evolved toward the constitutional state. If we could assign a very simple definition of the term of the term constitutionalism, it would be the limitation of government by law. Constitutionalism implies a very delicate balance between the authority and power of government, on the one hand, and the rights and liberties of the subjects, on the other. In essence, the law is embodied by a set of precepts and principles a constitution. A nations constitution may be written or unwritten. It may be embodied in one basic document, occasionally revised by amendment or judicial decision, like the Constitution of the United States. It also may be partly written and partly unwritten and include parliamentary statutes, judicial decisions, and a body of traditional procedures and practices (like the English constitution). Regardless of whether it is written or unwritten, a constitution gets its binding force from the governments acknowledgment that it must respect that constitution that is, that the state must govern according to the laws. Likewise, in this state, the people look on the laws and the constitution as the protector of their rights, liberty, and property. Modern constitutional governments may take either a republican or a monarchical form. In a constitutional republic, the sovereign power resides in the electorate and is exercised by the electorates representatives. In a constitutional monarchy, a king or queen serves as the head of state and possesses some residual political authority, but again the ultimate, or sovereign, power rests in the electorate. The constitutional government at this time period has sometimes been perceived to be the same as the democratic form. However, su...
Friday, November 22, 2019
All About Fracking or Hydrofracking
All About Fracking or Hydrofracking Fracking, or hydrofracking, which is short for hydraulic fracturing, is a common but controversial practice among companies that drill underground for oil and natural gas. In fracking, drillers inject millions of gallons of water, sand, salts and chemicals- all too often toxic chemicals and human carcinogens such as benzene- into shale deposits or other sub-surface rock formations at extremely high pressure, to fracture the rock and extract the raw fuel. The purpose of fracking is to create fissures in underground rock formations, thereby increasing the flow of oil or natural gas and making it easier for workers to extract those fossil fuels. How Common Is Fracking? The fracking process is used to boost production at 90 percent of all oil and gas wells in the United States, according to the Interstate Oil and Gas Compact Commission, and fracking is increasingly common in other countries as well. Although fracking most often occurs when a well is new, companies fracture many wells repeatedly in an effort to extract as much valuable oil or natural gas as possible and to maximize the return on their investment in a profitable site. The Dangers of Fracking Fracking poses serious dangers to both human health and the environment. The three biggest problems with fracking are: Fracking leaves behind a toxic sludge (called drill cuttings) that companies and communities must find some way to manage. Safely disposing of the sludge created by fracking is an ongoing challenge.Somewhere between 20 percent and 40 percent of the toxic chemicals used in the fracking process remain stranded underground where they can, and often do, contaminate drinking water, soil and other parts of the environment that support plant, animal and human life.Methane from fracture wells can leak into groundwater, creating a serious risk of explosion and contaminating drinking water supplies so severely that some homeowners have been able to set fire to the mixture of water and gas coming out of their faucets. Methane also can cause asphyxiation. There isnt much research on the health effects of drinking water contaminated by methane, however, and the EPA doesnt regulate methane as a contaminant in public water systems. According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), a least nine different chemicals commonly used in fracking are injected into oil and gas wells at concentrations that pose a threat to human health. Fracking also poses other hazards, according to the Natural Resources Defense Council, which warns that besides contaminating drinking water with toxic and carcinogenic chemicals, fracking could trigger earthquakes, poison livestock, and overburden wastewater systems. Why Concerns About Fracking are Increasing Americans get half their drinking water from underground sources. Accelerated gas drilling and hydrofracking in recent years has fueled public concern about well-water contamination by methane, fracking fluids and produced water, the wastewater extracted from wells after the shale has been fractured. So its no wonder people are increasingly concerned about the risks of fracking, which is becoming more widespread as gas exploration and drilling expands. Gas extracted from shale currently accounts [in 2011] for about 15 percent of natural gas produced in the United States. The Energy Information Administration estimates it will make up almost half of the nation’s natural-gas production by 2035. In 2005, President George W. Bush exempted oil and gas companies from federal regulations designed to protect U.S. drinking water, and most state oil and gas regulatory agencies don’t require companies to report the volumes or names of the chemicals they use in the fracking process, chemicals such as benzene, chloride, toluene and sulfates. The result, according to the nonprofit Oil and Gas Accountability Project, is that one of the nations dirtiest industries is also one of its least regulated, and enjoys an exclusive right to inject toxic fluids directly into good quality groundwater without oversight. Congressional Study Confirms Fracking Uses Hazardous Chemicals In 2011, congressional Democrats released the results of an investigation showing that oil and gas companies injected hundreds of millions of gallons of hazardous or carcinogenic chemicals into wells in more than 13 states from 2005 to 2009. The investigation was initiated by the House Energy and Commerce Committee in 2010, when the Democrats controlled the U.S. House of Representatives. The report also faulted companies for secrecy and for sometimes â€Å"injecting fluids containing chemicals that they themselves cannot identify.