Friday, September 4, 2020
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Human Resource Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 23
Human Resource Management - Essay Example Human Resource Management Integrative bartering then again is utilized whereby the gatherings need to keep up connections for future commitment and where collaboration guarantees a success win circumstance for parties included (Phillips and Gully, 2013). For this situation, there are common issues to be investigated and it includes growing the pie by searching for options that can profit the two gatherings. Notwithstanding, it requires a level of trust and genuineness for the arrangements to be fruitful. The methodology includes concentrating on the interests of the gatherings concerned as opposed to adhering to beginning positions, partition of individuals from the issue and utilization of target measures. Because of the idea of the arrangements, it is hard to change from distributive to integrative dealing. These methodologies fluctuate with respect to what is in question, the results conceivable and thoughts of accomplishment (Bamber et al. 2010). Association mediators must get endorsement from individuals to a lot of haggling requests henceforth making it hard for them to receive a shared methodology. Their point is to get greatest portion of assets accessible particularly on pay, henceforth they should win or, in all likelihood the representatives will see them as tricksters seeking after personal circumstance. Also, more wages implies a misfortune to businesses subsequently it is hard to collaborate on this issue since the asset is fixed. Then again, the lower the executives may likewise see the upper administration as being undermined by the association thus doubt (Phillips and Gully, 2013, p. 431).
Saturday, August 22, 2020
All Rise Essays - Porphyria, Porphyria, Zenga, Proceeded, Weather
All Rise Judge Watson filtered his court with a bird like glare. The room was pressed, Watson could smell the energetic journalists outside. Damore versus State of Alabama was the greatest case his Honor had heard in years, God he required a beverage. Judge Watson flickered a since quite a while ago, worn out squint, and gulped hard in a vain endeavor to calm his very dry throat. The elderly person called out in a boisterous voice, ?indictment!? Billy Parker stood intentionally and swaggered to his platform. The DA unfastened his 2,000 dollar Armenagildo Zenga suit coat, and started. ?Let me share with all of you the tragic story of a sweet, vulnerable lady named Porphyria. It was a blustery dim night, and Porphyria urgently yearned to see her darling. She trekked through the forested areas, overcoming the pneumonic climate, to the little bungalow possessed by one, Mort Damore. Porphyria entered the bungalow dribbling wet. Cautiously she kept an eye on the fire, so her sweetheart wouldn't come down with bug. Porphyria laid by Mr. Damore, needing so seriously to showcase her adoration for him. Delicately she murmured his name, yet Mr. Damore was occupied with faking rest, disguising his dangerous arrangement for the time being. Sweet Porphyria expressed ?I love you' discreetly to her affection. Mr. Damore tuned in to this commendation for a short while, however immediately became anxious the mammoth longed to slaughter. Mr. Damore bantered on which weapon to utilize. The Colt .45 lay stacked under his bed, yet weapons are boisterous! also, untidy. 2 At that point Porphyria's smooth, guiltless neck and long hair got Mr. Damore's consideration. Indeed!, he thought, strangulation is substantially more exciting than pulling somewhat old trigger. Mercilessly Mr. Damore snatched Porphyria and started to remove her air flexibly. Porphyria wheezed for air, yet minutes after the fact the wonderful body was dead. In any case, the maltreatment didn't end with Porphyria's passing. Mr. Damore chose the fun had finished too rapidly, and malignantly continued to explicitly mishandle the carcass. This, your Honor, is the specific portrayal of the planned, shocking homicide submitted by the litigant, Mort Damore. Mr. Damore trusted that his delightful love will visit, at that point faked rest to draw Porphyria into his deadly snare. Whenever the open door emerged, Mr. Damore choked Porphyria to death. After the butcher, there was no blame or regret from Damore. God no! Indeed, Mr. Damore explicitly manhandled Porphyria, at that point opened her eyes and laid by the casualty for the duration of the night. This creature isn't indeed, even fit for a prison cell. Your respect, there is no alternative however to sentence Mr. Damore to death by electric shock.? Judge Watson gestured, and went to Troy Broussard. ?Barrier!? Troy Broussard stayed situated, reclined in his seat, and propped his feet upon the work area. ?Well?, he said in a shrill voice, ?I truly should praise Mr. Parker for his awesome story. The main issue with it, is that it is a fictions story. Here is reality. On that stormy night, Porphyria fled from her significant other to visit Mr. 3 Damore. Actually, she was absolute in a rush to arrive at the cabin, she was unable to stand by to submit infidelity. Jumping into Mr. Damore's house, Porphyria burned through no time in following what she needed, absolutely physical sex. The prostitute uncovered and attempted to wake Mr. Damore, who was solidified with blame and vulnerability. My customer had been attempting to disintegrate the relationship since he initially learned of Porphyria's spouse, however the whore would not disregard him. Porphyria much of the time flew into Mr. Damore's life to use him, at that point run back home to her better half. Resolved to cut off the wiped out association that stormy night, Mr. Damore faked rest so Porphyria may leave. In any case, no, the adulteress endured. She murmured the standard thing lies, ?I will get a separation, Mort, yet now isn't the time. I love you, it would be ideal if you confide in me.' Mr. Damore looked into Porphyria's fact telling eyes, and double dealing gazed back at him. Mr. Damore discussed how to respond. His heart hustled, he felt modest and utilized, he felt cap! e. In an anger Mr. Damore effortlessly choked Porphyria out of adoration. In an attack of insane pain, Mr. Damore kissed Porphyria, an indication of his absolution. At that point, similar to a feline who has inadvertently executed an energetic mouse, Mr. Damore, altogether
Assigment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2
Assigment - Essay Example kages to comprehend their changing needs of the kids and gather data that can be abused to accomplish socio-subjective development of youngsters with handicap. In addition, parents’ investment likewise guarantees that they are additionally ready to advance and embrace better approaches for adding to their child’s improvement. The synergistic methodology along these lines gets one of the most relevant parts of IDEA to engage youngsters with handicap and encourages cause them to adjust to changes with serenity. The rating of Ashland Middle School, Ohio was exceptional for the 2010-11. Despite the fact that the school score astoundingly in the greater part of the legends vis-à -vis state pointer (5 out of 6), execution marker (97.4%) and esteem included measures, it was all things considered not ready to meet AYP. AYP is significant measures to meet objectives set for perusing and numerical proficiencies as applied to ten understudies gathering.. The school couldn't meet the scientific capability for understudies with incapacities. This year, the school would concentrate on the accomplishment of numerical proficiencies of the understudies with handicaps by utilizing unique devices like PCs and
Friday, August 21, 2020
First And Second Reconstructions Essays - Reconstruction Era
First and Second Reconstructions The First and Second Reconstructions held out the extraordinary guarantee of correcting racial shameful acts in America. The First Reproduction, rising out of the bedlam of the Civil War had as its objectives fairness for Blacks in casting a ballot, legislative issues, and utilization of open offices. The Second Reconstruction rising out of the blasting economy of the 1950's, had as its objectives, reconciliation, the finish of Jim Crow and the more formless objective of making America a biracial vote based system where, the children of previous slaves and the children of previous slave holders will have the option to plunk down together at the table of fraternity. Even however the two developments, were a result of high expectations they bombed in achieving their objectives. Conceived in trust, they passed on in despair, as the two developments saw a significant number of their benefits washed away. I propose to inspect why they bombed in understanding their objectives. My proposal is that inability to consolidate monetary equity for Blacks in both developments prompted the disappointment of the First and Second Reconstruction. The First Reconstruction came after the Civil War and kept going till 1877. The political, social, and monetary conditions after the Common War characterized the objectives of the First Reconstruction. As of now the Congress was partitioned politically on issues that became out of the Common War: Black equity, revamping the South, readmitting Southern states to Union, and concluding who might control government.1 Socially, the South was in tumult. Recently liberated slaves meandered the South subsequent to having left their previous experts, and the White populace was profoundly crushed, uncomfortable with what lay ahead. Monetarily, the South was likewise crushed: ranches lay destroyed, railways destroyed, the arrangement of slave work wrecked, and urban communities burned to the ground. The financial state of ex-slaves after the Civil War was similarly as questionable; many had left previous experts and meandered the highways.2 In the midst of the post Civil War bedlam, different political gatherings were scrambling to encourage their plans. In the first place, Southern Democrats, a party involved pioneers of the alliance and other well off Southern whites, looked to end what they saw as Northern control of the South. They additionally looked to establish Black Codes, by constraining the privileges of Blacks to move, vote, travel, and change jobs,3 which like subjugation, would give a sufficient and modest work gracefully for manors. Second, Moderate Republicans needed to seek after a arrangement of compromise among North and South, and yet guarantee servitude was abolished.4 Third, Radical Republicans, included of Northern lawmakers, were unequivocally contradicted to servitude, unsympathetic toward the South, needed to secure recently free slaves, and keep there greater part in Congress.5 The fourth political component, at the end of the Civil War was President Andrew Johnson whose significant