Wednesday, December 25, 2019
A Rose For Emily By William Faulkner - 890 Words
â€Å"Prolonged loneliness can transform the brain in a way that makes those who suffer it less able to relate to others†(The Daily Mail) Although change is sometimes viewed as scary, it should not be ignored. If a person is unable to adapt to change, they will further isolate themselves from society. William Faulkner, author of A Rose For Emily, captures with great detail, the effects of isolation. A Rose For Emily centers around the death of Emily Grierson, a â€Å"fallen idol†in the town. All of the townspeople view Emily’s death as an opportunity to piece together the puzzle that is Emily’s life. Emily, having had her father turn down all suitors, was never married and did not have kids. This isolated Emily from the rest of the town, to the point where she did not leave her house. Emily’s house was seen as an eyesore to the townspeopleâ€â€a traditional and dusty house that had yet to update with modern times. Faulkner portrays the process by which human beings become isolated by everyone around them, including themselves when they oppose change. Through descriptive imagery, characterization, and syntax, Emily’s house is symbolic of the opposition to change in tradition and its effects on isolation. Emily is an outsider--choosing to remain hidden and block out the others in the town. The house that shields Emily from the world mirrors the woman who inhabits it: closed-off, dusty, and dark. â€Å"It was a big, squarish frame house that had once been white, decorated with cupolas andShow MoreRelatedA Rose For Emily By William Faulkner923 Words  | 4 PagesA Rose for Emily; A Tale of The Old South William Faulkner was born in New Albany, Mississippi in 1897 but lived most of his life in Oxford, a small town nearby. After dropping out of high school then briefly joining the Canadian Air Force, he returned home and completed three terms at the University of Mississippi (Fulton 27). During his early twenties Faulkner spent time in New Orleans and Europe before returning to Oxford and publishing his first book of poems. In 1929 he married Estelle FranklinRead MoreA Rose For Emily By William Faulkner1729 Words  | 7 PagesJune 24, 2015 â€Å"A Rose for Emily†In every neighborhood there is always that one house that is a mystery to everyone. A house that everyone wants to know about, but nobody can seem to be able to dig up any answers. It’s the type of place that you would take any opportunity or excuse to get to explore. The littler that is known, the more the curiosity increases about this mysterious place or person. In the short story â€Å"A Rose for Emily†by William Faulkner, this mysterious person is Emily Grierson, andRead MoreA Rose For Emily By William Faulkner949 Words  | 4 PagesIn William Faulkner’s â€Å"A Rose for Emily†it is clear how Emily’s gender affects how the individuals in the town perceive her. Emily’s gender particularly affects how men understand her. Throughout the whole piece Emily is seen as a helpless individual who is lonely and has suffered losses throughout her life. When the reader reaches the end of the story the actions that Emily has taken is unexpected because of the way she is perceived by the narrator. In the beginning of the story, when the wholeRead MoreA Rose For Emily By William Faulkner1577 Words  | 7 Pagesâ€Å"A Sarah Markins Dr. Bibby ENG 107 February 11, 2015 â€Å"A Rose for Emily†by William Faulkner â€Å"A Rose for Emily†, written by William Faulkner in 1931, follows a series of peculiar events in Miss Emily Griersons life. Written in third person limited, Faulkner utilizes flashbacks to tell of the period between the death of Emily’s father and her own passing. Split into five short sections, the story starts out with the townspeople of Jefferson remembering Emily’s legacy and how each new generation ofRead MoreA Rose For Emily By William Faulkner1552 Words  | 7 PagesRyan Dunn Mrs. Williams English 11 March 11, 2016 In the short story â€Å"A Rose for Emily†by William Faulkner, the reader is given a glimpse of the internal conflict of the main character, living in the past, and the involvement of an over involved society causing the reader to look into the consciousness of an individual haunted by a past and lack of a future. The story is set in a post-Civil War town in the South. He is able to give the reader a glimpse of the practices and attitudes that had unitedRead MoreA Rose For Emily By William Faulkner1507 Words  | 7 Pages1897, William Cuthbert Faulkner was born in New Albany, Mississippi. He stands as one of the most preeminent American writers of the twentieth century. His literary reputation included poetry, novels, short stories, and screenplays. Faulkner won two