†The investigation also found that 14 of the most active hydraulic fracturing companies in the United States used 866 million gallons of hydraulic fracturing products, not including the water that makes up the bulk of all fracking fluid. More than 650 of the products contained chemicals that are known or possible human carcinogens, which are regulated under the Safe Drinking Water Act or listed as hazardous air pollutants, according to the report. Scientists Find Methane in Drinking Water A peer-reviewed study conducted by scientists at Duke University and published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences in May 2011 linked natural gas drilling and hydraulic fracturing to a pattern of drinking-water contamination so severe that faucets in some areas can be lit on fire. After testing 68 private groundwater wells across five counties in northeastern Pennsylvania and southern New York, the Duke University researchers found that the amount of flammable methane gas in wells used for drinking water increased to dangerous levels when those water sources were close to natural-gas wells. They also found that the type of gas detected at high levels in the water was the same type of gas that energy companies were extracting from shale and rock deposits thousands of feet underground. The strong implication is that natural gas may be seeping through either natural or man-made faults or fractures, or leaking from cracks in the gas wells themselves. â€Å"We found measurable amounts of methane in 85 percent of the samples, but levels were 17 times higher on average in wells located within a kilometer of active hydrofracking sites,†said Stephen Osborn, postdoctoral research associate at Duke’s Nicholas School of the Environment. Water wells farther from the gas wells contained lower levels of methane and had a different isotopic fingerprint. The Duke study found no evidence of contamination from chemicals in the fracking fluids that are injected into gas wells to help break up shale deposits, or from produced water.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Structure and Culture in Human Resource Management Essay
Structure and Culture in Human Resource Management - Essay Example 251 - 278). Culture is a set of basic shared assumptions that the group learns and taught to new members as the responses to problems (Schein, 2006). Cultures differ with structures. To achieve the maximum HR performance, ogranisation structure should be chosen based on the environment in which the organisation operates (Bartol and Martin, 1998, p. 251 - 278), its strategy (Bartol and Martin, 1998, p. 251 - 278), the size of the organisation (Bartol and Martin, 1998, p. 251 - 278), technology (Woodward, 1965, p. 76 - 77), and the type of exceptions that occur during production (Perrow, 1967, p. 194 - 208). If the environment in which the organisation operates is uncertain, it should adopt an organic structure for quicker response. Also, structure must match strategy to achieve HR performance. For example, a functional structure should be adopted if the organisation sells a large volume of a single product in the same region; a product structure should be adopted if the organisation sells several dissimilar products; and a customer structure should be adopted if the organisation deals with different sets of customers each of whom is very large and important. More over, as the size of an organisation increases, there are more departments, more levels of hierarchy, and more staff positions. After a point, formalisation and decentralisation come in. Furthermore, organisation structure should match production technology. The three types
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Multi-user database Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Multi-user database - Essay Example In addition, the concurrency control is significant for the reason that the concurrent execution of multi-user database transactions those are performed in a collective database arrangement can provide basis for some of the reliability and integrity issues. In this regard, for the proper establishment of the concurrency control the method of the locking is used that involves the assurance regarding private utilization of a data item to a database operation. Normally, let if database transaction A1 holds a lock on a database data item, after that another operation A2 does not have right to use that data item (WordPress, 2010), (Wikia, 201) and (Hoffer, Prescott, & McFadden, 2007). In case of the transaction management we need to ensure that multi-user database transactions or operations are clear, means that every transaction should have preserved database integrity all through multiple users’s operations trying to access the databases. In addition, transactions have to be as w ell divided into subordinate-transactions; since every subordinate-transaction can affect the single database system.