objective was bringing together the country. The fifth component were different periphery gatherings such as, abolitionists and Quakers. Emphatically propelled by standard and a faith in equity, they accepted that Blacks required balance in American culture, in spite of the fact that they contrasted on what the idea of that ought to be.6 The Northern Radical Republicans, with a greater part in Congress, risen as the political gathering that set the objectives for Reconstruction which was to keep servitude from rising again in the South. From the start, the Radical Republicans figured this could be practiced by prohibiting bondage with the entry of the Thirteenth Amendment. Yet Southern Democrats in their mission to reestablish their standard in the South brought back subjugation in everything except name, by passing Black Codes as right on time as 1865. Both Moderate Republicans and Radical Republicans in Congress responded. Combining in 1866, they passed a bill to expand the life and obligations of the Freedmen's Bureau to secure recently liberated slaves against the different Black Codes. President Johnson vetoed the bill, yet Radical and Moderate Republicans inevitably had the option to pass it.7 The Black Codes and President Johnson's veto of all Remaking enactment that was negative toward the South caused Moderate and Radical Republicans to change their objectives from just finishing subjugation to looking for political correspondence and casting a ballot rights for Blacks.8 The new objectives, depended on compassionate and political contemplations. Northerners had become progressively thoughtful to the predicament of the Blacks in the South after various very much plugged episodes in which blameless Blacks were hassled, beaten, and killed.9
Monday, August 10, 2020
13 Reasons Why Examining media representations of mental illness
13 Reasons Why Examining media representations of mental illness 13 Reasons Why: Examining media representations of mental illness 13 Reasons Why Examining media representations of mental illness 13 Reasons Why: Examining media representations of mental illness
Wednesday, June 24, 2020
About Organic Food - Free Essay Example
To a consumer, organic food appears differentiated simply by a logo or claim on its packaging, but in reality, the process to bring this good to market is long and complex. As explained by the USDA, certified organic foodstuff must be grown and processed according to federal guidelines, which regulate pest and weed control, genetic modification, animal raising practices, soil quality, and use of additives (McEvoy, 2012). To receive a certification, no component of the organic good can be genetically modified. Organic produce must be raised on soil free of prohibited substances including pesticides and synthetic fertilizers, while meat standards require animals to be raised in conditions resembling natural ones without the application of antibiotics or hormones (McEvoy, 2012). Additional regulations apply to ingredients of processed foods, forbidding artificial preservatives and certain colors and flavors (McEvoy, 2012). Three classifications of labeling exist for organic products, with 100% Organic signifying the product to be made with 100% organic ingredients, Organic indicating 95% organic ingredients, and Made with organic ingredients meaning at least 70% of ingredients are organic while 30% are strictly inspected (Frequently Asked Questions, 2018). The process for a farmer to earn an organic certification is lengthy, spanning at least three years before harvest as they convert land, build natural soil fertility, and complete formalities like inspections (Frequently Asked Questions, 2018). The organic food market is rapidly growing (Appendix 1). In the midst of the Great Recession, while American consumers cut their budgets and consequently deprived most consumer product markets of revenue, this niche market demonstrated explosive growth of 5.1% to 24.8 billion (Smith, 2010). Meanwhile, food sales as a whole increased just 1.6%. In fact, organic food sales accounted for more of US total food sales in 2010 than 2000, up from 1.2% to 3.7% (Smith, 2010). More recently, each of these trends has continued on a larger scale, with the organic food market breaking above 47 billion dollars in sales in 2016 and now comprising a market share of 5.4% of total food sales (Organic Trade Association, 2017). The staggering increase in organic sales, even during a financial downturn, represents the high willingness to pay of consumers, which will be greatly expanded upon in this analysis.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Introduction to Equality and Inclusion in Health, Social...
Unit 003 Introduction to Equality and Inclusion in Health, Social care and children’s Young Peoples Settings. 1.1– Explain what is meant by; A – Diversity: So not that all people are the same and that different people have different experiences, skills, knowledge, race, age, gender, sexual orientation. Working in a nursery with children from civilian parents and Army parents I am fortunate to get to witness more than one culture, race or children from different backgrounds. Seeing the children on a daily basis makes me see how diverse the community is around us. B – Equality: Treating people in a way that is appropriate for their needs alongside equal opportunities. Not one child is the same. Whether they are from a†¦show more content†¦The nursery is a special nursery in one that we get children from Army parents and Civilian parents. We get staff from Army wives or from the wider community. We get children from the same aspects. This shows that the range of people that are within this building is so diverse. With diversity can bring deliberate discrimination. It can be something as petty as gossip leading up to verbal attacks on a certain individual. Even though I care after children in my job this does not mean deliberate discrimination doesn’t happen against parents or staff. Deliberate discrimination is intentional; it is not something that happens in gest. Examples of this could be singling a child out of an activity for not liking their parents. Verbally assaulting a colleague to them or another colleague for not liking who they are. Deliberate discrimination should be ridden from all work places. Inadvertently- Someone could ignore a colleague because they come from a different area/class/culture/religion etc. or they may not actually have anything to do with them because they feel they have nothing in common with them - but were not aware that others had noticed they never spoke to the other person, and they thought it was because they were discriminating against them for whatever reason. 1.3- Explain how practices that support equality and inclusion reduce the likelihood of discrimination. To reduce the likelihood of discrimination you could support aShow MoreRelatedShc 23 - Introduction to Equality and Inclusion in Health, Social Care or Children’s and Young People’s Settings816 Words  | 4 PagesIntroduction to Equality and Inclusion in Health, Social Care or Children’s and Young People’s Settings 1.1 The term ‘Diversity’ means the state or fact of being diverse; different or unlike. 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CACHE has provided this Qualification Specification in MicrosoftRead MoreAssessment Task Shc 23 – Introduction to Equality and Inclusion in Health, Social Care or Children’s and Young People’s Settings.1854 Words  | 8 PagesAssessment task SHC 23 – Introduction to equality and inclusion in health, social care or children’s and young people’s settings. 1.Understand the importance of equality and inclusion. 1.1 Explain what is meant by: diversity, equality, inclusion, discrimination. 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Equality: Equality of opportunity, giving each person opportunities which are equal to others in society regardless of race, gender or disability. Inclusion: A process of identifying, understanding and breaking down barriers to participation and belonging. Diversity: A wide range of characteristics and backgrounds, including social and culturalRead MoreLearning and Social Care Essay examples30870 Words  | 124 PagesCACHE Qualification Specification CACHE Level 3 Diploma for the Children and Young People’s Workforce (QCF) CACHE Level 3 Diploma for the Children and Young People’s Workforce (QCF) CACHE  © Copyright 2011 All rights reserved worldwide.  Reproduction by approved CACHE centres is permissible for internal use under the following conditions: CACHE has provided this Qualification Specification in Microsoft Word format to enable its Centres to use its content more flexibly within their ownRead MoreExplain how own working practice can affect children and young peoples evelopment1171 Words  | 5 Pagesï » ¿Explain how own working practice can affect children and young people’s development (CYP 3.2 -4.1) Introduction: As a practitioner it’s your duty to observe and maintain correct procedures to ensure that the children are offered a stimulating environment which will further allow optimum possibilities for development. All those who work with or amongst children and young people have a crucial role to play in helping not only to shape aspects of their lives, but to also aid in enhancing theirRead MoreInclusive Education in India2690 Words  | 11 PagesA note on Inclusive Education Historically, attempts towards development and ensuring equality and justice for all have commonly been found to conform to the norms and systems of the majority. Most of these attempts have articulated the need for inclusion of all segments of the society – however, in most cases this articulation took the form of ‘special care systems’ that ultimately led to further exclusion of these communities – physically, mentally and psychologically. For a variegated and multi-segment
Monday, May 18, 2020
Sexual Relations in Wife of Bath Essay - 1008 Words