Pulitzer Prizes for Fiction and the Nobel Prize in Literature. â€Å"A Rose for Emily†is a short fascinating story written by William Faulkner and it was his first short story published in a national m agazine. The story involved an old woman named Emily GriersonRead MoreA Rose For Emily By William Faulkner883 Words  | 4 PagesIn the timeless classic, â€Å"A rose for Emily†by William Faulkner we are introduced to Emily Grierson, a matured sheltered southern woman; born to a proud, aristocratic family presumably during the American Civil War. Through out the short story William Faulkner uses many literary devices such as symbolism, metaphors and allegory to play with â€Å"time†and how time reflects upon his main character Emily Grierson. Emily being one who denies the ability to see time for what it is linear and unchangeableRead MoreA Rose For Emily By William Faulkner1270 Words  | 6 PagesWilliam Faulkner’s short story â€Å"A Rose for Emily†thoroughly examines the life of a strange woman name Emily Grierson who lives in the town of Jefferson. If we examine â€Å"A Rose for Emily†in terms of formalist criticism, we see that the story dramatizes through setting, plot, characterization, and symbolism on how Miss Emily’s life is controlled by a possessive love she had for her father and lover. William Faulkner uses Emily’s life as the protagonist to examine from a formalist aspect. In orderRead MoreA Rose For Emily By William Faulkner1780 Words  | 8 PagesIn 1930, William Faulkner wrote a five-part story entitled â€Å"A Rose for Emily†that follows the life of a young woman named Miss Emily Grierson. Faulkner sets his story in the Old South, soon after the ending of America’s Civil War, and represents the decaying values of the Confederacy (Kirszner Mandell, 2013a, p. 244). One of these values which the text portrays quite often in â€Å"A Rose for Emily†, is the patriarchal custom of society viewing men as having more importance than their female counterpartsRead MoreA Rose For Emily By William Faulkner1277 Words  | 6 PagesMiss Emily Grierson, the main character in the strange short story â€Å"A Rose for Emily†written by William Faulkner. It would be best to examine her in a mental capacity as well as the circumstances that may affect her. Throughout the story, Miss Emily’s unpredictable and eccentric behavior becomes unusual, and the reader, like the townspeople in the story, is left to speculate how Miss Emily has spent years living and sleeping with the body of Homer Barron. An important quote from the story was that
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Thesis Documentation of Library System - 2535 Words
MASTER IN INFORMATION AND LIBRARY SYSTEMS Rationale The design of the existing MLS curriculum was last revised in 1986. It was based on the old/traditional way of library operations. Recent developments in technology have however radically changed the format of information sources, the way of seeking, accessing and delivering information and of the learning styles. It has also brought about the existence of other alternative information providers serving as competitors of the library in the information market place. More so, the capabilities and capacities of technology have increasingly transformed libraries into a virtual place. The expectation of the 21 st century setting has expanded the role of librarians from mere passive custodians†¦show more content†¦Course Title Units Lec. Hrs/Wk Lab Total Prerequisite(s) Background in Foundation of Libraries, Info Mgt, Info Organization Servicing, and their equivalent Same None None ILS 230 Information Products and Services 3 1 6 7 ILS 240 Specialization Course 3 Elective 1 Information Preservation and Conservation 3 3 3 12 2 3 3 9 3 0 0 9 5 3 3 18 Total Second Year, First Semester Course No. Elective 2 ILS 399 Compre Total 9 Course Title Thesis Writing Units 3 6 Lec. 3 Hrs/Wk Lab Total 0 3 Prerequisite(s) None None All core and specialization courses Second Year, Second Semester Course No. ILS 399 Course Title Thesis Writing Total Units Residency Hrs/Wk Lec. Lec. Lec. Residency/Graduation Prerequisite(s) None GRAND TOTAL 33 UNITS Summary Of Courses And Units Particulars A. Core Courses LS 220 LS 225 LS 234 LS 237 LS 238 LS 241 LS 264 ILS 210 ILS 220 ILS 230 ILS 240 Sub-Total B. Specialization Choice 1 Choice 2 Choice 3 Sub-Total C. Comprehensive Examination D. Electives LS 230 LS 244 LS 290 ILS ___ ILS ___ Sub-Total E. Thesis LS 299 (ILS 399) Sub-Total Grand Total 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 none none none none 21 none none none 0 3 none none none none none none 3 3 3 3 12 3 3 3 9 Present (Units) Proposed (Units) 3 3 3 3 3 9 6 6 36 6 6 6 33 CATALOGUE OF COURSES PRE-ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS LOGIC AND ALGORITHM Study of logic andShow MoreRelatedUse Of The Handheld Camera And The Rise Of The Black Tourist Social Class Essay1651 Words  | 7 PagesArmstead’s article focuses on how the creation of the handheld camera and the rise of the black tourist social class appeared at the same time in history – in the late nineteenth century – and resulted in the documentation of wealthy blacks enjoying leisure activities in the United Sates. The article includes several of photographs taken by and of black tourists during the late 1880s into the mid-1900s. Furthermore, The Negro Motorist Green Book by Victor Hugo Green is mentioned within the articleRead MoreHi How R U Guys1542 Words  | 7 PagesTEXTS amp; MATERIALS Engkent, Lucia. Skill Set: Strategies for Reading and Writing, 2nd ed., Oxford, 2011 ISBN 978-0-19-544169-7 * All students are required to use the following Research Guide for their assignments: * Seneca Libraries. Guide to Research and Citation: MLA Style. 3rd ed. Toronto: Seneca College, 2010. Print. * A good quality English-language dictionary (The Oxford Dictionary and the Longman’s Dictionary are recommended.) * A folder/portfolio to keep all yourRead MoreThesis Example1721 Words  | 7 Pagestwo employees at this moment. Manual system is their way to inventory the input and output of their business. 1.2 Statement of the Objectives 1.2.1 General Problem * How to create a module to monitor orders * How to create a module to monitor products * how to create a module to monitor stocks 1.2.2 Specific problem * How to create an online ordering module to facilitate stocks 1.3 Significance of the Study This Online Ordering System is a way for advertising the company’sRead MoreSms System Related Literature4688 Words  | 19 Veit Jahns University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany The research field of mobile systems in urban systems becomes more complex and more varied. In such a situation, an analyzing look at the research work done so far can provide valuable insights. Hence, in this research a work in progress for a review of literature regarding the design, use and impact of mobile systems in urban systems will be presented. 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Citation reveals the quality of works that support ones writing which enables a reader to gives a better evaluation to ones argument. thesis statement A lot of authoritative body had created rules and conventions for documenting sources of information used in write up of any kind. This citation style helps to identifies and credits the sources been used in writing such a workRead MoreQualitative Research On The Limited Group Essay1452 Words  | 6 Pagesavailable in their resource whether it has been gathered or created by a third party or maybe for an alternative reason. Even the contrast between those two types of data, different collection methods must because when collecting it. As part of the thesis, this will be use in secondary data to address and evaluate the research problems, and thus various of gathering method will be used. 2.3.1 Primary data collection Primary data collection is a data that have been gathered for the first time by theRead MoreAndrew Carnegie: The Father of Middle-Class America2081 Words  | 9 Pagesbolded, underlined, or italicized. Other than standard doublespacing, there are no additional spaces between the heading, the title, and the body text of the paper. The introductory paragraph(s) should set the context for the rest of the paper. The thesis is a clear position that you will support and develop throughout your paper. This sentence guides and controls your paper. Catlin 2 of an â€Å"industrial utopia†proves his optimistic outlook of both capitalism and the laboring class. Optimism is whatRead MoreDescription Of Data Flow Diagram Essay2136 Words  | 9 Pages CHAPTER III METHODOLOGY Methods Sample: Internet, Interview, Observation, Library Design Descriptive Non-experimental Context Diagram Description of Context Diagram Data Flow Diagram Description of Data Flow Diagram System Flow Chart Visual Table of Content Respondents Sampling Technique Sample Size Instrumentation Validity and Reliability Operational Definition of Variables Procedure Questionnaire Administration Data Gathering Data Processing Data Analysis Limitations DefinitionRead MoreFinal Exam4697 Words  | 19 Pages4. Question : Quotation marks indicate Student Answer: indirect quotes. paraphrased quotes. CORRECT direct quotes. famous quotes. Instructor Explanation: Review Ashford Writing Center, Writing Resources, Citation Documentation: Guidelines for Quoting Sources. Points Received: 1 of 1 Comments: Question 5. Question : Which of the following is generally NOT helpful in a conclusion? Student Answer: reminding readers of the logic of your argument