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Gourmet Products Inc. Essay Example for Free
Gourmet Products Inc. Essay Gourmet Products Inc. (GPI) is a Canadian publicly traded retailer of aged balsamic vinegars, culinary sauces, spices, herbs, and seasonings. Products are sold globally through several Internet sites created and operated by GPI. On August 15, 20X0, GPI completed the acquisition of all the common shares of Abruzzi Oils Inc. (Abruzzi), an Italian producer and retailer of specialty olive oils, for cash consideration of C$6,000,000. The acquisition cost was allocated to the fair value of the identifiable assets and liabilities. The acquisition cost included a bottling machine with a book value of $400,000 and a fair market value of 0,000. However, to avoid any unnecessary reporting complications, the entire purchase discrepancy related to this machine was allocated to goodwill. GPI intends to keep the Abruzzi name and brand intact. Operations in Italy will be maintained, but GPI will import some of the olive oil production to Canada. The Abruzzi line of speciality olive oils will be featured on all of GPI’s Web sites. In preparation for ongoing operations, GPI has temporarily transferred two managers and five employees to Italy to work at the Abruzzi home office for a period of two years to ensure the transition runs smoothly and that the scale of operations can be increased to meet the forecasted sales growth. GPI is recording wages paid as consulting fees and is no longer taking source deductions. One manager has recognized that the move would cause undue stress on his family if they remained in Canada so he has decided to take his wife and children with him for the two-year period. GPI has just negotiated the purchase of a labelling machine in Italy for EUR 200,000. The equipment is expected to be useful for a period of 12 years. GPI has borrowed EUR 200,000 from the Banca Cammerata in Italy to finance the equipment purchase. The loan, dated July 1, 20X0, is at 7% and is repayable in euros in 15 equal annual instalments, commencing August 1, 20X0. The interest is payable monthly in euros by GPI. The ownership of the labelling machine was transferred to Abruzzi on September 1, 20X0, in exchange for a EUR 200,000 note. The terms of the note are similar to the terms GPI negotiated with the Banca Cammerata, except that GPI is not charging Abruzzi any interest. The CFO of GPI stated this type of structure would minimize the foreign currency risk that GPI is exposed to. On the basis of an extensive review of the relationship between GPI and Abruzzi, Abruzzi has been classified as a foreign operation in accordance with IAS 21. In accordance with IFRS, Abruzzi revalued its land and building asset grouping to fair market value, resulting in an increase to the land and building account of EUR 20,000. Abruzzi’s accountant recorded the offsetting credit as a gain in profit and loss. A revaluation loss of EUR 5,000 had been recognized for land and buildings in the previous year. The corporate tax rate in Italy is considerably less than Canada’s combined provincial and federal rates. Both GPI and Abruzzi have a September 30 fiscal year end. GPI’s usual wholesale markup on its product imported is 60%; however, GPI has been acquiring goods from Abruzzi at 150% above Abruzzi’s cost. The decision to use 150% above Abruzzi’s cost was made by the CFO. As a result, GPI has had a very low profit margin on its retail sales of Abruzzi olive oils. You are Asif Majarani, a senior audit manager working in the assurance department of Majarani Associates, CGAs, a CGA firm in Winnipeg. Majarani Associates has three other specialized departments  advisory, taxation, and transaction services  with three other partners, one managing each department. Your firm has been engaged to prepare the consolidated financial statements for the fiscal year ending September 30, 20X0, for GPI. This is the third year the firm has been engaged by GPI. You recently met with Ed Moore, CEO of GPI, on October 15 to obtain additional information. Moore mentioned that he had some concerns about the upcoming project of converting the existing payroll system to a new technology platform. A new payroll software system has been purchased since the payroll system currently in use is designed for a small company. GPI’s growth has strained the payroll system’s ability to provide timely payroll processing. Delays in payment of payroll have caused frustration for employees, although this does occur on an infrequent basis. The IT director is strongly suggesting that a direct cutover conversion approach be taken so that the new system can be used as soon as possible to realize the benefits. It is also the least expensive approach. Moore is concerned that this is a risky approach and he believes that