Sexual Relations in Wife of Bath Sexual relations between men and woman have created issues of life and death from the beginning of time. In most classic Western beliefs it began when Eve with the help of the Devil seduced Adam thus leading the downfall of humanity into an abyss of sin and hopelessness. This issue arises in all literature from Genesis, Chaucer and into modern day. Authors, clerks and writers of all types have aided stereotyping women throughout history and Geoffrey Chaucer is not an exception in most cases. However, in Chaucers Wife of Bath we can find the beginnings of a new type of woman arising from the dark ages of the post-Roman era. And of course at the center of his characters struggle is sex. As this topic†¦show more content†¦Menstruation, seen as the equal of male ejaculation provided periodic relief (Gies). In one case a woman brought a man before the courts on rape charges. She conceived during the intercourse, therefor the jury acquitted the man because it ruled she must have enjoyed the sex because she conceived, which was a popular belief during the Middle Ages (Gies). These beliefs no doubt were ridiculous attempts to discredit women so the power of men could be upheld throughout the nations, in this case Great Britain. Sexual power and women Like the Devil, women were perceived as masking their pernicious in attractive guises, and it was part of the exemplums purpose to unveil their subtleties and sorceress in order to underscore the need for vigilance against them (Gregg 85). Women and Jews together came to be viewed not just as the spiritual inferiors of the Christian male, but more specifically and perniciously, as the embodiments of carnality and sexual peril, with all that implied for the damnation of ones eternal soul (Gregg 85). So does the Wife if Bath become a model of feminine virtue? She states that many Biblical characters had many wives, like Abraham and Solomon, so if she was were not to marry she could not control her lusts. (Chaucer 278). Is it better to make her a model of attainable perfection than to make her a model of unattainable perfection (Gregg 85). The Wife of Baths accusation against clerical stories, then, was notShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of The Poem The Wife Of Bath Essay1247 Words  | 5 PagesAnalytical Essay on the â€Å"Wife of Bath.†By Chaucer’s time, the antifeminism tradition was very strong and had grown up. Her faith on marriage is surprising to men, especially during that period of time. She is a skilled woman, and knows how to defend her views on marriage and sex, in which she blows the idealistic of antifeminism by interpreting the bible to her benefit. And, when someone in authority disagrees with her, she relies on her experience. â€Å"Wife of Bath†Tale provides insight and understandingRead MoreAnalysis Of The Poem The Wife Of Bath Essay873 Words  | 4 PagesAnalytical Essay on the â€Å"Wife of Bath.†Question One Description of the Wife of Bath in terms of her progressive feminism, rhetoric style, and her prolog tale. Comparison of her as a women attitude towards general medieval attitude towards women. â€Å"Wife of Bath†Tale provides insight and understanding of the women change and their view mainly in matters of family, marriage, authority and marital affairs. The Prolog is double the size of her Tale, a lot of information about marriage group is givenRead MoreThe Wife Of Bath, By Geoffrey Chaucer880 Words  | 4 PagesChaucer, the Pearl Poet, and Margery Kempe. In Chaucer’s frame story The Canterbury Tales, the account of â€Å"The Wife of Bath†demonstrates a mixture of feminine ideas. The prologue of to the tale shows a complexity of medieval female characteristics and roles. Alyson, the Wife of Bath, challenges the conventional behavior of women. She speaks her mind freely and feels no shame about her sexual desires. There is a distinctive self-confidence, composure, and unyielding viewpoint compared to the male counterpartsRead More Canterbury Tales Essay - Sexuality in The Wife of Bath and the Pardoner1711 Words  | 7 PagesSexuality in The Wife of Bath and the Pardoner In Geoffrey Chaucer’s The Canterbury Tales, an eclectic mix of people gathers together at Tabard Inn to begin a pilgrimage to Canterbury. In the General Prologue, the readers are introduced to each of these characters. Among the pilgrims are the provocative Wife of Bath and the meek Pardoner. These two characters both demonstrate sexuality, in very different ways. Chaucer uses the Wife and the Pardoner to examine sexuality in the medieval periodRead MoreThe Moral Of Wife Of Bath990 Words  | 4 Pagesequal rights to men, but have yet to establish a non-submissive relationship with their male partners. The moral of Wife of Bath is the desire women have to have power over their husband and how this dominance is beneficial for them and through the course of the tale, the speaker makes an effort to express her views of control in a happy marriage. The moral of Wife of Bath is that happiness in a relationship is when a woman is able to have control over her husband against a backdrop ofRead MoreWomen From The Medieval Times1500 Words  | 6 Pagesthe Virgin Mary. The Wife of Bath contains three issues that were pretty extreme for the women of the time period. The negative connotation linked with the women and sex is the first one, the second is the position of husband and wife in marriages that leave the women submissive and the men in control, and third is the violence done by men to women. The seriousness of these issues were not discussed at all by men and most certainly not by women. The fact that the Wife of Bath brought up such issuesRead MoreChaucers The Canterbury Tales1381 Words  | 6 Pagesversus what they are supposed to be doing. In other words, it is to make people be aware of these problems. It can be inferred that the author’s main goal is for this literary work to serve as a message to the people along with changing the society in relation to these problems. The author mentions several issues of the society including how women are treated. Pertaining to women’s role in the society, the Middle Ages was also co nsidered a patriarchal society which is why in the tales, the author depictsRead MoreThe Wife Of Bath, By William Shakespeare1636 Words  | 7 PagesThe Wife of Bath tale, was a turnaround for women and how they are viewed in society and in tales. It took a women’s prologue and a tale about a wife that created a different look for women and a different role that they could play besides a hopeless character. Even though it wasn’t normal for a woman to have dominance in society let alone a tale. The article even explained how the women went through by being widow. This prologue and tale showed us how women were able to change that and do so. InRead MoreReality Vs. Fantasy : Quotes Notes1705 Words  | 7 Pagesthat she is so young and she is good looking and she expects everyone to say that her physical appearance is very beautiful. She is not accepting the fact that she is going to get old she is not going to stay young forever. She thinks she is taking bath in som e holy water that will make her young. 2. â€Å"Hello, Stanley Here I am, all freshly bathed and scented, and feeling like a brand new human being†(2. 37). Blanche s withdraw into her own particular private dreams empowers her to incompletelyRead MoreThe Prioress vs. the Wife of Bath2297 Words  | 10 Pagesmedieval society are the Wife of Bath and the Prioress. Through both the Wife of Baths Tale and the Prioresss Tale, Chaucer articulates his opinionated views of the etiquette and conduct of women in the 14th century. By examining both the Wife of Bath and the Prioresss tales, we are able to see the stark contrast between their social standards and demeanors. Chaucers description of the two characters clearly depicts the Prioress as a better woman than the Wife of Bath according to 14th Century
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Essay about Organic Foods Annotated Bibliography - 1863 Words
Research Topic: Organic and conventional foods are farmed differently, effect the environment differently, and offer different health and nutrient benefits. Annotated Bibliography Barlow, B., Hemminger, L., and Schlegel, B. (2006). Is Organic Food Worth the Extra Cost? Retrieved from Environmental Health Perspectives website: In this reference work by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences Community Outreach Education Program, I gathered information mostly about pesticides used in conventional farming techniques. With their concentration on pesticides the EHP gave information about the different effects of pesticides on organic and conventional foods. Providing even†¦show more content†¦She also gives details about why most people feel that the cost of organic foods is worth it by including data. The data included information for the foods that amazingly enough are the finger foods that our children consume regularly, and these foods had the highest levels of pesticides. She also explains why most of our conventional farmed foods are unhealthy, not only by pesticides in our crops, but also our meats. Cropper is a writer for Newsweek Magazine and although I am not very aware of her credibility in organic foods, she seemed very informed on the subject. In this article she is not b iased and she gives adequate information about organic foods. (Cropper, 2004) Decostole, J. (2010). The Truth About Organic Foods. Retrieved from Redbook Magazine website: In this magazine article Decostle explains just what organic foods are. She gives us details about how organic crops are grown and how organic animals are raised. Providing more information about how organic food is healthier and better for our bodies and how they differ from conventional foods. She also provides facts about how purchasing organic foods are also healthier for our environment and worth the price difference. Although pesticides contamination is common in our meats, due to feeding animals conventional farmed grains, much of the concern is aboutShow MoreRelatedShhh Essay2170 Words  | 9 Pagespage numbers? 7. Does the essay need proofreading? Does it contain basic errors in grammar, punctuation, and/or spelling? Laura Dubek ENGLISH 1020-001 Summer Session 3 (2012) Annotated Bibliography 1: Is Food the New Tobacco? Length: 5 entries (2+ pages, typed, double-spaced with proper header, see RM 124-127) Sources: At least 4 different types: books, chapters in books, encyclopedias, pamphlets, scholarly essays, newspaper articlesRead MoreAn Alternative Medicine For Antibiotics And Livestock Industry : Essential Oils999 Words  | 4 Pagesï ¿ ¼Smith 2 behind the method of literature search is also presented through the annotated bibliography and flowchart of research process and methodology (Figure 2). The Challenge: Overuse of Antibiotics in the Livestock Industry Conventionally, antibiotics are used in the livestock industry to both promote animal growth as well as to prevent animal disease. Over the past years, the media has provided extensive coverage of food safety, highlighting the controversy surrounding antibiotics. Firstly, supranationalRead More Organic Foods: America is Making Healthier Food Choices Essay1647 Words  | 7 Pageshealthier foods. However, a large portion of the advertising created for food in America is focused on unhealthy foods and products, many of which are nutritionally poor and easily accessible to much of the population. This results in a contradictory ideal towards improvement of health, where individuals will constantly eat unhealthy foods and struggle to lose the weight that they will knowingly gain. If people in the modern American society were to focus more on consuming organic foods and productsRead MoreEssay On Gmo1063 Words  | 5 Pageshow they are not safe for our health. The process of genetical ly modifying