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Corporate Turnaround Of the Bellamy’s Australia Limited - Samples
Question: Discuss about the Corporate Turnaround Of the Bellamys Australia Limited. Answer: Introduction This essay covers the corporate turnaround of the Bellamys Australia Limited which is driving maker and wholesaler of Australian fabricated infant items. Bellamy's Australia Ltd is an organic infant formula and a producer and distributor of baby food. It is the completely owned subsidiary of Bellamys Australia. There are many factors that led to the downturn of a well operational company (Armstrong, et al., 2015). Moreover, the disorientation of the company in regards to the compliance with ASX Corporate Governance Principles is considered as a matter of study in this essay (Bell, Filatotchev Aguilera, 2014). Major Issues The major issues that the company has been facing are regarding the drastic decrease in its sales which was most predominant in China. It was further observed that the online sales of the company were also restricted in New Zealand and Australia. Berger, Imbierowicz Rauch, 2016 said that it has been directly associated with the limited stocks of the company which had direct implications on the sales (Berger, Imbierowicz Rauch, 2016). The company had penetrated in China and was planning to go further into South-East Asia. As per Bushee, Carter Gerakos, 2013, the share price was shockingly decreased which also had major implications on the revenue. Moreover, the regulatory changes in the China had made the matter worse as compared to the companys anticipation of an oversupply of the infant products and the expected sales (Bushee, Carter Gerakos, 2013). Regulatory Point Of View Form the regulatory point of view, the misinterpretation of the market done by Bellamys is supposed to be the most likely method of reasoning behind the usage of the administrative changes of the legislature of China (Agrawal Cooper, 2017). The company is also considered to have missed understanding the set of new regulations which caused it to make incorrect evaluations regarding its sales and revenue especially in the market of China. According to Filatotchev Nakajima, 2014, the company also failed to pay a much required amount of attention to the purchasing preference of the customers in China. Bellamys failed to have establishments of enough traction and awareness through the promotion and marketing prior to the entry in the market that would have assisted in getting aware of the feasibility (Filatotchev Nakajima, 2014). Corporate governance The effectiveness of the most plausible solutions in regards to a dress the issues that the company has faced in terms of downfall in the shares and stock prices along with the declines in both the deals and stocks would start with the suggestions as per ASX Recommendation 4.1 that expresses that means Bellamy's Board to build up the Audit, Finance and Risk advisory group in the nation like China with key reason to help the Board in directing the outer review, money related announcing and frameworks for the administration of dangers alongside the control of the interior structure of the business that was led in China (Ginena, 2014). The organization ought to include a Committee having controls and recognition on the Audit, Risk, and Finance operations. This committee should consist of three directors of non-executive nature along with the Chairman heading the committee (ArAs, 2016). This would have controlled the utilization of the financial and other aspects in regards to the advanc ement of the Bellamys in the form of business expansion in a country like China. It needs to comply with ASX Recommendation 4.2 which would include the farming of the financial statements for a particular time period from the CEO and COF (Joseph, Ocasio McDonnell, 2014). Effective Risk Management Framework In order to identify and manage the risk in a much better way, the company needs Bellamy's Australian Limited needs to establish an effective risk management framework within the business in the other market where it is intended to have its business expansion. For this respect, it has to comply with the ASX Recommendation 7.1 which refers to the formation of the board to have for overseeing the risks. As per Larcker Tayan, 2015, the board will have a minimum of 3 members, a major part of which would be comprised of independent directors and would be chaired by an independent director (Larcker Tayan, 2015). The ASX Recommendations 7.1 should be gathered by Bellamy's Australian Limited and ought to unveil the contract of the board alongside the individuals from the board. The