a parallel conversion would be a better option. He is particularly concerned since he has heard that other companies have found errors during the implementation of this specific software system, although these errors are easily resolved once identified. Furthermore, since this is the first time GPI has been required to prepare consolidated financial statements for its shareholders, Moore is concerned about how the users will be able to differentiate between the financial positions and results of operations for the two separate entities. Required a) In your discussion group, analyze the case as a whole and identify all the issues to be included in the report to the CEO. Note: Candidates must participate in the online discussion. Failure to post in the online discussion and respond to the posts of others will result in failing the discussion-based communication competencies. b) Prepare a report to the CEO (900 to 1,100 words), listing the adjustments that should be considered in preparing the consolidated statements. You should also address any other issues raised in the case. Complete this report independently of your group and submit it as a hand-in assignment.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Essay --
Taylor Stoiber Mr. Dobberstein Research Essay 1/13/14 Rotten Apple Apple is a king in the technology world; poisoning every area of the industry that they have introduced a product too. They are slowly weeding their competition out. The only a company thrives in the thorn bush market is if they are in cahoots with apple. Apples co-founder Steve Jobs, started the company with all intention of dominating the market. The only obstacle for them is the Anti-trust law created ages ago. Apple, in their attempt to take the market over, has been racking up evidence against themselves. There reach has leaped boarders and even caught the attention of the European Union. Apple is pushing their boundaries and in the future will eventually cross the line in to monopolistic actions. Sir Steve Jobs, the almighty co-founder of Apple started apple dreaming big. The Harvard College dropout carried through with that dream. According to Leander Kahney, author of â€Å"Inside Steve’s Brain,†â€Å"apple went public 1980 with the biggest public offering since 1958†(2008), this offer proved successful as apple soon became a super power. Apple suffered a fall out though, but Steve Jobs came back and rescued them, reviving them to their previous stature. A stature limited by the law. The Anti- trust law to be exact. According to â€Å"The Fuller Court: 1888-1910†the Antitrust law was passed in 1904 (2005, p 2). This law was formed after a large legal case Northern Securities Co. v. United States where the Supreme Court sided with President Roosevelt (Flash Focus, 2005). This case has had major effects on today’s marketing techniques and monopolistic companies. Apple, being one of these monopolistic type companies, has had to deal with some scrutiny over t... ...ften times Apple will simply take the fine because it can afford to, and would rather pay the money then fairly open their trade secrets up to the world. This loophole in the law, if you will, is allowing for Apple to pay its way through anti-monopoly laws and regulations. Unfortunately Apple is able to buy its way out of trouble and slowly knock its competition. Apple needs new regulations enforced on it to keep the company in check. Especially because Steve Jobs went into the company with full intentions of domination and dominate he did. Apple was kept mildly in check by the Anti-trust law which Apple still managed to find loop holes in. Finally the evidence of a growing monopoly is there. Apple has even gained scrutiny on an international scale. Apple is pushing their boundaries and in the future will eventually cross the line in to monopolistic actions.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Berlioz Symphonie Fantastique
Historically, the romantic period in classical music is regarded as a finite time-span during which a substantial number of loosely â€Å"aligned†composer who enjoyed no overt or demonstrable relationship to any artistic movement flourished. The Romantic movement in classical music is generally understood as occurring during â€Å"first half or three-quarters of the nineteenth century†(Mason, 1906, p. 2). and chief among the recognized composers are â€Å"Schubert, Schumann, Mendelssohn, Berlioz, Chopin, Liszt,†(Mason, 1906, p. 2). and a great many others.Although the word â€Å"romantic†as it relates to classical music is rooted in historical grounds, a specific, if overall loose, set of aesthetic principles is also discernable in the work of romantic composers. The aesthetic principles of romanticism in classical music arise primarily from a willingness to innovate and approach music