foods has been tested and researched and in recent years has been more widely used by giant corporations and some farmers. Scientists have altered seeds and grown food synthetically. The government says that â€Å"GMO’s are not harmful†and has publicly stated that they feel it will solve world hunger. Many studies have shown that the reproduction of food in this manner is harmful. Many scientists believe that it is not the productRead MoreWell-Distributed Food Aid to Kenya to Create Self-Relience Essay1031 Words  | 5 PagesProposal statement Food is a requirement of living organisms in order to sustain life as well as provide nourishment. However, not everybody has access to food due to un-foreseen circumstances that put individuals in need of food aid. These circumstances can be either man-made such as over farming or natural for example drought. In conducting this research, evidence will show some current solutions of providing food aid in Kenya as well as understanding what the future potential developmentsRead MoreAnnotated Bibliography on Treatment Approaches for Chilren with Autism726 Words  | 3 Pages Annotated Bibliography Siegel, B. (2003). Helping children with autism learn Treatment approaches for parents and professionals (Sec, 2002). Autism and the Risk on Using Alternative Medicine without Medical Supervision In this book, â€Å"Helping children with autism learn: Treatment approaches for parents and professionals†Siegel gives parents of autistic children what they need most: hope. Siegel explains that how to take an inventory of a child particular disabilities that break down theRead MoreNestle s Annual Report : Nestle1747 Words  | 7 Pagesone of the biggest food manufacturers in the world and established in 1866 in Switzerland by Henri Nestlà ©. Nestlà © produces mainly powdered or liquid beverages, milk products including ice cream and prepared dishes that brought 91.6 billion sales in CHF to Nestlà © in 2014. Moreover, Nestlà © has been working in 197 countries with 339,000 employees and Nestle’ has 442 factories in 86 countries. In addition, according to Hess (2014), Nestle’ is one of ten companies that control world food supply and Nestle’Read MoreCompany Analysis2873 Words  | 12 PagesTyson Foods, Inc. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Synthesis Essay Louis Zamperini - 1782 Words
Synthesis Essay – Louis Zamperini SMSgt Joey Barta Air Force Senior Noncommissioned Officer Academy February 6, 2015 Instructor: MSgt Witherspoon Louis Zamperini Imagine what it would take to one day be competing as an Olympic athlete, soon after find yourself stranded on a life raft for forty-seven days, only to be captured as a prisoner of war (POW) for the next twenty-five months. This is exactly what Louis Zamperini did and he lived through it all too be a visionary and ethical leader until the day he died. In this paper I will explain how through all ups and downs of Zamperini’s life he used the elements of adaptability and transactional leadership behavior of contingent rewards. I will also explain how he was an ethical leader by showcasing his resiliency and how his actions fit into the Air Force Core Value of service before self. I will also explain Zamperini’s actions relate to a few instances of me showing similar traits in my actions. First I will explain how Zamperini acted as a visionary leader. Visionary Leader Louis Zamperini acted as a visionary leader by frequently adapting to change throughout his life. According to the Thomas N. Barnes Center for Enlisted Education â€Å"adaptability†is broken down into three different elements; cognitive, emotional, and dispositional (Thomas N. Barnes Center for Enlisted Education [BCEE], 2014b, p.5). Although Zamperini used all three of these elements in his actions, decisions, and
Born in East LA Free Essays
At the end of Cheech Marin’s Born in East L. A. (1987), a pair of undocumented Chinese immigrants who have been trained by Rudy (Marin) in the art of walking, talking, and gesturing like Mexican-Americans successfully act Mexican-American in front of a police officer to convince and assure him that they indeed are â€Å"natives. We will write a custom essay sample on Born in East LA or any similar topic only for you Order Now †Of concern to both Lowe and Oboler is the unequal status of minorities as members of the United States national community and citizenry. Basically, the U. S. citizen has been defined as a white male. This subsequently has meant that especially persons of color have been â€Å"conceived in the popular mind as outside of the ‘boundaries’ of the ‘American’ community†(Oboler 19). Thus, persons of color are denied â€Å"the extension of full citizenship rights†(Oboler 28); they are denied protection of their â€Å"privileges and. . . local body†(Berlant 113). Fregoso indicates that with Born in East L. A. Cheech Marin parodies the second level of meaning at which â€Å"‘Born in the USA’ had been disarticulated from its signifying elements of working-class discourse and rearticulated as an expression of racist and patriotic discourse†(56). Marin basically uses to his advantage the nativist logic which results in â€Å"Born in the USA†being taken to signify â€Å"foreigners (or non-whites) go home†(Fregoso 56). His objective is to intervene into the definition of â€Å"Americans†as whites. Underpinning white nativists’ appropriation of â€Å"Born in the USA†is the extremely narrow reasoning that America belongs to whites because whites are born here. Marin intervenes by indicating that Mexican-Americans also are born in the USA. Thus, â€Å"brown people are natives too†(Fregoso 56) . When caught up in an Immigration raid, Rudy declares, â€Å"I was born in East L. A. ,†to the INS officer to announce his right to be in the United States unharassed. Rudy is also implicitly telling the officer that by birthright he (Rudy) is an equal citizen to the officer and entitled to the same freedoms that the officer and any other (white) citizen enjoy. Of course, despite the fact that Rudy declares that he was born in East L. A. , and thus a citizen by his nativeness, he is deported. In fact, when he attempts to align himself with INS officers as their fellow American citizen, Rudy is soundly rejected. To the officer at the toy factory, Rudy is merely another â€Å"bean in a bean bag. †As he is escorted to the INS van, Rudy’s appeals to the officers that â€Å"I am an American citizen†are for naught, for he is briskly ushered into the van with the â€Å"rest†of the non-citizen Mexicans. In the INS office in Tijuana, Rudy tells the white officer, â€Å"It’s good to talk to a American†but the officer does not accept Rudy as his equal, and ultimately condemns him to â€Å"Mexico– where you belong. Highly symbolic of the repudiation of Mexican-Americans’ claims to citizenship equal to that of white Americans is the scene in the INS van when Rudy, banging on the door which separates the deportees from the INS driver, screams, â€Å"I’m an American. I went to Belmont High, you idiot. †Although Rudy is creating quite an uproar, he is not heard by the driver simply because the driver has on a set of headphones. Literally his assertions (shouts) of his membership in the U. S. national community are tuned out. This non-reception of Rudy’s shouts reflects the refusal of white America to heed persons’ of color justified demands for equal status as citizens. â€Å"Rudy [just] cannot convince U. S. border officials that he is an American and therefore has the right to return to the United States†(Cortes 47); they simply will not hear his claims. All of Rudy’s encounters with INS officers thus dramatize the exclusion of persons of color from the national community which Lowe and Oboler discuss. Moreover, the negation of Rudy’s citizenship makes visible the contradictions inherent in white-American nativist logic. With his wallet at home, Rudy finds himself without identification. Thus, he is without any documentation which can substantiate his claims to citizenship. Without such documentation, his body is all that can be read by the INS officers, whose job it is to regulate who is inside the nation and who should be kept out. Ultimately, Rudy is deported because he is deemed not-American by virtue of his brown body. His English, Dodgers hat, and knowledge of U. S. popular culture (as demonstrated by his knowledge of Death Valley Days and John Wayne) are completely ignored as signifiers of his Americanness. Instead, his brown body is taken as a more important signifier. Rudy, on the other hand, is literally excluded from the U. S. citizenry because of of his brown body. Once in Mexico Rudy feels himself to be in â€Å"a foreign land. †The foreignness of Mexico and Mexicans to Rudy is played out to represent Rudy’s Americanness. For instance, in the INS van headed to Tijuana, Rudy is an outsider amongst the Mexicans. Unable to speak Spanish, he is ultimately called by one of the Mexicans a â€Å"pocho pendejo,†a pejorative reference usually intended to refer to Mexican-Americans who cannot speak Spanish and who, subsequently, are deemed less Mexican. In fact, as he is captured by Border Patrol officers on one of his attempts to cross the border, Rudy proclaims, â€Å"I’m an American citizen. I don’t even speak Spanish. Whereas â€Å"the Spanish language is commonly used as an identifier of Hispanics†(Oboler 12), Marin presents a pocho Rudy to make more obvious Rudy’s â€Å"American†identity. Basically, to present Mexican-Americans as brown Americans, Born on East L. A. plays on Rudy’s/Mexican-Americans’ cultural â€Å"distance†from Mexico and Mexicans. Edward Simmen posits that Mexicans-Americans’ physical and cultural distance from M exico accounts for the uniqueness, if not unrelatablity, of Mexican-Americans when compared to Mexicans in Mexico. He states: After all, it is difficult to deny the fact that the contemporary Mexican-American, while he may have firm cultural roots in Mexico, is actually only a distant cousin to the Mexicano living in present-day Mexico– a distance that is rapidly increasing with each new generation, with each new educational opportunity offered to and taken by the Mexican-American, and certainly with each mile the Mexican-American moves north from the border. (17) â€Å"I don’t belong here in downtown TJ ’cause I was born in East L. A. †Although of Mexican descent, Rudy is not exactly â€Å"Mexican. Within Mexico and amongst Mexicans, Rudy is an outsider, rendered so by his different socio-cultural experiences and subsequent sense of self. Rudy does not, however, come across as a whited Mexican. When he aligns himself with white Americans, it is as a fellow American citizen, and not as a fellow white. This distinction is crucial for understanding the cultural identity politics of the film. Rudy’s forced journey to Mexico, however, does not facilitate some personal reconciliation with a lost or repressed dimension to his identity. Instead, he wants to go home, This type of nationalism is effective in its contestation of white-American nativism as well in its depiction of a securely distinct identity. Fregoso says, though, that by the end of the film, when Rudy crosses back with a mass of immigrants, he â€Å"crosses back as a collective subject†instead of as an individual (68). She says: [Rudy’s] forced residence in Tijuana effects a transformation in [his] subject position. By living like an immigrant, experiencing the difficulties of trying to make it across, Rudy gains a new awareness. His transformation has a symbolic resonance at the level of political consciousness. 