organization should also mention the number of times the board had meetings throughout at regular intervals and attendance of the individuals associated with risk management (Mason Simmons, 2014). The organization ought to likewise reveal the procedures and certainties that it needs to utilize with the end goal of directing the structure of the hazard administration in the worldwide market. The subtle elements of the gatherings and participation of the representatives must be accounted for in the Annual Report of the organization which would help the organization recognizing the dangers that could occur in the universal market including the dominance of the international retailers over the product manufactured and distributed by Bellamys Australia Limited (Misangyi Acharya, 2014). Bellamys has to effectively employ the process of current risk management in communication with the Finance, Audit and Risk council in the global branches or having successful surveys and examination couch the systems of hazard administration in the worldwide market (Peters Romi, 2014). This would assist the company in having the much-required turnaround. Complying with the ASX Recommendation 7.2, the company, through the renewed board or committee would assist in identifying, monitoring, assessing and managing the risk associated with the sales and the prices in market like China (Armstrong et al., 2015). The disclosure of any materialistic changes associated with the risk profile in the conduction of business would be assisting Bellamys in having a turnaround in business. Bellamys should intend to furnish the disclosure of the matters contemplated by the requirements of ASX Recommendations 7.2 in its annual reports which would assist in assessing various factors that could pose much risks in market like China. Bellamys should comply with the ASX Recommendation 6 due to which it can build good relationships with the share or security holder by providing them with suitable facilities for allowing them with exercise the right in an effective manner. The ASX Recommendation 6.1 would incorporate the arrangement of data with respect to the administration of the organization to the financial specialists and investors situated in the worldwide market like China through its site which would help the organization n having compelling and clearness in regards to its prerequisites shapes the investors (Starbuck, 2014). The ASX Recommendation 6.2 needs to be compiled by the company through which it can structure out and execute a program for the investor relations for facilitating mutual communication with the shareholders and the investors effectively that would assist the company in making the business operation easier (Tricker Tricker, 2015). Through the compliance Of ASX Recommendations, 6.3, the company needs to disclose the processes and policies that it conducts so as to enhance and facilitate the role of security holders for effective conduction and regulation on the sale prices of the products of the company. Complying with ASX Recommendations 6.4 would assist Bellamys to provide the security holders the choice to be at the receptive end of the communication to and from the company in an electronic way which would enhance the channeling of communication regarding business. This would assist the company in having effective control over the market prices along with the inventory of its produ cts (Yermack, 2017). The genuine inquiry that the organization is looking for this situation is with respect to no power over the stock and stock in the worldwide market. Once the results of Bellamy's have been delivered, to the partners and customers which are the retailers, the evaluating and the deals have not been under the control of the Bellamy's. The actualities and conditions which have been incorporating the case are with respect to the slicing down of the stocks and the cost of the infant results of the organization. The conceivable arrangement that must be joined by the organization is investigated subsequent to considering the entre situation, the game-plan that Bellamy's have to consolidate is the correct and successful control on the whole store network administration and stock control in the International market. The best game-plan that the organization needs to take after is to shape an advisory group or board in the universal market to which it is shipping its items which would be accoun table for directing the whole procedure of offers and stock control. The reason of picking this system is to increase better control over the business operations of Bellamy's Australia Limited in the worldwide market which would influence the organization to have compelling turnaround. This would also enhance the