from interesting and novel viewpoints. In its widest definition, ro manticism in music refers to â€Å"interest in novel and strange elements of artistic effect. â€Å"(Mason, 1906, p. 4). and also a pursuit of beauty as a â€Å"fixed element in every artistic organization,†(Mason, 1906, p.4). which distinguishes romantic work from non-romantic works on aesthetic grounds. Symphonie Fantastique, by Hector Berlioz is considered by many critics to represent the most complete expression of Berlioz's romantic aesthetic. Berlioz expresses himself quite innovatively in the symphony as is evident by his contribution to â€Å"programme†music, or the articulation of â€Å"melodies, not as materials for a purely musical development, but as symbols of characters or other dramatic motives, thereby anticipating the leit-motif idea which later became so prominent in the work of Wagner and Liszt.†(Mason, 1906, p. 277). Because Symphonie Fantastique deals with the theme of human love, Berlioz is able to give full-flight not only to his aest hetic concepts involving prototypical leit-motifs, but also to a notion of emotional expression which is also thematically integrated in the overall work. Because of this Symphonie Fantastique†â€Å"remains one of his most characteristic productions. †(Mason, 1906, p. 276), and one which fully realizes the tenants of romanticism as described above.In addition to innovative use of melody and theme, Berlioz experimented with musical arrangements and the generation of unique sound-scapes via experimentation with instruments: Love of the bizarre and the unusual led him often to employ rare instruments, or to use the ordinary ones in freakish ways. The harp, the English horn, and the cornet figure frequently in his scores, and he likes to direct that the horns be put in bags, that the cymbal be suspended and struck with a stick, that the drums be played with sticks covered with sponge.(Mason, 1906, p. 285) The end-result is a symphony which is as revolutionary in conceptio n as it is in execution. The exotic, the unusual, the fanciful and the imaginatively dynamic are all heralds of the romantic aesthetic. In Symphonie Fantastique, Berlioz eschewed rigorous allegiance to tradition to create what, to any early critics, must have seemed like a self-indulgent score; however, the repetition of key leit-motifs throughout the symphony lend the work a classical structure and bearing which allows the more experimental passages to succeed.Such a creative dispersion of linear and non-linear creative expression might also be regarded as a hallmark of the romantic aesthetic. In conclusion, Berlioz's Symphonie Fantastique is a quintessential example of romantic music, falling squarely within both the historical and aesthetic contexts generally attributed to the romantic movement in classical music by scholars.By immersing in an intellectual revolution through music, as one critic remarked, Berlioz was able to apply a â€Å"vivid and manysided intelligence†(Mason, 1906, p. 258). to his idealized visions. As a composer who refused to â€Å"worship at an orthodox shrine,†(Mason, 1906, p. 258) Berlioz contributed a depth and renown to the romantic movement that is still important to this day. References Mason, D. G. (1906). The Romantic Composers. New York: Macmillan.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
American Indian Women and Community Issues
America, where representations of Indian men and women perform stereotyped Noble/Savage or Princess/Squaw functions, depending on their relationships with whites. The â€Å"princess†figure is a â€Å"convert†who rejects or is rejected by her own people for her transgressive attraction to white culture or white individuals, and who may die as a result. The â€Å"squaw†denotes a shameful sexuality that taints the men she associates with (hence the derogatory term â€Å"squaw man†).Mixed-race relationships, especially those between Indian women and white men, are one way in which the landscape and resources of the American West were represented cinematically as available for sexual, economic, and sociopolitical exploitation. Silent Westerns and†Indian dramas†from 1908 to 1916 provide a remarkable window on Euro-American popular culture representations of the encounter between tribal peoples and the United States military and educational establ ishments.These early Westerns, many of them now unknown or unavailable outside of archives, provide a composite narrative that depicts the white â€Å"family on the land†emerging from the â€Å"broken home†of a previous mixed-race marriage, and that equates children, land, and gold as the spoils of failed romance, not of war. The ordeal of separating children from their families and cultures through the Indian boarding school policy and the trauma of their return home as outsiders is fully