68) Carlos Cortes says that when Rudy and the immigrants rush the border, â€Å"At least for the moment, ‘the people’ have caused the border to disappear†(47). One can take Cortes’s reading to refer to the dissipation of the borders/differences between Rudy, the Mexican immigrants, the Salvadorena Do lores, the Chinese/Indians, and whatever other groups might be present. Thus, under duress, differences give way (at least for the moment) to group consciousness. But the final sequence of the film turns on the differences between Rudy and the noncitizen others and reinscribes these differences. First of all, in the abovementioned scene in which the undocumented Chinese immigrants â€Å"pass†as native Mexican-Americans, the fact of their non-citizenship contributes to Rudy’s perceived citizenship. And, as they are performing for the officer, Rudy is marrying the Salvadorena Dolores so she does not get arrested by the INS officers, who are in hot pursuit of her. These two scenes really sum up the way in which the film asserts Mexican-American citizenship, for Rudy’s citizenship consistently emerges in relation to others’ noncitizenship. The â€Å"narrative truth†which the spectator is always let in on (Fregoso 60) is that Rudy is an American citizen, albeit one whose privileges are denied, and various others are not. It thus seems that Rudy’s American citizenship comes into focus through the same process by which white Americans’ Americanness and citizenship become apparent: both depend on others’ lack of citizenship. Oboler indicates that â€Å"the nation’s [white] identity was forged in the nineteenth century partially through the creation of racialized perceptions that homogenized Latin America’s population†(18). Likewise, Rudy’s identity as an American citizen is foregrounded in contrast to Mexican, Salvadorena, and Chinese others. Christine List says that â€Å"Chicano features provide a public forum for Chicano cultural expression and articulate issues of Chicano identity on a national and international scale†(13). Born in East L. A. â€Å"sets up as its central conflict Rudy’s dilemma of proving his identity†(List 151), specifically as an American citizen. As the film asserts his/Mexican-Americans’ American citizenship, it effectively intervenes into the construction of the American citizen as white. However, Mexican-American citizenship is established through others’ noncitizenship. Such a method for the recuperation of Mexican-American citizenship is troubling because it still others noncitizens. With regard to definitions of nation, Cortes states, â€Å"As context or character, as goal or protection, borders have served a key role in Hollywood’s exploration of the formation and reformation of our nation†(42). Born in East L. A. ‘s reformation of the nation ultimately asserts Mexican-Americans’ citizenship by foregrounding others’ noncitizenship, which is to say, others’ fundamental outsiderness in relation to the U. S. national community. How to cite Born in East LA, Papers
Tiananmen Square Massacre free essay sample
During the time prior to the infamous June 4 Massacre in Tiananmen Square China, there were numerous events in which provoked political tension and ultimately stimulated the massacre itself. These events date back to Hu Yaobangs death followed by the AFS seven requests, Deng Xiaopings editorial, the student hunger strike, Mikhail GorbacheVs visit to China and the imposed martial law causing the tragic massacre. The Chinese Government, citizens, students, PLA and even some foreign Journalists were impacted by these primary incidents to a great extent. April 15 1989, is the date of Hu Yaobangs death and historically the day which changed the lives of thousands of Chinese people forever. Hu Yaobang was a progressive man of moderate ideals who was pushing towards the freedom of dialogue and media. Hu was considered a traitor by the CPC as he did not uphold Maoist Ideology; however he was a hero to the majority of students and intellectuals who favoured democratic ideals. We will write a custom essay sample on Tiananmen Square Massacre or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Many students, intellectuals and even civilians were greatly impacted as they were discomforted by the lack of respect by the Government who made subdued funeral arrangements. So in response, 200,000 students had defied a ban to carry out a demonstration of mourning for Yaobang. In addition, they had delivered a petition to the Premier of the Politburo Standing Committee, Li Peng and demanded that the Government reassess his legacy. After such a successful demonstration at Yaobangs mourning which was not acted against by the Government, many students became aware of the potential of their large mass and its capabilities, and hence the death of Hu Yaobang was respectively the spark of a fire for the many Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 which would soon have a large- cale impact on the whole of China. The senior comrades are getting worried. l The student demonstrations had a minor impact on the CPC as they became somewhat concerned, not wanting them to escalate into anything bigger or continue on for any longer. The Autonomous Federation of Students was quickly growing in population as many students Joined by their own will. The AFS had seven imperative requests: re- evaluate Hu Yaobangs achievements and mistakes, completely denounce the Anti- Spiritual Pollution Campaign and the Anti Bourgeois Liberalisation Campaign, allow ree press and freedom of speech, disclose the income of the leaders and their families, cancel the ten 1987 Beijing Municipal Regulations against demonstrations, increase spending for education and improve living standards for intellectuals, and lastly to truthfully report the memorial activities. These requests were often demanded and chanted at the student demonstrations that were growing in size and frequency, up until the June 4 Massacre. The CPC were impacted exceedingly by these ongoing demonstrations as Xiaoping had described the protesters as, picking up the bowl to eat meat, and putting it down to curse their Mother. 2 During the non- violent demonstrations, hundreds of thousands of people in the square screamed out, Deng Xiaoping retire! 3 Again, the Government were increasingly impacted as they harshly replied with, We are dealing with the dregs ot society and a gang ot rebels who want to subvert our country. 4 The demonstrations and the initial seven requests were evidently impacting drastically on the Government and the students, but what about the civilians? Workers out on the streets transportation out of whack. 5 Of course civilians also were affected by these events as stated by Shangkun; even the public transport was out of order. Deng Xiaoping strongly belie ved that the student demonstrations, threatened to throw China into political turmoil. 6 as he repetitiously highlighted this in the April 26 editorial condemning the Tiananmen Square protesters.
Saturday, May 2, 2020
Aristotles Element of Tragedy free essay sample
Aristotle presents the element of tragedy as more then the textbook definition; an event resulting in great loss and misfortune, but describes how it is an art that can enhance all types of poetry. He defines tragedy as being an imitation of an action that is a whole and complete in itself and of a certain extent. Aristotle shows how tragedy is actually more important than the history itself because it brings out people’s emotions, instead of simply presenting the facts. It is clearly stated throughout the essay that plot is key to good poetry and outweighs every other element. Step by step, Aristotle explains the importance of 6 main necessary elements of plot, character, verbal expression, thought, visual, and song composition. Aristotle states that poetry must target the emotions of pity or fear, which is created in the audience, as they see the tragedy of a character that suffers unfairly, but is not completely innocent. We will write a custom essay sample on Aristotles Element of Tragedy or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Then he moves on to describing the main elements of tragedy, which include, plot, character, language, thought, visual, and melody. Then he classifies these in three parts, the media, the manner and the objects. The verbal communication and song composition, constitute the media, in which they effect the replication. Then there is the display, which is the manner, and the remaining three, the plot, character and thought are the objects that are imitated. Aristotle considers the plot to be the most important of these elements. He describes the plot as not being a unity revolving around one man. Instead, he states that many things happen to one man, which may not always go together, to form a unity. At the same time, he says that among the actions that a character performs there are many that may be irrelevant to one another, but yet they form a unified action. Aristotle continues depicting the plot categorizing it in two manners: simple and complex. In a simple plot, a change of fortune takes place without a reversal or recognition. In contrast, in a complex plot, the change of fortune involves recognition or a reversal or both. He then defines reversal and recognition. Reversal or peripety is a change from one circumstance to its exact opposite. Recognition is a change from ignorance to knowledge leading either to friendship or hostility depending on whether the character is marked with good or bad fortune. There is a phrase used by Aristotle in Poetics, â€Å"from the machine,†which is basically any unlikely way of solving difficulty of the plot. Lastly, Aristotle explains the importance of the chorus in a tragedy. According to him, it should be regarded as one of the actors. Therefore, the chorus should be integrated into performance and be considered as part of the whole. Aristotle is correct in his importance of plot, but the characters are of equal importance. If the audience can connect with the characters on a personal level, then they are much more attached and emotionally involved with the story. Also the more information that is given about the characters, the more the audience gets an understanding as to why the story is playing out like it is.