success of the company and prevent it from facing such grave issues in future. The strength of the paper is in the recommendation that is provided to the company for having effective turnaround. The implementation and compliance with ASX Recommendation 7 regarding the Recognize and Manage Risk by Bellamys would assist the company in devising ways and strategies that are required for having effective control on the business operations and supply chain management in the international market. The quality of the divulgence of the yearly report in regards to the Finance, Audit and Risk components would encourage the organization in distinguishing the escape clauses that happened beforehand and can devise routes in having appropriate control on the costs of the items that are sold in the universal market. However, the limitations of this approach would be the risk that completes disclosure of the finance and audit strategy would be increase the vulnerability of the company regarding prices as the shares were slumped in the recent past. The restrictions of the invest igation are that the wellsprings of data for leading the exploration are essentially from the sources on the Internet and diary article. References Agrawal, A., Cooper, T. (2017). Corporate governance consequences of accounting scandals: Evidence from top management, CFO and auditor turnover.Quarterly Journal of Finance,7(01), 1650014. ArAs, G. (2016).A handbook of corporate governance and social responsibility. CRC Press. Armstrong, C. S., Blouin, J. L., Jagolinzer, A. D., Larcker, D. F. (2015). Corporate governance, incentives, and tax avoidance.Journal of Accounting and Economics,60(1), 1-17. Bell, R. G., Filatotchev, I., Aguilera, R. V. (2014). Corporate governance and investors' perceptions of foreign IPO value: An institutional perspective.Academy of Management Journal,57(1), 301-320. Berger, A. N., Imbierowicz, B., Rauch, C. (2016). The roles of corporate governance in bank failures during the recent financial crisis.Journal of Money, Credit and Banking,48(4), 729-770. Bushee, B. J., Carter, M. E., Gerakos, J. J. (2013). Institutional investor preferences for corporate governance mechanisms. Filatotchev, I., Nakajima, C. (2014). Corporate governance, responsible managerial behavior, and corporate social responsibility: organizational efficiency versus organizational legitimacy?.The Academy of Management Perspectives,28(3), 289-306. Ginena, K. (2014). Shar? ah risk and corporate governance of Islamic banks.Corporate Governance,14(1), 86-103. Joseph, J., Ocasio, W., McDonnell, M. H. (2014). The structural elaboration of board independence: Executive power, institutional logics, and the adoption of CEO-only board structures in US corporate governance.Academy of Management Journal,57(6), 1834-1858. Larcker, D., Tayan, B. (2015).Corporate governance matters: A closer look at organizational choices and their consequences. Pearson Education. Mason, C., Simmons, J. (2014). Embedding corporate social responsibility in corporate governance: A stakeholder systems approach.Journal of Business Theics,119(1), 77-86. Misangyi, V. F., Acharya, A. G. (2014). Substitutes or complements? A configurational examination of corporate governance mechanisms.Academy of Management Journal,57(6), 1681-1705. Peters, G. F., Romi, A. M. (2014). Does the voluntary adoption of corporate governance mechanisms improve environmental risk disclosures? Evidence from greenhouse gas emission accounting.Journal of Business Theics,125(4), 637-666. Starbuck, W. H. (2014). Why corporate governance deserves serious and creative thought.The Academy of Management Perspectives,28(1), 15-21. Tricker, R. B., Tricker, R. I. (2015).Corporate governance: Principles, policies, and practices. Oxford University Press, USA. Yermack, D. (2017). Corporate governance and blockchains.Review of Finance,21(1), 7-31.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Limitations of Previous Researches Essay Example
Limitations of Previous Researches Essay In summary, the previous researches on attentional systems have indicated that studying eye movement is a limited way of furthering knowledge about the process of attention. T has been established by a number of researches that orienting attention can occur even before the movement of the eye to the object. Moreover focusing on visual attention alone sacrifices the scientific insights that we might gain from studying more than one sensory modality.Visual attention has been well researched over the years and more so because of the fact that it is one of the major faculties that we have and much of its physiology is known. On the other hand auditory attention is unchartered territory given that it lacks neurological explanations