recognized in silent Westerns, which were produced during a time when federal Indian policy encouraged both assimilation and removal from the land.In these tales of interracial romance, captivity, and adoption, defining narrative features include doubling, mistaken identity, and the social and geographic displacement and replacement of persons. Such narrative strategies reflected the physical acts of displacement and replacement that have been hallmarks of U. S. American Indian pol icy, from Indian Removal and the Indian Wars through the slow erosion of reservation lands in the twentieth century.Indian men and women ultimately choose to return to their tribes, depicting a latent, racially based â€Å"call of the wild†that could reclaim eastern-educated Indian and mixed-blood children from their new lives. Another turn-of-the-century catch-phrase for this idea that the assimilated or educated Indian would simply return to the reservation and abandon white teachings was â€Å"back to the blanket,†again emphasizing clothing as an indicator of racial and cultural allegiance.The Derelict, emphasize the strength of Indian women and moral weakness of white men in cross-racial relationships. Hollywood's silent era did not change the prevailing negative cultural stereotypes about Native Americans, but it did produce a large number of Westerns and documentaries that offered alternative viewpoints influenced by the indigenous writers and filmmakers, refor m movements, and racial theories that were widespread at the time.Films about mixed-race romance and mixed-race children in the first and second decades of the twentieth century articulated and influenced public opinion about Native American assimilation (particularly about the taking of land and children through the Dawes Act and the boarding-school system), as well as public and academic speculation about the nature of race and culture. The films consistently contrast the acquisition of land and export of gold, oil, and children from the West with the importance and value of family and even tribal obligationsWORKS CITED Aleiss, Angela. 1995. †Native Americans. The Surprising Silents. †Cineaste . Allred, Christine Edwards. 2001. Harper’s Indians: Representing Native America in Popular Magazine Culture: Los Angeles, Babcock, Barbara. 1996. †First Families: Gender, Reproduction and the Mythic Southwest. †The Great Southwest of the Fred Harvey Company and the Santa Fe Railway. Ed. Barbara Babcock and Marta Weigle. Phoenix: Heard Museum. 207-17. Bataille, Gretchen M. , and Charles P.Silet, Eds. 1980. The Pretend Indians: Images of Native Americans in the Movies. Ames: Iowa State UP, Bergland, Renee L. The National Uncanny: Indian Ghosts and American Subjects. Hanover: UP of New England, 2000. Berkhofer, Robert F The White Man's Indian: Images of the American Indian from Columbus to the Present. New York: Random House, 1979. Bernardi, Daniel, Ed. The Birth of Whiteness: Race and the Emergence of U. S. Cinema. New Brunswick: Rutgers UP, 1996. Bhabha, Homi.1994. The Location of Culture. London: Routledge. Bolt, Christine. 1987. American Indian Policy and American Reform: Case Studies of the Campaign to Assimilate the American Indians. London: Allen & Unwin. Bourdieu, Pierre. 1990. The Logic of Practice. Trans. Richard Nice. Cambridge: Polity. Brownlow, Kevin. 1979. The War, the West, and the Wilderness. New York: Knopf. Butler, Judit h. 1990. Gender Trouble: Feminism and the Subversion of Identity. New York and London: Routledge.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
nazi movement essays
nazi movement essays There is no single answer as to why the Nazis were able to gain so much support during the 1920's; there are several, and people still argue about them. Some people - especially during the Second World War - suggested that the Nazi movement grew out of something basically wrong in the German character. However, modern historians recognise that a combination of factors such as Hitler's personality and mesmerising oratory skills, the problems with the Weimar Republic, the Nazi's effective use of propaganda, Hitler's exploitation of the Dolchstoss myth and the German people's fear of communism and the Great Depression all aided the National Socialist Workers' Party (NSDAP, or Nazi Party) in attracting growing support throughout the 1920's. According to Robert Gibson and Jon Nichol in their book Germany, the reasons for Hitler's success were: 1. The Nazi Party was well organised; 4. Few people like the governments of the Weimar Republic; 6. There was an agricultural depression; 8. The Communists thought that the Social Democrats were a greater danger than the Nazis; 9. Industrialists supported Hitler. These and other factors all contributed to the increasing support of the Nazi Party in the 1920's. Hitler, the leader of the NSDAP, was suave, charismatic and always impressive. He would always arrive at functions and meetings in a Mercedes and had extensive visits to the most exclusive hotels in Germany. Hitler had a very memorable personality, and it has been stated that "There is no question that it was the personality of Hitler that held the NSDAP together ... and was the party's main weapon." Hitler was above all of this a passionate and emotive speaker who, some would argue, captured his audiences' attention with greater ease than any other figure in history. "He shone in print and positively dazzled on the lecture platform." Even an American journalist realised Hitler's ability to grasp people's attention wit...