Friday, April 10, 2020
Essay Topics for College
Essay Topics for CollegeWriting a good essay is one of the best ways to get yourself noticed in college. There are thousands of colleges that would love to have a student with the knowledge of the subjects they are teaching and who has done well on the subject, and so by writing an essay that gets them attention, it is one of the best methods to make their job easier. In fact, the power of getting your words into the students' memory is probably more powerful than the most powerful mind-altering drugs.The best essays for your college classes will always include topics that have relevance to the subject that you are teaching. If you find yourself in a situation where you have no idea what to write, or you don't know the subject well enough to write an interesting essay, here are some good topics that you should consider when writing an essay for your class. They may not be the most controversial topics that exist in the world today, but they should at least give you a starting point f or further research.Introduction: This should begin your essay with a basic introduction to the topic of the essay. As an example, if you're teaching about animal agriculture, include this section. If you are teaching about science fiction writing, include this. Be sure to be brief, concise, and avoid presenting too much information in your introduction.Arguments: One of the best essay topics to write is an argument. If you are teaching algebra or trigonometry, then this is a great topic to start your essay with. If you are teaching how to use statistics, then it is important to include a discussion of some statistics. You will be able to use your knowledge of statistics to make a solid argument in your essay.Analyzing: This is a topic that can be used for two reasons. First, it can also be used as a general basis for your topic. If you are teaching about the history of computer technology,and you want to compare Macintosh to PC, then you could include an analysis of the two and why they are different.One last topic to include in your essay is the future. If you are teaching about future trends in the field of physics, include an analysis of the trends of this subject. You can do this in many ways, including using graphs, charts, and statistics. Using current trends to compare the future is another way of using current technology to predict the future.As long as you understand the ideas that are going to be presented to your students, you can use the topics to give the students something to think about and learn from. If you are not sure how to go about writing an essay on these topics, there are many resources online that can help you write your essay.
Monday, March 23, 2020
CAPITAL PUNISHMENT Essays (1317 words) - Capital Punishment
CAPITAL PUNISHMENT Capital Punishment deters murder, and is just Retribution Capital punishment, is the execution of criminals by the state, for committing crimes, regarded so heinous, that this is the only acceptable punishment. Capital punishment does not only lower the murder rate, but it's value as retribution alone is a good reason for handing out death sentences. Support for the death penalty in the U.S. has risen to an average of 80% according to an article written by Richard Worsnop, entitled "Death penalty debate centres on Retribution", this figure is slightly lower in Canada where support for the death penalty is at 72% of the population over 18 years of age, as stated in article by Kirk Makir, in the March 26, 1987 edition of the Globe and Mail, titled "B.C. MPs split on Death Penalty". The death penalty deters murder by putting the fear of death into would be killers. A person is less likely to do something, if he or she thinks that harm will come to him. Another way the death penalty deters murder, is the fact that if the killer is dead, he will not be able to kill again. Most supporters of the death penalty feel that offenders should be punished for their crimes, and that it does not matter whether it will deter the crime rate. Supporters of the death penalty are in favour of making examples out of offenders, and that the threat of death will be enough to deter the crime rate, but the crime rate is irrelevant. According to Isaac Ehrlich's study, published on April 16, 1976, eight murders are deterred for each execution that is carried out in the U.S.A. He goes on to say, "If one execution of a guilty capital murderer deters the murder of one innocent life, the execution is justified." To most supporters of the death penalty, like Ehrlich, if even 1 life is saved, for countless executions of the guilty, it is a good reason for the death penalty. The theory that society engages in murder when executing the guilty, is considered invalid by most supporters, including Ehrlich. He feels that execution of convicted offenders expresses the great value society places on innocent life. Isaac Ehrlich goes on to state that racism is also a point used by death penalty advocates. We will use the U.S. as examples, since we can not look at the inmates on death row in Canada, because their are laws in Canada that state that crime statistics can not be based on race, also the fact that there are no inmates on death row in Canada. In the U.S. 16 out of 1000 whites arrested for murder are sentenced to death, while 12 of 1000 blacks arrested for murder were sentenced to death. 1.1% of black inmates on death row were executed, while 1.7% of white inmates will die. Another cry for racism, as according to Ehrlich, that is raised by advocates of the death penalty is based on the colour of the victim, for example "if the victim is white, it is more likely that the offender will get the death penalty than if the victim had been black". This is true, if you look at the actual number of people who are murder. More people kill whites and get the death penalty, then people who kill blacks and get the death penalty. The reason for this is that more whites are killed, and the murders captured. Now if we look at the number of blacks killed it is a lot less, but you have to look at these numbers proportionately. Percent wise it is almost the same number for any race, so this is not the issue. In a 1986 study done by Professor Stephen K. Layson of the University of North Carolina, the conclusions made by Ehrilich were updated, and showed to be a little on the low side as far as the deterrence factor of capital punishment. Professor Layson found that 18 murders were deterred by each execution is the U.S. He also found that executions increases in probability of arrest, conviction, and other executions of heinous offenders. According to a statement issued by George C. Smith, Director of Litigation, Washington Legal Foundation, titled "In Support of the Death Penalty", support for the death penalty has grown in the U.S., as the crime rate increased. In 1966, 42% of Americans were in favour of capital punishment while 47% were
Friday, March 6, 2020
Serial Offender Profile Example
Serial Offender Profile Example Serial Offender Profile – Essay Example Serial Offender Profile Our case will involve a serial offender profile by the Kristen Gilbert, 33 years old who was a nurse by professional at Veterans Affairs Medical Center in Setauket an incidence that happened during the year 2000 and resulted to death of four patients. Due to the psychological stress of being divorced by her boyfriend who worked in the same hospital she decided to create attention to her coworkers and her ex-boyfriend by killing four patients. She was charged with the murder of four patients at a Veterans Affairs Medical Center in Setauket, and her action portrays one among other serial killers targeting their victims. During her trial, it was realized that she injected her patients with large doses of adrenaline, causing a hyper and uncontrollable heart beat. The patients suffered from a severe illness that ultimately caused their death.Kristen Gilbert acts as a serial killer by confessing killing the four patients to her ex-boyfriend and ex-husband when align ed at the court even before the prosecutor. Therefore, she fits a serial killer because a serial offender is one who murders more than two people in cold blood for psychological gratification and Kristen murdered the four patients because of psychological stress of being divorced by her boyfriend and within a very short time.However, Kristen was not convicted of her crime because the initial review did not find sufficient evidence to pursue the case, no eye witness was found, the weapon used was usually a sudden chemical readily available on the ward and often considered non-detectable or not checked at autopsy. Additionally, there was not consent contract that was signed and in absence of any agreement before treatment, a patient’s risk of harm is significantly greater when treated by the subject and the latter is uncommonly accurate in predicting patient’s demise. However, the resolution of the case could be to hold Kristen in bars until adequate evidence was collect ed to convict her for guilty.ReferencesEric W. Hickey. (2009). Serial Murderers and Their Victims. Oxford. Oxford Press.Jeff Mariotte. (2004). Criminal Minds: Sociopaths, Serial Killers, and Other Deviants. New York; Cambridge Publishers.