unlike vision. We know of the anatomy of the ear but how the ear process sound and how it relays it to the brain has largely been understudied.The findings of past experiments on auditory attention have had been conflicting and was always measured in conjunction with visual cues, this is a pragmatic view since what has been done with visual attention could also possibly work with auditory attention. A true auditory covert attention experiment has not been fully investigated to date. The advent of technology and the advantages of using 3-dimensional sound have revived the interest in auditory attention experiments.The wide range of technologically advanced equipments we have at present allows us to investigate complex processes like auditory attention. We will write a custom essay sample on Limitations of Previous Researches specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Limitations of Previous Researches specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Limitations of Previous Researches specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer And with the increasing complexity and present demands to the human attention it is desired that investigations into the workings of our mind and bodily senses be explored so as to generate knowledge that would help enhance our attentional capabilities. One major limitation of the researches that has already been conducted into covert spatial attention is that the equipment and experimental designs used do not measure true spatial performance.The equipments used in the past experiments were not sensitive enough and have thus limited the results of the study. Experiments are designed to control for various nonattentional effects, such as response priming and criterion shift, by having cue-target stimuli in different spatial dimensions. However, the experimental environment and methods employed in the previous studies were not able to adequately control for the possible effects of priming and memorization.Taking this into consideration, we intend to replicate these experiments in a vir tual environment, which would allow greater freedom to conduct more realistic spatial experiments without compromising on experimental control and equipment limitations. The use of virtual audio has been investigated by a number of researchers with a varying degree of success. One of the main limitations in using 3-D virtual audio in the past has been the inability of virtual audio to reduce the number of front-back confusions to that of free-field localization.Martin, McAnally Senova (2001) used a technique of recording golay responses in the inner ear canal via placement of miniature microphones in the participant’s ears. The use of this technique had the effect of reducing the number of front-back confusions to equivalent levels as that of free-field localization. A number of studies have used this technique to produce free-field equivalent virtual 3-D audio, and then apply the virtual audio in situations where free-field presentation of spatial audio is problematic, for example in the cockpit of an aircraft.The goals of the current research are threefold. First, due to the continued debate on the nature of pure auditory spatial attention, the confirmation of the research by Spence Driver (1994) into covert spatial orienting in audition is desirable; it would help establish that covert auditory spatial attention do exists. Secondly, the nature of endogenous processing in covert spatial orienting in audition is still unclear, due to the lack of a purely auditory cueing paradigm.While the nature of endogenous processing does not require a spatial stimulus to drive attention to the appropriate areas in space, a non-spatial stimulus has been used in previous research to indicate the area of space in which the mechanism is most likely to encounter the target stimuli. In the past this stimulus has taken the form of a visual indicator, and the use of a similar non-spatial auditory indicator may shed some light on any possible interference caused as a resu lt of any multi-modal effects.Finally, due to the limitations enforced on more complicated research into auditory attention by the nature of producing spatial audio, it is desirable to confirm the previous results obtained by Spence and Driver (1994) in a virtual auditory environment. If the use of virtual audio is equivalent to previous findings, then this would allow the future use of virtual audio without the concern that by doing so may confound any results obtained. Hence any findings derived from this study will help further the theoretical knowledge of auditory attention and aid in the practical use of multisensory equipments.
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