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
What to Do When a Dangling Participle Defies Revision
What to Do When a Dangling Participle Defies Revision What to Do When a Dangling Participle Defies Revision What to Do When a Dangling Participle Defies Revision By Mark Nichol A dangling participle is a construction in which the participle, or verb, that follows the subject of a sentence is not associated with an introductory phrase, leaving the participle dangling. For example, in â€Å"As a client, we know this new standard may affect you and your financial-reporting requirements,†the subject â€Å"we†is identified in the introductory phrase (which modifies we) â€Å"as a client.†But â€Å"as a client†modifies you, not we, and because we, not you, is the subject, that phrase is not appropriate at the head of the sentence. Often, such phrases can simply be relocated (with or without slight rewording) so that it is adjacent to the word it modifies, and the subject can begin the sentence. However, in this case, each of several permutations is problematic: In â€Å"We know, as one of our clients, that this new standard may affect you and your financial-reporting requirements,†the implication is that the party identified as â€Å"we†is one of its own clients. â€Å"We know that, as one of our clients, this new standard may affect you and your financial-reporting requirements†implies that the new standard, not the person identified as â€Å"you,†is a client of â€Å"we.†And â€Å"We know that you, as one of our clients, and your financial-reporting requirements may be affected by this new standard†suggests that being one of the clients of â€Å"we†is the cause of being affected by the new standard. In this case, the best solution is probably to further distinguish the two components of this sentence- the statement that the reader is a client of the business that produced the message and the information about the implications of the new standard- in a revised and expanded statement such as this: â€Å"You are one of our valued clients, and we want to make sure you know that this new standard may affect you and your financial-reporting requirements.†Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Grammar category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:20 Words with More Than One SpellingEnglish Grammar 101: Verb MoodNeither... or?
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Working with the nurse in charge Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Working with the nurse in charge - Essay Example The attitude of this nurse led me to the realization that just like the patients, the nurses that I will be working with in the future will have different characters and dispositions that I will also need to learn to adjust to if I am to have a successful working relationship with my nurses in order to ensure the proper treatment and overseeing of my patients assigned to them. We only had one patient to take care of so I assisted the nurse with the feeding and performed a head to to assessment of the patient while also doing my part in helping to medicate the patient. The patient was a 94-year old female who was quite nice to the nurses. Prior to my approaching her, I was warned that she was having trouble distinguishing between persons, places, and the time. However, I did not pick up on any of those traits while I was interviewing her. Rather, I found her to be quite open and entertaining as she spent some time on her phone talking to her 73 year old son who was her primary car e taker. She asked me once to assist her in increasing the volume on her phone while she was using it. She was basically a very nice and cooperative patient who, at the end of my time with her asked me to do only one thing when I asked if there was anything else I could do for her. She replied, â€Å"Yes, just leave me alone.†She asked so nicely that I found myself smiling at her as I accomodated her request. Basically, the 94 year old patient made what could have been the worst duty day of my life one of the best.Â
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