Tuesday, February 18, 2020
Enhancing the Effectiveness of Marketing Communication Mix for Fiat Essay
Enhancing the Effectiveness of Marketing Communication Mix for Fiat 500 - Essay Example Maintaining consistency in marketing messages in an era of information democracy with a judicious mix of old and new media to presents more visibility cheaply while pointing to an interactive website that helps consumers make their mind is the way to go for the Fiat 500. An advertising message that highlights the unique capability of the Fiat 500 to upgrade to an electric car delivered on billboards outside of retail stores, on buses and outside of underground stations will present heightened consumer interest cheaply to enhance the effectiveness of the marketing communications mix. Consumers can interact with a website mentioned on the advertisement to seek further information on the Fiat 500 electric car, with social media, print, email, etc. adding support as necessary. Contents Introduction 1 The Role of Communications in the Marketing of the Fiat 500 3 An Advertisement for the Fiat 500 7 Conclusion 8 Appendix A – An Advertisement for Fiat 500 10 Bibliography / References 12 (This page intentionally left blank) Introduction It is important that the planning and execution of all types of advertising-like and promotion-like messages selected for a brand, product, service or company satisfy a common set of communication objectives to support a ‘positioning’ cost effectively (Percy, 2008, Pp. 5 – 10). ... ? 10) goes further to suggest that it makes sense to present a certain consistency in marketing messages in an era of information democracy because it is impossible to create brands in five minutes and marketing messages must position, integrate marketing channels and communications, protect a brand and add value to it. In addition, it makes sense for messages to focus on enhancing relationships with communities while remaining aware of consumer generated content models and evolution of technology. Thus, according to Pattuglia (2011, Pp. 7 – 10), a judicious mix of media, both old and new, that responds to the consumption habits of the traditional consumer, and the new consumer is essential for an effective marketing communication mix. However, while it is likely that products will become multi-platform with consumption and communication encompassing different marketing channels, the outstanding design attributes and prospects of a product must merit an emphasis in the communi cation mix to seek the attention of consumers to emphasise a satisfaction of their needs, aspirations and dreams (Posavac, 2012, Pp. 22 – 30). Fiat, which built its first car in 1899, is one of the pioneers in the automobile industry (Cammarata, 2006, Pp. 5 – 10). However, after the success of Fiat’s Grande Punto, which helped reduce the debt of Fiat from Euro 10 billion to just over Euro 1 billion, Fiat is now counting on the success of the new Fiat 500 on the global markets (Griffiths, 2007, Pp. 14 – 15) and (Automotive Engineer, 2010, Pp. 5). The design of the Fiat 500 aims to acknowledge the past without remaining captive to it and to cater to the needs of the future. Fiat 500’s fully integrated robotised engine, the 1.4 MultiAir, presents revolutionary valve management but Fiat
Monday, February 3, 2020
Science Integration is a better study Research Paper
Science Integration is a better study - Research Paper Example in making the students have a wider perspective of various fields of study, it is very cumbersome for those students who cannot effectively mentally cope with the variety of fields covered in the study (BermuÌ dez, 73). Some of the disciplinary perspectives include integrating science in politics, mathematics as well as economics. This makes it difficult for other students to understand some aspects of the course, thereby resulting to Demotivation of such students relevant to the study. Integration of sciences enable for flexibility in course selection relevant to the interests of the students (Slingerland and Mark, 65). In this manner, it is of crucial significance to note that the Integrated Sciences makes it possible for the students to establish their own individual course of study. In this manner, it is of critical importance to note that the integration of science as a study is critical in ensuring that students develop a wider scientific perspectives (BermuÌ dez, 38). This is very important in broadening their scope of understanding of the myriad of concepts covered in the study. This is important also in broadening the understanding between the links of science as well as society. In summary, Science Integration is a better study for students. It always focuses on molding students with the vast of knowledge that is necessary for application in various sectors within the society. Integration of sciences is critical in ensuring that the students appreciate the field of science. In addition, it ensures that students critically understand other fields of study involving the political realm, social as well as economic
Sunday, January 26, 2020
Themes Of Fate And Destiny
Themes Of Fate And Destiny Oedipus as a major victim of fate have tried to evade his fate when he realized that he was going to kill his father and sleep with his mother. His shocked and dreadful emotions made him run away from his parents to evade this fate, but he was actually walking right into his fate. It seems that Oedipus overheard this prophecy by accident but we may wonder that all this was planned by the gods so that Oedipuss fate can carry on as planned. This later became a turning point that led the glorious and miserable life that follows Oedipus in his future. Oedipus tried to evade his fate, but for him fate was not easily evaded. In his case fate seemed to be decided from the begging of his life, and from birth his leg was scared leaving three marks, which may foreshadow the choice he had to make at the cross road in future. Through this Sophocles is trying to show the idea that our destiny might not be controlled by ourselves and this shows how powerless humans are. The Shepherd who was ordered by the king to kill Oedipus may seem to be an irrelevant person in the play, but he plays a key role that led to Oedipuss final fate. He saves Oedipus and allowed the prophecy to happen. His sympathy caused Oedipus to curse him in the end when the shepherd reveals the truth about Oedipus, because if Oedipus died as a baby he wouldnt be suffering and have an ending which seemed like a living hell for him. I think we cant blame the shepherd for saving Oedipus. The truth about Oedipus was brought on by himself as he insisted to reveal the truth. This expresses a human behavior of wanting to know the truth that can be related to our daily life. If a friend has some secret which he/she didnt want to share, we would be eager to ask them what it was about since we want to know the truth. The more they refuse to reveal the truth the more we want to know. Oedipus from nature has an unyielding desire to uncover the truth about everything and in this case, he wanted to find the murder of King Laius and also want to uncover the secret mystery of his own birth. This desire then led him to realize what he has done. Many characters such as Tiresias and Jocasta in the play tried to stop Oedipus from revealing the truth, but Oedipus was driven by his fate to uncover everything. This could be seen when Jocasta urged Oedipus that Stop-in the name of god, if you love your own life, call off this search! My suffering is enough. [1] She begged Oedipus to leave the mystery unsolved, as at that point she might have realized what was really happening but she didnt want Oedipus to suffer. But Oedipus reply, Listen to you? No more. I must know it all, must see the truth at last. [2] This was used by Sophocles to further illustrate the characteristics of Oedipus. His curiosity made him unable to stop pursuing the truth, which was the reason for him to solve the sphinx riddle, so even when his wife was pleading from him to stop, he still insisted on uncovering the mystery that seemed to be a riddle, which ends up to be his final riddle, the riddle of his own life. The quote A stranger you may think, who lives upon you, he soon will be revealed a native of Theban [3] Foreshadows that the killer who seemed to a Stranger actually have a long bond with Thebes and at the time Oedipus didnt realize that it was him who had long ties with Thebes. Again this is related with the theme of fate and destiny since this was said by the Tiresias who revealed the prophecy which eventually became true. In the play the Prophet says that, Blind who now has eyes, beggar who now is rich, he will grope his way towards a foreign soil, a sick tapping before his step by step. [4] This foreshadows what will happen to Oedipus in the future. Oedipus does really take notice of what the prophet says because he was angry and believed that everything the prophet said was a conspiracy. What he doesnt realize is that this is a significant prophecy the prophet made for him. As we see further in the play on how cruel he blinded himself and how he left Thebes. This relates to the theme of fate, since the prophet actually knows what will happen to Oedipus, which makes us wonder whether god really plans our destiny in advance. In the play the quote, He solved the famous riddle with his brilliance, he rose to power, a man beyond all power. Who could behold his greatness without envy? Now what a black sea of terror has overwhelmed him. [5] shows that although Oedipus is a smart and mighty king he could still not reverse his destiny and had to end up living in misery alone. This causes the reader to sympathize with him for why is life so unfair to him, that such a good man ends up with such an ending. Then in the quote Revealed at last, brother and father both to the children he embraces, to his mother son and husband both-he sowed the loins his father sowed, he spilled his fathers blood! [6] Sophocles gave the reader a feeling of sorrow for both Oedipus and all the people related to him. Since everyone who is blood related to him will live in misery. Oedipus, no matter what he may try to do to avoid his fate. All his actions were pulling him right back to his final destiny, although revealing the truth surrounding his birth was his wish, but also believed to be the plan of the gods. His curiosity and intelligence which brought him fame and glory have also brought his downfall. Oedipus was too eager to end the suffering of his people, thus sending Creon to bring the prophet that led to the tragedy. I think that even when the prophet hinted that the killer was a stranger to the land and all this might be a plan of fate. It just encouraged him to be more eager to find the killer of King Laius instead of cooling himself done to think about it. If he did he might have realized what was happening. So it all seemed to happen as the fate guided and the gods were manipulating the minds of the man. And it seemed that the people are just chess pieces and are expendable when needed, thus they dont have control over their fate. This all started with a prophecy and the results of it was disastrous. So we ask ourselves are we supposed to know the will of god or should we be ignorant. If the old King of Thebes did not know of the prophecy then he would not have tried to kill Oedipus, then the family would have lived happily together, but due to the prophecy it turned into a disastrous event. This raises the question of whether the prophecies of gods there to help us or to cause problems for us? It is ironic how things could have turned out to be differently. It seems that it is not fair for Oedipus or anyone to have their final destiny decided, without giving them a chance to change it, and for Oedipus his fate was determined to end terribly even at the beginning of his life.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
The Elderly
Growing up , children are taught to respect those who are elder than them , emphasizing parents and grandparents. This is a fine moral value to instill on a child but once that child begins to age , he/she will begin to see the truth behind the lies. As people age their minds deteriorate leading to bad motor skills , forgetfulness and irrational thinking , causing society to view them as a crazy nuisance. Elderly people need some assistance with daily activities and health care from their families. The adult children of this elders often face a difficult challenge in helping their parents make the right choices.The family is one of the most important providers for the elderly. Infact, the majority of caregivers for the elderly are often member of their own family , most often daughter or granddaughter. But sometimes family members of the elderly people ,who generally take care of them , get frustrated or angry and behave harshly with them , beat them. This leads to elderly abuse. Eld erly abuse in our country is growing. Abusers of older adults are both male and female. Usually family members are often the abusers in the domestic surroundings. Researchers estimated two thirds of the elder abuse are family members.The news which comes in the national news paper that elderly parents are being harassed, neglected, and even thrown out of the home, makes a citizen of India shameful and sad. This country was renowned for its good treatment to elderly as well as to the young since ages. The reason was the profound ethical and religious teaching which was prevalent in this country from ages. India being a land of multi lingual and multi religious back ground never one could have thought to see that elderly parents one day could be regarded as unwanted stranger in their own house.But, from a decade or two this unnatural phenomena suddenly appears with such a magnitude that one find himself bewildered how to accept it. Unfortunately this is a real hard fact through which the nation is passing. According to a survey 40% senior citizen living with their families are facing â€Å"emotional and physical abuse. †It is reported that one old grand mother is being thrown out in the garbage by her son and grand son where she ultimately died. India was land where elders were treated with respect and dignity.Mother and father in a house were just like a king and queen where they were treated as a commander of the house not by force but by the way of love and affection which was flourishing in the house. How this sudden change in the attitude of son of the same soil has appeared so abruptly. It is not the soil which has changed but the air and atmosphere of the land has gradually infested with foreign culture and artificial light and glamour as projected through the television and electronic media which has eroded the Indian culture of patience, gratitude and sacrifice. The Elderly Growing up , children are taught to respect those who are elder than them, emphasizing parents and grandparents. This is a fine moral value to instill on a child but once that child begins to age , he/she will begin to see the truth behind the lies. As people age their minds deteriorate leading to bad motor skills , forgetfulness and irrational thinking , causing society to view them as a crazy nuisance. Elderly people need some assistance with daily activities and health care from their families. The adult children of this elders often face a difficult challenge in helping their parents make the right choices.The family is one of the most important providers for the elderly. Infact, the majority of caregivers for the elderly are often member of their own family , most often daughter or granddaughter. But sometimes family members of the elderly people ,who generally take care of them , get frustrated or angry and behave harshly with them , beat them. This leads to elderly abuse. Elde rly abuse in our country is growing. Abusers of older adults are both male and female. Usually family members are often the abusers in the domestic surroundings. Researchers estimated two thirds of the elder abuse are family members.The news which comes in the national news paper that elderly parents are being harassed, neglected, and even thrown out of the home, makes a citizen of India shameful and sad. This country was renowned for its good treatment to elderly as well as to the young since ages. The reason was the profound ethical and religious teaching which was prevalent in this country from ages. India being a land of multi lingual and multi religious back ground never one could have thought to see that elderly parents one day could be regarded as unwanted stranger in their own house.But, from a decade or two this unnatural phenomena suddenly appears with such a magnitude that one find himself bewildered how to accept it. Unfortunately this is a real hard fact through which t he nation is passing. According to a survey 40% senior citizen living with their families are facing â€Å"emotional and physical abuse. †It is reported that one old grand mother is being thrown out in the garbage by her son and grand son where she ultimately died. India was land where elders were treated with respect and dignity.Mother and father in a house were just like a king and queen where they were treated as a commander of the house not by force but by the way of love and affection which was flourishing in the house. How this sudden change in the attitude of son of the same soil has appeared so abruptly. It is not the soil which has changed but the air and atmosphere of the land has gradually infested with foreign culture and artificial light and glamour as projected through the television and electronic media which has eroded the Indian culture of patience, gratitude and sacrifice.
Friday, January 10, 2020
The Feasibility of Chili and Kamias as Mosquito Killer
Background of the Study: This study is done by the researcher to give importance to the chili and kamias fruit. Not just in food, but the researcher wanted to produce a mosquito killer out of them. For all we know that chili has been tested and proven to be the one good ingredient in mosquito killer making and what if it is added by the acidic property of kamias fruit? The researcher wanted to know the effect of the combined property of each fruit. Statement of the Problem: This study aims to determine the effect of the said mosquito killer (chili and kamias).Especially it will answer the following questions: 1) Does the said mosquito killer (chili and kamias) is cheaper than the commercial ones. 2) Will this mosquito killer (chili and kamias) can affect the health/kill the person who accidentally took it. Hypothesis: 1) This mosquito killer (chili and kamias) is cheaper than the commercial ones because the materials/ingredients used to produce this is cheap and are abundant in tropi cal countries like the Philippines. 2) Side effects will occur if accidentally taken by anyone. Significance of the Study:The said mosquito killer (chili and kamias) was made to compete to the commercial ones which were expensive. And help our country, for we have plenty of chili and kamias. Definition of Terms: antiscorbutic-a remedy for scurvy poisonous-toxic or venomous; harmful; having the qualities or effects of poison Scope and Limitations: If this study is already done, not only the poor ones can use it, also the rich ones. Not just because it’s cheaper but also on its effectiveness. Methodology: Materials: ? kilo of kamias fruit 1 ? kilo of chili mortar and pestle ettle gas stove product container Procedure: The researcher collected and prepared all the materials needed. The researcher then pounded the kamias and chili separately and gets their extracts. After pounding the kamias and the chili, the researcher boiled the two extracts separately for 5 minutes. Then the researcher mixed them and poured them inside the container. Review of related literature: In the past chili was used only as spices because of its taste. Later on, it was discovered as a good mosquito killer because of its pesticidal property.While kamias (ginger lily) was also used in food spices before. Later on, it was discovered by Battistelli in 1939 that it has properties such as astringent, stomachic, refrigerant and antiscorbutic. Some of the researchers now are having kamias as wine but in this study the researcher wants to test the properties of the kamias fruit together with the chili. http://techorati. com(chili/ fruit)(kamias fruit) http://news. bbc. co. uk/2%20americas/6367299. stm Bato Balani (ISNN 0117-7079) Vol. 21 No. 3sy www. batobalani. com
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Definition of Chunking in Language Acquisition
In studies of language acquisition, the term chunk refers to several words that are customarily used together in a fixed expression, such as in my opinion, to make a long story short, How are you? or Know what I mean? Also known as language chunk, lexical chunk, praxon, formulated speech, formulaic phrase, formulaic speech, lexical bundle, lexical phrase, and collocation. Chunk and chunking were introduced as cognitive terms by psychologist George A. Miller in his paper The Magical Number Seven, Plus or Minus Two: Some Limits on Our Capacity for Processing Information (1956). See Examples and Observations below. Also, see: Lexical ApproachBinomialClichà ©Ã‚ and PlatitudeCompound NounIdiomLanguage AcquisitionListemePet PhrasePhrasePhrasal VerbSnowclone Examples and Observations Here is one that got away, and lived to tell the tale.(Red Riding: In the Year of Our Lord 1983, 2009)Oh, by the way, hows the Florence Henderson look working for you?(Matthew Morrison as Will Schuester, The Power of Madonna. Glee, 2010)Once upon a time, there was a lovely princess. But she had an enchantment upon her of a fearful sort, which could only be broken by loves first kiss.(Shrek, 2001)The only thing Junior Singleton reads cover to cover is a matchbook.(The Red Green Show, 1991)It may be that across the immensity of space the Martians have watched the fate of these pioneers of theirs and learned their lesson, and that on the planet Venus they have found a securer settlement. Be that as it may, for many years yet there will certainly be no relaxation of the eager scrutiny of the Martian disk, and those fiery darts of the sky, the shooting stars, will bring with them as they fall an unavoidable apprehension.(H.G. Wells, The War of the Worlds, 1898)Do you know the phrase water shed moment, buddy?I nodded. You didnt have to be an English teacher to know that one; you didnt even have to be literate. It was one of those annoying linguistic shortcuts that show up on cable TV news shows, day in and day out. Others include connect the dots and at this point in time. The most annoying of all (I have inveighed against it to my clearly bored students time and time and time again) is the totally meaningless some people say, or many people believe.(Stephen King, 11/22/63. Scribner, 2011)Uses of Prefabricated Chunks- It seems that in the initial stages of first language acquisition and natural second language acquisition we acquire unanalysed chunks, but that these gradually get broken down into smaller components . . .The prefabricated chunks are utilised in fluent output, which, as many researchers from different traditions have noted, largely depends on automatic processing of stored units. According to Erman and Warrens (2000) count, about half of running text is covered by such recurrent units.(J. M. Sinclair and A. Mauranen, Linear Unit Grammar: Integrating Speech and Writing. John Benjamins, 2006)- If I find an especially felicitous way of expressing an idea, I may store up that turn of phrase so that the next time I need it it will come forth as a prefabricated chunk, even though to my hearer it may not be distinguishable from newly generated speech. This . . . kind of expression, then, not only is completely analyzable by the grammar of the language but as a result of its transparency has a dual status for the speaker: It can be handled either as a single unit or as a complex construction with internal structure (e.g., words can be inserted into or deleted from the phrase, or the grammatical structure can be changed as needed).(Ann M. Peters, The Units of Language Acquisition. Cambridge University Press, 1983)Formulaic Phrases vs. Literal Expressions[T]he formulaic phrase has unique properties: it is cohesive and unitary in structur e (sometimes with aberrant grammatical form), often nonliteral or deviant in meaning properties, and usually contains a nuanced meaning that transcends the sum of its (lexical) parts. The canonical form of the expression (formuleme) is known to native speakers. This is to say that a formulaic expression functions differently in form, meaning, and use from a matched, literal, novel, or propositional expression (Lounsbury, 1963). It broke the ice, for example, as a formula, differs regarding meaning representation, exploitation of lexical items, status in language memory, and range of possible usages, when compared to the exact same sequence of words as a novel expression.(Diana Van Lancker Sidtis, Formulaic and Novel Language in a Dual Process Model of Language Competence. Formulaic Language, Vol. 2., ed. by Roberta Corrigan et al. John Benjamins, 2009)Criticism of the Lexical-Chunk ApproachMichael Swan, a British writer on language pedagogy, has emerged as a prominent critic of the lexical-chunk approach. Though he acknowledges, as he told me in an e-mail, that high-priority chunks need to be taught, he worries that the new toy effect can mean that formulaic expressions get more attention than they deserve, and other aspects of language--ordinary vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation and skills--get sidelined.Swan also finds it unrealistic to expect that teaching chunks will produce nativelike proficiency in language learners. Native English speakers have tens or hundreds of thousands--estimates vary--of these formulae at their command, he says. A student could learn 10 a day for years and still not approach native-speaker competence.(Ben Zimmer, On Language: Chunking. The New York Times Magazine, Sep. 19, 2010)
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